Graphics Card Sales to Face Difficulties in 2H18


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Digitimes sources believe sales of NVIDIA cards are going to be slow in 2H18 for three primary reasons. First, cryptomining is demand is dropping. Second, vendors have a large stock of current gen cards and don't want to lower prices. Lastly, due to overstock of current gen the next gen will be priced higher to differentiate the product stack. These all seem possible but they do seem to check all the recent rumor blocks. I guess time will tell.

Graphics card sales are expected to be significantly undermined in the second half as demand from cryptocurrency miners has been declining, while consumers in the gaming area will continue to wait for prices to drop. With some miners having already begun selling their second-hand graphics cards in the PC DIY channels, demand for new cards is expected to be weakened further.
...With some miners having already begun selling their second-hand graphics cards in the PC DIY channels, demand for new cards is expected to be weakened further.....
Good. This news makes me smile. I hope NVIDIA takes a monumental and unrelenting beating on their old cards and then nobody buys their new ones due to overpricing.
...With some miners having already begun selling their second-hand graphics cards in the PC DIY channels, demand for new cards is expected to be weakened further.....
Good. This news makes me smile. I hope NVIDIA takes a monumental and unrelenting beating on their old cards and then nobody buys their new ones due to overpricing.

You realize AMD cards are used for mining don't you? Weakness in crypto hurts both of them.
true, but AMD cards trend to be less expensive as a whole, making them somewhat more accessible and a overall better value, not always, but for the "uninformed masses" they come across that way.
...With some miners having already begun selling their second-hand graphics cards in the PC DIY channels, demand for new cards is expected to be weakened further.....
Good. This news makes me smile. I hope NVIDIA takes a monumental and unrelenting beating on their old cards and then nobody buys their new ones due to overpricing.

"Most graphics card players currently still have high levels of GTX 1080/1070 graphics card inventory, but are not willing to lower prices to clear them, as they still hope cryptocurrency mining can regain its momentum."

Good luck with that--they won't lower prices on 10-series cards unless nobody buys them at current prices.
I sure hope the prices on used cards comes down. And no, I don't care if they have been mined with.

Still have a 7970 that I bought a few years ago that was obviously screwed around with before I got it and it is working just fine.
Bought two 10 series cards in the last week. Both used for realistic prices here on the Hardforum.

The retailers can drown in their overstock with barely at msrp prices on 2 year old cards

Still want a Nitro Vega 56 for an all AMD rig but sooo overpriced. 499 on Amazon. Still a bit much.
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AMD or nvidia making less money is not a good thing. Not sure how I feel about resellers. I don't expect any huge bumps until 2020 or so.
You realize AMD cards are used for mining don't you? Weakness in crypto hurts both of them.

Anyone looking for an AMD card is going to just buy a Vega 56 or 64...since we know that AMD isn't releasing new hardware this year. But those considering a 1080 or 1080ti are going to wait to see what the 11xx cards are like before making a purchasing decision. Nvidia is going to be swamped with hardware they can't readily move.
I sure hope the prices on used cards comes down. And no, I don't care if they have been mined with.

Still have a 7970 that I bought a few years ago that was obviously screwed around with before I got it and it is working just fine.
What happends if the GPU's fan fails. How much would that replacement cost you? The fans are some super specific parts and didnt HardOCP already post, everyone has changed their warranties so they wont have to pay to fix miners cards for free for you.

Also, they've already talked it over, Nvidia sells 11xx at way high prices, OEMs stay above MSRP and crypto folks sell at MSRP from two yeards ago. No one loses a dime. Everyone profits. It's already been decided. Get with the times...
And greed keeps anyone from really moving forward. Neither company saw profits in helping with mgpu support. Neither they nor vendors are dropping prices enough to give incentive for anyone to buy current gen. If AMD really wanted to gain a major foothold they'd drop 56/64 prices quickly. Enough people buy them up then there would be less interested in whatever ridiculous prices NV is going to charge next round. Right away that would hurt NV's market share.
This will be an unpopular opinion, but it's hard to blame these for profit companies for trying to make money. Here's the thing, when graphics cards were overpriced, "gamers" said they wouldn't buy them, now the cards are below msrp, gamers are still saying they won't buy them, it just seems like gamers are not a very lucrative market.
The overclocked 1080 card that I had purchased at the end of June for $560 is now $520. I've also have seen other 1080 cards as low as $450 after rebates.

