Google Trying to Appease Russia Over Website Rankings


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Last week it was reported that Google was going to derank Russian Media Sites. This week Google has written a letter to Russia's communications watchdog telling them that they don't change their search algorithm to do re-ranking. I think Google is talking out of both sides of their mouth about all of this. On one hand they tell the west that they are all about stopping Russian trolls and then tell Russia they are doing no such thing. Just goes to show that corporations are all about the bottom line no matter what flavor of crazy politics they claim to espouse.

"We’d like to inform you that by speaking about ranking of web-sources, including the websites of Russia Today and Sputnik, Dr. Eric Schmidt was referring to Google’s ongoing efforts to improve search quality," Google said in a letter posted on Roskomnadzor’s website.
well, Google can say goodbye to the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) if they openly 'manage' search rankings.
Google may try to find a way to alter their algorithm so that it just happens to give less attention to some characteristics of RT articles, though.

Russia's media watchdog has responded with a public letter that says that Russia is going to be monitoring Google search results trends, to verify whether Russian news outlets lose presence in search results.

Meh, logically most self respecting countries that can do would kick foreign information services companies... Its just what you do.
Russia HAS been telling America to fuck off for years. That's why we paint them as an enemy. Putin has long been saying that Europe needs to just ignore America....he hasn't been calling for the destruction of America.