GOG: Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30, Earned in Blood, and Hell's Highway $7.47 for all three


Fully [H]
Jan 31, 2008

Earlier today GOG added these three Brothers in Arms games to their catalog and for the next week the collection of all three is 75% off. If you only want to buy one of the games they are 50% ($4.99) off individually. If you want to buy two of them, it is cheaper to buy all three.

I just bought them and haven't had a chance to download them and see how they play on modern systems, bur GOG says they all support Windows 7-10.
Great games. I own all 3 on Steam and they run flawlessly on modern systems, so the GOG versions should be the same. Graphics are a bit dated of course, but the serious tone does a good job of conveying the somber nature of war. Utilizing the squad and cover mechanics is essential and I found them a refreshing change of pace from the typical run 'n gun shooters where you alone face little difficulty taking out an entire army. No power-ups, no exosuit, and neither you nor the enemy are bullet sponges in this game. They're not perfect and they won't be for everyone, but it's a great trilogy to pick up if you're into semi-realistic WW II shooters.