Got one for you gurus....Asus P8P67 rev B with a 2600k.....I think she's dying...


Jun 8, 2007
Bought this back in, what, 2010, 2011? Was my gaming rig running at 4.8 (!) Ghz on little more than a slight voltage increase, HT on, I even left Speed Step on so it wouldn't crack the fans every time it ramped up and down, it would coast along at whatever it default was, then game on and it would spool up. Gave it to the kid when I went to an 8700k a few years back, and its been running like a champ.....

Until it wasn't.

Since he spends a lot of time with that thing doing BeamNG which I think is pretty CPU intensive on an aged 4 core, I backed off the CPU to 4.3 when he said it was locking up from time to time, I assumed heat (kid is a teenager and likes his room the same temperature as a Tropical Jungle). So it starts to get locked into the dreaded Windows 10 recovery loop. I tinker with it, I replace the HSF paste, I pull out 2 of the 4 sticks of ram, and its still looping around. I put in a USB with Windows on it to go into recovery mode and boot from usb, wouldn't even do that. Bios was fine though, reported everything as present and ready for work. *sigh*. I throw the jumper and reset the bios. Now its working again, but only after I made "this one simple change..." to quote the meme: I disabled Intel Speedstep.

So now its got zero overclock on it, everything is stock, the only thing I changed was disabling Speed Step so it boots to 3.8ghz and stays there, the fan ramps up and down more dramatically (CPU) but temps are fine.
Boots up solid every time, fans spool up, running cool as a cucumber on the CPU and the GPU has a nice overclock on it and it also runs well within thermal limits. Ran Furmark and Furmark's 8 thread CPU load problems at all.

What I DID NOT try was re-applying the overclock to something like 4.2 and upping from stock voltage, right now he just wanted it working. this my ancient CPU that ran at a ridiculous overclock finally getting tempermental or is this an ancient motherboard who's components may be fluctuating in their ability to provide adequate lower-voltage power (speedstep turned on)........or both. Now that it's working I'm not losing sleep over it, but I'd like to not have to spend an entire day changing settings up or down just to find out what the real culprit is. I'm going to assume that the CPU would probably do a 4.5 overclock again with speedstep turned off, but I might have to push more juice than before into it. Not sure it's worth it (he's running a 1080p screen and 60fps is fine for him), so probably the 3.8 stock with that 1080Ti will get the job done on mostly anything he throws at it, but that computer dork inside of me really wants to know whats up, and if I can get him a stable 4.5 or so again.

I had to dust off the internet to even remember how to overclock that MB/Chip last night.....I set it to 4.0 and it just locked repeatedly, so I knew I had to jack up the voltage but couldn't remember what was safe...will have to look that up today. Worst case I lock it again, reset the bios, get it back to stock at 3.8 and just say "this is as good as grampa will run now, gentle with him, he hasn't got much time left.."...
I have a dead one if you need components. Happy to send from Oceania. USB voltage surge killed CPU/mobo.

Had to buy another damn 2600k during the last ram price fixing, that sucked buying same thing 6 years later.
I started having similar issues recently with my old 2600k rig (now the backup setup as of today). Ran it hard on a high OC for years and years. Is it going to kill him to leave it at factory boost clock? Even at stock it still gets it done surprisingly well for its age.
I had this same CPU / MOBO combo back in 2011! It was a very reliable board. Had it paired with a 560ti 448 core.
Thx gents......the problem went away for a little while then just started up again, I now have it semi stable doing the following: Everything in the bios is default except for this: I set the XMP Profile on, and I went to the DIGI+VR which is Asus's tinkering options for power delivery and I decided to set that from AUTO to High, one step below the max setting of Extreme. Fuck it, maybe it just needs more juice after years of overclocking and being fed additional power to support that O/C that I no longer have running, chip is stock at 3.4 to 3.8ghz depending.....basically it probably needs more aggressive power delivery....<shrug>. Can't hurt :)
Right now, its stable again....

Later on I'll replace the little button battery on the MB for the BIOS (you never know) and the only other suspect is my shitty power supply I had to buy from Amazon because everything good was going to be out of stock for months, its some $80 RBG whatever model, wasn't $30....but you know, I usually stick to Seasonic or whatever reviews 'well' currently....had to get this one cuz it was a 3 day delivery around, you know, power supply problems? Maybe...but I'm thinking not, the 1080 Ti draws from it and other items behave, aging-out motherboard components or a chip that ran too fast...for too long finally giving up the ghost, after 10 years non stop use the writing may just be on the wall for all those components.

I suppose I should check out what Newegg actually has available, literally anything would be an upgrade at this point considering how old that chip is...still viable, sure, but still old....

thx for the discussion.
10 years is a good lifetime, I get a little less out of my HEDT builds that are similarly overclocked.
Agreed, its just replacing components in January 2021 flat out sucks :) kinda hope I can nurse this thing along to the end of the year......I suppose I could go on the cheap to ebay and buy another 2600k (or look and see what this motherboard will actually support, and go with one of those instead) just to run stock....building a new rig, even a secondary one at this point.....yeah not ideal.
Gamemax RGB6750........don't laugh, I needed something for xmas and shit was literally unobtanium for any decent brand without spending twice as much coin. Reason I got this one is because I knew the only thing this rig would need power-wise was the CPU (which already had its OC backed off, a 1080 Ti which is pretty power efficient, an SSD and a single spinning platter far so good on the box stability, even under load, it just seems to randomly decide it wants to go into a reboot scenario, I'm also looking at the possibility that there is not enough space left on the C drive, which is a 500gb SSD that is getting down into the limit of space (has about 60gb free), that could be throwing something off but Samsung disk-whatever app says its fine.......Hmmmm.