Half moon / half pipe shaped keyboards (like in the old days) Where are the they ?


Mar 10, 2016
Back in the days, it was common to shape the keyboard like a half moon or a half pipe, if you would look at it from the side, it would look ergonimicaly suited for tapping the buttons, more and better. Why did they stop doing this to keyboards? I assume they did it because it was more ergonomical.

There are plenty of reasons why companies would not do that, like with most things, they advance, but in many aspects, also get worse, companies use cheap maeterials in their products in order to earn more. For example: Building constructors use poly styrene because its a cheap material to put inside the walls (not all do, but many do), the downside is the lack of quality, its highly flammable, and increases risk of flames spreadding. Why do they do this? Many companies dont care about making quality products, they just care about earning the dough, and this has been something that has been increasing the past 15-20 years. Companies sacrificing quality so they can invest less in their products, and reap more profits.

Is this the case here? Are they making keyboards less ergonomical because it's less costly ?
I may be misinterpreting you, but if I am right, look at the Feenix Autore (mechanical), and the Steelseries Apex series (membrane).
The peripheral market is more specialized now.

Ergonomic keyboards are a specific category. Search for those specifically. If anything there has been much more R&D and choice in this area as consumer awareness is up.