
Extremely [H]
Jan 28, 2014
Shown during the event on June 11, the trailer highlights a revamped career mode and Trial Mountain looking even more like a real race track. The graphic department impresses, as is usual with Polyphony. The glimpse at career mode is reminiscent of the big map from Gran Turismo 4. No indication as to a release date. It is probably on "id time" as in it will be released when it's ready.

This should be a must-have for anyone who likes realistic driving games. All they really needed to do was bring GT Sport's refined driving physics and multiplayer ranking + matchmaking system into something with a fleshed out career mode and some graphics upgrades, and that looks like exactly what they're doing. It's also worth noting that even to this day GT Sport received regular free content updates and fixes/improvements.
I'm excited for Trial Mountain, but I heard there was a chicane added? Bleh.

I must have put about 100 hours into that track alone in GT... 4 I want to say? I had a whiteboard next to my TV with cars and times.
I'm excited for Trial Mountain, but I heard there was a chicane added? Bleh.

I must have put about 100 hours into that track alone in GT... 4 I want to say? I had a whiteboard next to my TV with cars and times.
They replaced the 'S' at the end with a tighter chicane you can see near the end of the video above. Unfortunately the video ends before we see the car go through it, so I don't know what the real profile looks like. The more I watched it, the more I'm not so sure I like how wide they made it. I feel the GT4 version was nearly perfect.
They replaced the 'S' at the end with a tighter chicane you can see near the end of the video above. Unfortunately the video ends before we see the car go through it, so I don't know what the real profile looks like. The more I watched it, the more I'm not so sure I like how wide they made it. I feel the GT4 version was nearly perfect.

I'm pretty sure it'll be a good design that promotes good racing. All the fantasy road courses in Sport are super fun, with a lot of thought put into the layouts
I'm pretty sure it'll be a good design that promotes good racing. All the fantasy road courses in Sport are super fun, with a lot of thought put into the layouts
Gran Turismo has always had far better fictional tapes than Forza Motorsport has ever had, in my opinion.
Gran Turismo has always had far better fictional tapes than Forza Motorsport has ever had, in my opinion.

Oh yeah, 100%. On the topic of Forza btw, Turn 10 is gonna have to pull a miracle out of their hats with FM8 if they want to stay relevant. FM7 was such a fucked up mishmash of ideas that they REALLY need a shakeup in project management IMO to get back on track (pun.. intended.)
Oh yeah, 100%. On the topic of Forza btw, Turn 10 is gonna have to pull a miracle out of their hats with FM8 if they want to stay relevant. FM7 was such a fucked up mishmash of ideas that they REALLY need a shakeup in project management IMO to get back on track (pun.. intended.)
It really felt like they abandoned it and gave Forza Horizon more support.
I wasn't planning on getting a ps5 because I have a new gaming PC and it seems 90% of games make it to PC anyway but I think I'll but it for GT7 if the reviews are good.
It really felt like they abandoned it and gave Forza Horizon more support.

I wouldn't at all be surprised by this. I'd confidently guess Horizon sells better than Motorsport, probably substantially. It appeals to a much broader audience. I think Microsoft needs to look carefully at their strategy to release a Forza title annually. People are going to burn out eventually. I've purchased every Forza game... If this year's entry is another run of the mill Motorsport, I won't be buying it.

I'd love to see them lengthen the dev cycle to three years, bring in another developer, and come up with a third unique entry to the series. A Forza Rally game perhaps? Something... anything... to keep it interesting and give enough of a gap in each franchise to make it worth the annual purchase.
I wouldn't at all be surprised by this. I'd confidently guess Horizon sells better than Motorsport, probably substantially. It appeals to a much broader audience. I think Microsoft needs to look carefully at their strategy to release a Forza title annually. People are going to burn out eventually. I've purchased every Forza game... If this year's entry is another run of the mill Motorsport, I won't be buying it.
That's because horizon is a better game. Motorsport is just in limbo, it is neither a sim neither an arcade game it is somewhere in between with this weird unrealistic but still hard to drive physics.
I wouldn't at all be surprised by this. I'd confidently guess Horizon sells better than Motorsport, probably substantially. It appeals to a much broader audience. I think Microsoft needs to look carefully at their strategy to release a Forza title annually. People are going to burn out eventually. I've purchased every Forza game... If this year's entry is another run of the mill Motorsport, I won't be buying it.

I'd love to see them lengthen the dev cycle to three years, bring in another developer, and come up with a third unique entry to the series. A Forza Rally game perhaps? Something... anything... to keep it interesting and give enough of a gap in each franchise to make it worth the annual purchase.

Forza Motorsport 7 was released on Oct 3, 2017, we're already a year late for its successor. I sure as hell don't want Microsoft pulling a Polyphony with it and making us wait 6 years (GT4 to GT5) or 7+ years (GT6 to GT7) between titles.
I have played/own all the GT games except "sport". Whichever one was for ps4. 1, 2, and 3 were some of the best racing games ever made. I friggin loved them. 4 wasn't horrible but started a downward trend.