Lord knows what the 1180 pricing will be. I just got fed up with the rumor mill and decided to lay the money down. I know this is a subjective opinion, but with my 2K G-Sync monitor and depending on the title, I will be happy if I get at least 60 FPS. 90 FPS is great, and 144 is extremely nice. I went from 85-90 FPS with my 980 in Overwatch to ~144 FPS with my 1080.
This will be an unpopular opinion, but it's hard to blame these for profit companies for trying to make money. Here's the thing, when graphics cards were overpriced, "gamers" said they wouldn't buy them, now the cards are below msrp, gamers are still saying they won't buy them, it just seems like gamers are not a very lucrative market.

The market for the top tier cards (1080ti, Vega 64) is a SMALL percentage of the overall market. People act like having the very top performance of any card is the most important thing, but for a COMPANY, it's the mainstream and integrated markets that pay off the most. Trying to cater to the whiny fanbois at the top end is a losing proposition.
This will be an unpopular opinion, but it's hard to blame these for profit companies for trying to make money. Here's the thing, when graphics cards were overpriced, "gamers" said they wouldn't buy them, now the cards are below msrp, gamers are still saying they won't buy them, it just seems like gamers are not a very lucrative market.
What? What is below MSRP?

The $250 GTX 1060 6GB was readily available and sometimes cheaper on sale, and that was a long time ago, before the boom, not right before the next generation of cards come out. Lowest is $290 at NewEgg.
The 1070 is $400-ish. That's what it launched at. And these are best prices. Didnt actually look if it was a card worth buyin(fan/cooling, VRM, ... setup)
Dougie - below MSRP? I guess ten or twelve bucks off is technically 'below'.

How much cheaper does it need to be? I've seen "gamers" expecting $100 GTX1070 any day now. Lowering price when your customers have these sort of expectations is basically pointless.
What? What is below MSRP?

The $250 GTX 1060 6GB was readily available and sometimes cheaper on sale, and that was a long time ago, before the boom, not right before the next generation of cards come out. Lowest is $290 at NewEgg.
The 1070 is $400-ish. That's what it launched at. And these are best prices. Didnt actually look if it was a card worth buyin(fan/cooling, VRM, ... setup)

$250 with code NENGTX, includes a free game and a $20 Gift Card.
How much cheaper does it need to be? I've seen "gamers" expecting $100 GTX1070 any day now. Lowering price when your customers have these sort of expectations is basically pointless.
I don't know why you're confused by this, but normal expectations would be for a product to be at MSRP or slightly reduced *at launch* not two years afterwards and a few months before the next generation renders it irrelevant. $20 dollars off MSRP was a good sale in 2016. As for what they should be selling for? Who knows, but the global market has spoken and seems that you're wrong and we're right since Nvidia is sitting on 1/3 of a million overstock and no one's buying anything from retailers...

$250 with code NENGTX, includes a free game and a $20 Gift Card.
Good catch, but that's still the sale price from loooong time ago and also was available directly on Newegg. Not some super duper cheat code. ;)

Anyway, it needs to be $50 to $100 or more below MSRP to even be worth it. Like a $200 GTX 1060 6GB would be something to consider. Or a $300 regular GTX 1070.

They were fine selling the cards at $230 on sale a long time ago before crypto boom.

Sorry there is just no way you're going to sell me last years model at this years prices. (Even if the new model has had a price bump). You are still buying older hardware that wont have some feature you might want in 3 years(when your card will be 5 years old).

$250 with code NENGTX, includes a free game and a $20 Gift Card.

