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it's remarkable how trendy those glorified candy bars have gotten!

According to a few in depth reviews comparing the best bars around that I read, quest bars really are top notch in comparison to the competition. While it is still better to have a real meal with quality ingredients, the quest bar seems to have a really good lineup of protien, a LOT of fiber which is excellent, low sugar, and isn't loaded with tons of artificial sweeteners for those who fear cancer.
sweet i can use this for my multi/fish oil/BCAA/yohimbine/ECA/CN3/ALCAR/beta-alanine/whey/pre/intra/post stack. bruh.
I think supplements are bullshit and that you get everything you need from a healthy diet. What now.
I think supplements are bullshit and that you get everything you need from a healthy diet. What now.

Yes and no, the amount of food you have to eat to attain enough protein to keep a movie star physique is ungodly. Ever read the Dwayne Johnson nutrition plan? Lets just say it involved a walk in freezer of cod fish.

I keep supplements at my desk in the office because I don't really have enough time to eat a full meal so I'll just make a shake or grab meal bar before heading to the gym. It also comes out cheaper.
I think supplements are bullshit and that you get everything you need from a healthy diet. What now.

Not all supplements are things you'd find in foods. But I agree with your assesment if you are talking about multivitamins.
They actually have some of the lowest sugar count of any protein bar out there. Much healthier than most alternatives.

Truth. I'm not a fan of the quest bar texture but their flavors are pretty good.

Check out Pure Protein bars if you haven't already.
Not everyone eats fish everyday, so fish oil makes sense.

If you are on any calorie restricting diet, it can be helpful. Let alone if you are doing an EC stack to lose weight, which depletes your potassium levels.

Vitamin D to boost testosterone and help with depression in winter months.
Calcium and magnesium before bed, helps to get more REM sleep

Then there's nootropics which I'm still not sold on but I get it.

Also quest bars have really low net carbs so if you are on a low carb diet they are great