Halo: Reach reviews starting to come in


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 27, 2007
I've already been pretty excited about this game for a few months now. I had a feeling that Bungie would be putting a lot of love into their swan song for the franchise, and it looks like they definitely have done so.


Scores range from 80 to 100 so far, but the one's with the lower scores seem to complain mostly that it's "another Halo game." Though they still tend to admit that it's the best yet as well.
Definitely not a day one purchase for me, but I may snag a copy sooner than later if I can find a good deal on one.
Sigh, I am looking at my LE edition, payed in full receipt waiting for the midnight opening to pick it up. I can't wait.
I ordered my copy from amazon.com to get the 20 dollar credit towards another game purchase. Release date delivery was also only 99 cents, so I should be playing it Tuesday night after work. Unfortunately I probably won't get to play it much until the weekend hits.

Anyway, it's now pulling a 93 average on metacritic.
I ordered my copy from amazon.com to get the 20 dollar credit towards another game purchase. Release date delivery was also only 99 cents, so I should be playing it Tuesday night after work. Unfortunately I probably won't get to play it much until the weekend hits.

Anyway, it's now pulling a 93 average on metacritic.

just did that too, was waiting to read some reviews just to be sure.
I do feel a little guilty for pulling a couple of games my kids don't play and getting the $40.00 credit that Gamestop was offering last week, considering I got those games, well below that. Add that to the $25.00 E rewards card, I think I got a decent deal.
On Topic: I grew less and less fond of Halo after the original. 2 and 3 just didn't do it for me. The story got too convoluted and boring for me (I still can't stand even the thought of the stupid Gravemind portions) and the gameplay lost site of the original's "multi-approach large battle areas". Seeing these reviews + seeing all the added firefight, co-op, forge, and mp features... I decided to give Reach the reach-around and show some support.

I don't trust IGNs reviews a heckuvalot these days but do put stock in Joystiq and Kotaku. Both of which gave a very favorable review saying that it is the best of the series gameplay, story, and graphics-wise.

On a sidenote: You can still get a $20 giftcard by preordering through BB. I did this on their website for an in-store pickup of the game, but they mail you the gc. Me thinks that if they did such a deal for a game as big as Halo, there's a good chance they'll do this when Black Ops comes around... If so, gamer's could save big on this season's blockbusters...
Wow I didn't even know this was coming out this month. Got smacked in the face by the 14th September release date.
After seeing how highly rated every other Halo game has been, you can understand how alot of us can have doubts.
My local eb games bumped up a bunch of games trade in value for this month only so more people could take advantage of the trade in for the big discounts promo (1 games = $20 off, 2 games = $50, 3= Halo reach for free). Thanks to that I went from having 0 games that qualified to 2 that I never play so now I get halo reach for 10, pretty good deal to me for two games I haven't touched in well over a year.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Whoever expected this game to score less than 90 doesnt understand this busin..er hobby..
BB is doing $20 GC plus 500 RZ points; TRU is doing $25 GC Tuesday only; Kmart is doing $25 GC plus $25 off a list of other games when bought together..the deals are out there. I wasn't even planning on getting this, as I haven't been a Halo guy since the first game, but the deals, the need for something different, the undoubtedly easy time I'll have finding people to play with and my assload of Gamestop credit pushed me over the edge.
Amazon delivered mine this morning. Great fun game. But the first thing i noticed is that all the guns have a really piss poor sound to them. There's no bass whatsoever to them just a muffled low noise bang. I'm gonna assume it because you're wearing a helmet but all the other sounds are fine.

Still the game plays great. I'm having a Halo'va time:p
Wow I didn't even know this was coming out this month. Got smacked in the face by the 14th September release date.

Same here, I held off on picking it up and didn't realize it's basically out already.
Amazon delivered mine this morning. Great fun game. But the first thing i noticed is that all the guns have a really piss poor sound to them. There's no bass whatsoever to them just a muffled low noise bang. I'm gonna assume it because you're wearing a helmet but all the other sounds are fine.