I have a feeling PD is tired of getting their nuts kicked in by Americans. Hopefully with a new hardware platform 7 turns out to be awesome. I'm definitely down.
Forza Motorsport 7 was released on Oct 3, 2017, we're already a year late for its successor. I sure as hell don't want Microsoft pulling a Polyphony with it and making us wait 6 years (GT4 to GT5) or 7+ years (GT6 to GT7) between titles.

Is it bad that I'm so burned out by this series I didn't even realize there wasn't a Forza release in 2019? I guess in my head, FH4 was last years release and FM7 was 2018's release.

I understand not wanting them to take the Polyphony approach, but there is a happy medium. I guess if it's really been three years, FM8 does seem in order, especially with a new console coming. It'll be interesting to see what an extra year has netted them. Hopefully something worth showing. The last FM game I really got into was 5. I purchased 6 and 7, played a few hours of both, never went back. Same goes for Horizon, 2 was a huge time suck for me (probably the biggest of any Forza game). 3 and 4 were not.
I have played/own all the GT games except "sport". Whichever one was for ps4. 1, 2, and 3 were some of the best racing games ever made. I friggin loved them. 4 wasn't horrible but started a downward trend.

I have a feeling PD is tired of getting their nuts kicked in by Americans. Hopefully with a new hardware platform 7 turns out to be awesome. I'm definitely down.
If 6 had more campaign content it would have topped 4 for me. I think 6 was a great return to form in how much fun it was to drive with the variety of tracks and cars, and the campaign structure was there but it was disappointingly short. The fact that they got rid of the shuffle multiplayer mode is also what ultimately killed it for me.

Recently I have been playing through some old PlayStation games including racing games from the mid-90s. While the original Gran Turismo seems difficult to play today it's amazing how much it changed the market when it came out in 1997 when Need for Speed was considered the hot racing franchise. I remember seeing the original commercial and calling up my dad while he was at work right after seeing it because I was so blown away by it, and he came home with a rental copy. He bought it for us that same weekend.
Is it bad that I'm so burned out by this series I didn't even realize there wasn't a Forza release in 2019? I guess in my head, FH4 was last years release and FM7 was 2018's release.

I understand not wanting them to take the Polyphony approach, but there is a happy medium. I guess if it's really been three years, FM8 does seem in order, especially with a new console coming. It'll be interesting to see what an extra year has netted them. Hopefully something worth showing. The last FM game I really got into was 5. I purchased 6 and 7, played a few hours of both, never went back. Same goes for Horizon, 2 was a huge time suck for me (probably the biggest of any Forza game). 3 and 4 were not.
FM6 was excellent, for the most part. Where FM7 went wrong was trying to force microtransactions into the game and the career suffered greatly because of it. The homologation mechanic was also disastrous for the single player. It's a shame because the driving dynamics and track representation have never been better. It's just such a pain in the ass to actually just jump into a race when you want to. This was a real shock to me because most of my playing time in 6 was spent just driving around by myself in a car and a track of my choosing. Much like Gran Turismo, if Turn 10 went back to FM4 and built a new game with a similar structure it would be a real winner, in my opinion. Just ditch the terrible auction house.
FM6 was excellent, for the most part. Where FM7 went wrong was trying to force microtransactions into the game and the career suffered greatly because of it. The homologation mechanic was also disastrous for the single player. It's a shame because the driving dynamics and track representation have never been better. It's just such a pain in the ass to actually just jump into a race when you want to. This was a real shock to me because most of my playing time in 6 was spent just driving around by myself in a car and a track of my choosing. Much like Gran Turismo, if Turn 10 went back to FM4 and built a new game with a similar structure it would be a real winner, in my opinion. Just ditch the terrible auction house.

Yeah, being able to tune the car any way I wanted it as long as it met the final "number" was the best part. As soon as they added the homologation restrictions it really messed up my normal tunes for vehicles which was always lighten them up and add suspension and tire mods. Being forced to upgrade the power just to be able to compete but then having to race on street tires sucks.
So will we be able to buy a PS5 before it is released?
My PS5 is already sitting at home waiting for this release. But you'll also be able to play it on PS4. It's a cross gen release.
Other than playing movies on my PSx, this was the only game I ever bought. This will motivate me to buy a PS5 when it drops.

I can't wait.
I'm pretty sure it'll be a good design that promotes good racing. All the fantasy road courses in Sport are super fun, with a lot of thought put into the layouts
Resurrecting the subject of the Trial Mountain changes:

I love Trial Mountain. but that last section was always open for people to wildly blast through it. The new design is an obvious change to force clean driving through that area.
Resurrecting the subject of the Trial Mountain changes:

I love Trial Mountain. but that last section was always open for people to wildly blast through it. The new design is an obvious change to force clean driving through that area.
That, and to allow for a longer pit road. It was originally designed for only 6 cars. I like the changes to the layout, regardless.
The PlayStation blog provides more details of the game. Career mode looks like an evolution of GT4. Bodes well.






