hellgate london "life after feb 1st"


Jul 21, 2002
has anyone found out what is going on with this.. or is my hellgate london disk just garbage? I heard it was gonna be online by other means like private servers, any news?
Sadly, I haven't heard anything. I still can't believe this game failed so badly. I was so excited about this game my gf gave it to me as a gift for my birthday. Oh well....:(
I feel more bad for the guys that purchased the founders pack or whatever it was.
i seem to recall reading somewhere about this game becoming free to play. i have not followed up on it though.
I thought some Korean company picked up the server duties or something.

-edit Nope Hanibitsoft (Korean company affiliated with Blizzard) is making expansions and supporting servers in Korea only. They are making Hellgate: Seoul LOL

Nothing for players in the rest of the world. Hell has won. London is dead. Continue to see the game for sale at Best Buy for $50 ROFL
It was free to play from Jan. until the servers closed.

The company that bought the game has/will open back up the servers and it is indeed F2P with an expansion in development by Hanbitsoft (sp?).

At least this was the case in Feb.
I wouldn't hold your breath. I think the game is dead and can't be revived.
This game had a ton of potential. if only they would of took their time on it because it was obviously rushed.
The company that bought the game has/will open back up the servers and it is indeed F2P with an expansion in development by Hanbitsoft (sp?).

At least this was the case in Feb.

Everything I read points to this only being supported in South Korea as they are porting a South Korean expansion. Hanbitsoft has no plans or servers for players outside of South Korea.
I feel more bad for the guys that purchased the founders pack or whatever it was.

That would be me:( 70 bucks down the tubes. The game just really didn't have that much variety to it, they used the same textures and enemies over and over throughout the levels, it got really boring to look at. The crafting system wasn't that bad, I actually got into modifying my weapon but that only can be fun for so long. I ended up beating it and then un-installed it haha, It was a struggle to complete the game, the storyline was just terrible.

Anyways R.I.P Hellgate London.
Hearing what people say about Hellgate makes me think that Bill Roper and his cronies have no right to critique what Blizzard is doing with Diablo III.
Hearing what people say about Hellgate makes me think that Bill Roper and his cronies have no right to critique what Blizzard is doing with Diablo III.
They don't, it was a pretty deeply flawed game. I started in alpha, tested until release, realised 95% of the bugs, etc. I'd reported were never fixed in the preceding year(s). The content was essentially two levels copy-pasted numerous times, and well... I could go on for a while, but no point in beating a dead horse. It's showing post-release is pretty telling as to it's quality.
Did they ever get the GPU-physics in that game...or was that just PR?