Still the game plays great. I'm having a Halo'va time:p

Lucky :D

Mine still says "shipping soon." Should be here tomorrow when I get off work though.
Bah, 9/16 delivery from Newegg. Oh well, I got it for $45. I don't like the gift card/amazon credit deals as that makes me buy other games I don't really want. The reviews look good. I'm really looking forward to the coop campaign with matchmaking.
So metacritic is listing 12 perfect reviews thus far. :eek: Damn good, I placed my pre order yesterday. I cannot wait :)
Well have nothing better to do at midnight. Guess I am doing the midnight release.
Absurd and retarded how many review sites just throw around 100s

(and how many of those are payed for) seriously GTA IV 98%!? half the people I know say the game is boring, has a millions errors and is rather bland, yet the reveiwer experts say its near perfect. Reviews mean shit. Youll just have to wait and see for yourself if you want a valid opinion.
I just got home from a launch party at my Gamestop. There was about 400 people there. I was happy to get my Legendary edition. It looked like they might have not had enough of those to go around. I worked 14 hours today, and I am too tired to unbox it. I will tomorrow after work.
Ok so I bit the bullet and went to a midnight launch. I wish I had have taken a picture but there must have been close to 200 people outside GS. It was crazy, the most people I've ever seen for the launch of any game. Met some cool dudes that were older than me lol.. (awesome), mainly an older crowd (28-30+), a few teenagers and about 10 girls. It was funny I had my dog with me (pom) and so like people were coming up and trying to pet her but the funniest part was I hadn't showered in 2 days, reeked of SOUR bo (baseball game yesterday) and realized when I got home I had a shit streak in my boxers (nasty farts all day) that must have added to the awesomeness.

Little did I know how revoltingly awesome I was, haha. What a smelly loser pile I shit I was tonight...I fit right in :) I think people had a hard time figure out which stank loser was emitting the filth.

Anyways, Reach.. its good, or so the first level is. Much grittier in palette, and somehow the intro reminded me of Camerons Aliens (86). The scale of the game is also very much like CE, I found all sort of shit I was passing up by just following main paths. I'm going to have to replay this campaign a few times just to get to all the content most likely.

Wish I didn't have to work. Anyways, off to take a shower and become normal again.
Well have nothing better to do at midnight. Guess I am doing the midnight release.

went to GameStop just before midnight. I already ordered my copy through Walmart (shipping, tommorw....), but I decided to see what's up....
I see people are still falling over themselves to say how much they still don't like halo. :D
Ok so I bit the bullet and went to a midnight launch. I wish I had have taken a picture but there must have been close to 200 people outside GS. It was crazy, the most people I've ever seen for the launch of any game. Met some cool dudes that were older than me lol.. (awesome), mainly an older crowd (28-30+), a few teenagers and about 10 girls. It was funny I had my dog with me (pom) and so like people were coming up and trying to pet her but the funniest part was I hadn't showered in 2 days, reeked of SOUR bo (baseball game yesterday) and realized when I got home I had a shit streak in my boxers (nasty farts all day) that must have added to the awesomeness.

Little did I know how revoltingly awesome I was, haha. What a smelly loser pile I shit I was tonight...I fit right in :) I think people had a hard time figure out which stank loser was emitting the filth.

Anyways, Reach.. its good, or so the first level is. Much grittier in palette, and somehow the intro reminded me of Camerons Aliens (86). The scale of the game is also very much like CE, I found all sort of shit I was passing up by just following main paths. I'm going to have to replay this campaign a few times just to get to all the content most likely.

Wish I didn't have to work. Anyways, off to take a shower and become normal again.

thanks for that, good thing I wasn't planning on eating breakfast this morning :eek: lol
Ok so I bit the bullet and went to a midnight launch. I wish I had have taken a picture but there must have been close to 200 people outside GS. It was crazy, the most people I've ever seen for the launch of any game. Met some cool dudes that were older than me lol.. (awesome), mainly an older crowd (28-30+), a few teenagers and about 10 girls. It was funny I had my dog with me (pom) and so like people were coming up and trying to pet her but the funniest part was I hadn't showered in 2 days, reeked of SOUR bo (baseball game yesterday) and realized when I got home I had a shit streak in my boxers (nasty farts all day) that must have added to the awesomeness.

Little did I know how revoltingly awesome I was, haha. What a smelly loser pile I shit I was tonight...I fit right in :) I think people had a hard time figure out which stank loser was emitting the filth.


Anyways got mine at midnight and logged two hours into playing coop with a friend until my internet went down :( So far I am really liking it and I have not cared for a halo game since number one.
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am i the only one who thinks the graphics suck compared to halo 3. its not as fluid either.

on mission 4 and the game feels like bungie tried to rush it out the door.