But the problem is, there no no all-round lowering to below MSRP. You have your weekly sale, and that's about it.

Hope you actually want to buy the model that's on super discount from the ONE STORE that's offering it. That's not normal MSRP.

That's not NORMAL, that's retailers and OEMs fucking with YOUR HEAD and pretending this is the new normal. You folks should ignore these "deals" until they come begging back to us.
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I don't know why you're confused by this, but normal expectations would be for a product to be at MSRP or slightly reduced *at launch* not two years afterwards and a few months before the next generation renders it irrelevant. $20 dollars off MSRP was a good sale in 2016. As for what they should be selling for? Who knows, but the global market has spoken and seems that you're wrong and we're right since Nvidia is sitting on 1/3 of a million overstock and no one's buying anything from retailers...

Sure, but as far as I'm concerned, thats pure speculation, nobody knows if there is an over supply, it could all be wishful thinking by the same types that expect 100$ GTX 1070s. Besides what can a 1170 do better than a 1070, what 20% percent? Doesn''t seem worth waiting an undisclosed amount of time for.
I'm looking on prices for 1080 TI's, I'm seeing $50 - 120 off. For me, I'd almost have to buy it used and a lot off for me to put up with SLI.
Sure, but as far as I'm concerned, thats pure speculation, nobody knows if there is an over supply, it could all be wishful thinking by the same types that expect 100$ GTX 1070s. Besides what can a 1170 do better than a 1070, what 20% percent? Doesn''t seem worth waiting an undisclosed amount of time for.

What? the pattern has been that the xx70 is about the same as last gens xx80 ti.
I'm looking on prices for 1080 TI's, I'm seeing $50 - 120 off. For me, I'd almost have to buy it used and a lot off for me to put up with SLI.

No, Every card on Newegg is over $700. GTX 1080 Ti&Submit=ENE

Last time I checked, that was MSRP from launch 18 months ago. The Reference Edition launched at $700, but the 3rd-party cards were closer to $650.

MSRPS as-of 1080 Ti launch:

GTX 1070 $350
GTX 1080
GTX 1080 Ti
Titan XP $1200

These have a long way to fucking fall to match the revised MSRP from March 2017.

The only cards that are back down to MSRP are the 1070 Ti. That's of little help to the majority of buyers who would rather spend under $350.
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$250 with code NENGTX, includes a free game and a $20 Gift Card.

great deal if it was a year ago.

used EVGA GTX 1070 FTW's on ebay right now $300 or less shipped so $240 after the smoke clears is not a very good deal especially with 11 series on the foreseeable horizon.

I guess if you NEED a NEW gaming card right now this is a good choice - has a 3 year warranty and will run most new titles at or near max settings 60 fps @ 1080p
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Weird how this stuff happened exactly when its best time to get a console. All the games are vetted and patched. There are a ton of AAA games available for really cheap now.
Sure, but as far as I'm concerned, thats pure speculation, nobody knows if there is an over supply, it could all be wishful thinking by the same types that expect 100$ GTX 1070s.
What are you talking about? nVidia themselves stated they have an oversupply of at least 300,000 chips. That's not speculation, where are you getting your information from?
What are you talking about? nVidia themselves stated they have an oversupply of at least 300,000 chips. That's not speculation, where are you getting your information from?

Please provide a link to an official Nvidia statement. Seems like you would have already, if there was one.
I don't know why you're confused by this, but normal expectations would be for a product to be at MSRP or slightly reduced *at launch* not two years afterwards and a few months before the next generation renders it irrelevant. $20 dollars off MSRP was a good sale in 2016. As for what they should be selling for? Who knows, but the global market has spoken and seems that you're wrong and we're right since Nvidia is sitting on 1/3 of a million overstock and no one's buying anything from retailers...

I like how you phrase that instead of "300k" for the purpose of making your point seem stronger.
If you look at any of the usual used pc part places..the market is completely saturated with nvidia cards.......easily 3 or 4 times the amount of used amd cards you see. I think nvidia is taking a pounding on sales right now