If those used car photos are all generated to look like crap for realism purposes... I'll say it, it's impressive.
you took the words right out of my mouth. that is super duper cool.

this will definitely be a pre order for me, with whatever deluxe edition they come up with.
i think the most exciting thing so far is the attention to detail they seem to be giving weather and time of day. at least visually it looks to be the best race sim yet on that front. if they have events (single player or online) with longer lengths of 30 minutes plus with pit stops, time of day and weather, with dynamic track conditions, this could be a ground breaking sim (in terms of taking those concepts and making it fun and mainstream.) i think this is actually my most anticipated game right now.
i think the most exciting thing so far is the attention to detail they seem to be giving weather and time of day. at least visually it looks to be the best race sim yet on that front. if they have events (single player or online) with longer lengths of 30 minutes plus with pit stops, time of day and weather, with dynamic track conditions, this could be a ground breaking sim (in terms of taking those concepts and making it fun and mainstream.) i think this is actually my most anticipated game right now.
I wonder if endurance events will (finally) have day/night and weather. Doing a 24 hour race at the Nurburgring or at La Sarthe in full daylight was pretty terrible.

I know some kind of dynamic weather was shown in a video/preview, but I refuse to believe it until it is confirmed by PD.
Wait- it was in both GT5 (limited) and GT6 (also limited)? Jeez, did all the weird smooth jazz make me PTSD-forget this?
I wonder if endurance events will (finally) have day/night and weather. Doing a 24 hour race at the Nurburgring or at La Sarthe in full daylight was pretty terrible.

I know some kind of dynamic weather was shown in a video/preview, but I refuse to believe it until it is confirmed by PD.
the article Armenius linked is pretty vague, but one key difference from GT Sport (and all previous GT games) is that the sky is no longer just high-res static skyboxes but a real time dynamically generated clouds (looks like the ones in iRacing for example, only better) and the trailer does show time of day changing.. but it's unclear if that's just a trailer thing or a peek at the actual technology. i'm pretty sure it'll be in the game now though.
the article Armenius linked is pretty vague, but one key difference from GT Sport (and all previous GT games) is that the sky is no longer just high-res static skyboxes but a real time dynamically generated clouds (looks like the ones in iRacing for example, only better) and the trailer does show time of day changing.. but it's unclear if that's just a trailer thing or a peek at the actual technology. i'm pretty sure it'll be in the game now though.
They claimed this in GT5 but I could never tell if it was just for the weirdo photo modes, or if it was during an actual race. PS3 was a long long time ago so I may have completely forgotten much about it (other than Trial Mountain).
Finally something to be excited for for the PS5. Hopefully it'll be a complete game when it comes out.
They claimed this in GT5 but I could never tell if it was just for the weirdo photo modes, or if it was during an actual race. PS3 was a long long time ago so I may have completely forgotten much about it (other than Trial Mountain).
I'm pretty sure the skyboxes were dynamic in GT6, in that you could see lighting on the track change as you raced. GT6 is often forgotten about as it came out on PS3 at the end of its life, but it was quite a fantastic entry in the franchise. My only gripe was they got rid of shuffle races in the multiplayer.
25th Anniversary?! Has it been 25 years?....damn.
Close enough. The first game launched at Christmas in 1997 in Japan. It didn't launch in the US & Canada until May the following year.
Pre-ordered the 25th Anniversary edition, hopefully I can snag a PS5 by that time, lol. Had one in my cart twice during the Amazon drops today and couldn't check out.
Speaking of 25th anniversary, wanted to share the story of how I got into the franchise. Had just come home from middle school and saw the commercial on TV. I called my dad at work immediately afterward and asked if he could look for it at the rental store on his way home for work. I had never done that with a game before or after that. My dad and I played that game all the time and would go head to head with the garages we built up. Our favorite track to race at was Trial Mountain. If anybody remembers Gran Turismo 2, it was extremely hard to find in stores at launch with limited availability of version 1.0 state side. My dad was somehow able to find a copy and I'm proud to say I still have a copy of GT2 NTSC/U 1.0, with all it's glorious bugs and the Mark Martin NASCAR paint scheme on the Taurus SHO race modification.
Back in the days of the PS2 I never spent more time in a game than in Gran Turismo 3: A Spec. I remember spending hours and hours tuning the shocks, aero, gear timings, and everything about the cars so a ridiculous degree. However once I played Forza I completely stopped with Gran Turismo. Forza to me just felt so good to drive, and I never played another GT game since... UNTIL I played GT Sport recently after getting my hands on a PS5 finally. Well, I don't know what it is but it's just too complicated for me. I don't know how else to put it. It's so self-explanatory picking an event, car, and getting into a race in Forza Motorsport 7... however with GT Sport I get this world map, and then there are a million options scattered all over the interface... I just don't know what to think of this. I got into a race finally but the driving just wasn't fun.

I will give GT 7 a chance via Gamefly, but I am leery of this series now.