Half Life 2 Coupon with AIW 9800 Pro


[H]F Junkie
Sep 25, 2003
Anyone know if the 9800 AIW Pro comes with the Half Life 2 Coupon?
Yeah I read that, but my 9600 Pro AIW came with it, so I thought the 9800 Pro AIW might too.
Originally posted by EnderW
Yeah I read that, but my 9600 Pro AIW came with it, so I thought the 9800 Pro AIW might too.

well then it should ... just buy from the same store you get the 96 from
I just found a used one, so I'll just ask the seller. Anyway, it doensn't really matter, since my little brother is buying my 9600. :D
Best Buy had a promotion going for non-XT cards, but it's long gone. Also, there was information on ATI's website that alluded to the promotion extending to non-XT cards but it didn't last long, either.

Generally, it'll say on the box whether or not you're getting the game in the deal. If there's nothing on the box and no coupon in the box, you shouldn't hold your breath. :p