Google and Facebook are Already Accused of Breaking GDPR Laws

When they pay for the laws that take away your rights to legal representation.

It sucks being the little guy. In that regard I find it amazing people are complaining.

They government was stupid late this time. They should have attacked these these behemoths a decade ago.
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Yeah, but how can they get filthy rich off of that?
By selling advertising. "Oh you want to advertise a streaming service that only shows Russian midgets dancing in toga's 24/7. Our algorithm says we can put that in front of 24 million interested faces. Your cost is xxx per click on your add."

That's EXACTLY what they have been doing to get rich and that doesn't change. The advertiser doesn't know who they are targeting. Facebook doesn't tell them what specific individuals it targets. Only once an individual is on their page can they get information from them.

The questionable part is the Facebook login. What information is passed or is that tokenized like a credit card number?

Go back and listen to Mark Zukerberg's answers. The trial is over information that was improperly used because of a add that basically asked for all of a users data that they said yes to. Then it built it's own meta data off of Google's.

In this specific example it was not about selling user data to a company. It was an company abusing users already too worn out to read warnings of privacy and just click ok.
In about ten minutes after they pull out, some coder in Finland will publish the best and most private search engine ever made, will provide it for free, and Europe will be happy.
Yet if it were as easy as you say, why hasn't it been done already?

Coder must also be a billionaire too to pony up the money to run the servers that are used in said search as well.
I may not have a Gooole account, but If I send a mail to someone who has one then my data is gathered and processed..
I did not agree to that. I guess you expect some king of privacy when you are on the phone. Mail should not be different.
So no is not as simple as don't like it don't use it. It is well known that Facebook and Google have profiles of non users..

Even If you don't agree to anything about these companies,.currently they track everything about you.
Every single page you visit uses Google/Facebook scripts and cookies, designed to track you.

That is why regulation is needed because it goes well beyond having a Facebook/Google account.

Furthermore like it or not. GDPR is here. comply or leave.
Privacy is one of the most important and most easily lost rights we have these days. In the last few years I have removed myself from all social media. all but one email account (proton mail) and all but two forums ( [H] being one of them ). Even then data is still probably being scrapped from shadow accounts and whatnot. Also switched away from google search to Duckduckgo to keep them from slurping search metadata as well.

Still waiting on Microsoft to be forced to provide a working telemetry opt out in W10. That would solve one of the biggest gotchas holding people back from upgrading.

This, I can't take Windows 10 seriously as anything more than toy for gaming until they fix the privacy and telemetry issues that plague it. The Pervasiveness of the spying and data slurping is downright scary!

I may not have a Gooole account, but If I send a mail to someone who has one then my data is gathered and processed..
I did not agree to that. I guess you expect some king of privacy when you are on the phone. Mail should not be different.
So no is not as simple as don't like it don't use it. It is well known that Facebook and Google have profiles of non users..

Even If you don't agree to anything about these companies,.currently they track everything about you.
Every single page you visit uses Google/Facebook scripts and cookies, designed to track you.

That is why regulation is needed because it goes well beyond having a Facebook/Google account.

Furthermore like it or not. GDPR is here. comply or leave.
QFT. Noscript, Adblock, ublock, and ghostery help with the driveby spying in your browser somewhat.
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