Global Agency Reconsiders `.XXX' for Porn Sites

The only practical value I can see in this is for parents. Everything else is bad, and the precedent this sets for segmenting the internet is immense. Just imagine .vg for video games, .nws for news sites, and ISPs charging extra for 'accessing' these domains.

If there's money to be had with it (and there is) then it will happen at some point.
^ Edit: And if you think that's far-fetched, just consider the groups that think 'violent media is corrupting our children'. Then consider that they say the same thing about porn.
There is only one reason only that .xxx has not yet been used: they would lose money. :eek: Keep the crap controlled just like a Brick and Mortar store and that would be better.
This is the funniest and most ignorant thing I have read in a long time....with PhatMhath's post coming in as a close second.

and why is that spinelli? you leave us all ignorant of any reason why youre saying what you are. i made a point and supported it with some historial reasons. isn't that what one is suppossed to do in an intelligent discussion?
Can I see your sources for lines one and two? With line one in particular the second part. I wont quibble the definition and age of "little boys"

i teach history. read a lot of books. can't really remember exact sources. you can see hints of greek lovin in platos republic though. and the mesoamericans, like the aztecs for example, were pretty crazy when it came to warfare and sacrifices. the conquistadors, like cabeza de vaca, ran into some pretty crazy stuff.

i could of used china as an example too. there was a time in their history when europeans had them all pretty much doped up on heroine or other drugs. it was national problem. serious. nowadays its a national pastime here. :)
porn would still use the .com domains. Blocking .xxx from your network won't save you from much.
greek husbands and fathers had little boy lovers on the side and it got to a point where that was normal. even now gays are putting up ads which essentially get them a live-in lover.

there have been societies where it was normal to take pleasure in murder and rape and even to feed the flesh of one spouse to another, while the children watched.

hey whatever we want right?

all im saying is if people want to do whatever they want to do, fine. sure. go ahead. but dont keep throwing it into my face and practically advocating it or worse, telling me its normal or ok. i have just as much right to think it's a bunch of crap as you do to think it's the most amazing thing you've ever seen.

put up the xxx domain so that parents and schools and anyone else who cares about any semblence of sexual purity can more easily block out that crap.

and btw...i'm with you in thinking that arguing that xxx would legimate porn is a lame, stupid argument.

If you want reasons why your post is ignorant, here ya go...

1. All your points of history are completely irrelevant and you leave them unsupported by facts to boot. Some may be true, but claiming to be a history teacher and failing to even cite a source or a specific point in time or anything with more depth than "greek husbands and fathers had little boy lovers on the side" is truly sad and disappointing.

Why don't you go look up pederasty in some of your history textbooks or better yet...look online. Agree with it or not there was sound logic behind the practice (though I am not advocating it's return). It was not primarily about sex, it was more of a mentoring relationship. As a history teacher I would expect you to know this. As a person with internet access, I would expect you to look something up before running your mouth like an idiot.

2. "gays are putting up ads which essentially get them a live-in lover."
What? Care to back up your claim with anything other than hyperbole and thinly veiled homophobia? ...Didn't think so.

"there have been societies where it was normal to take pleasure in murder and rape and even to feed the flesh of one spouse to another, while the children watched."

So? Assuming all of what you said there is true even though again you cite no sources, so what? You did the same thing in another one of your responses ..

'i could of used china as an example too. there was a time in their history when europeans had them all pretty much doped up on heroine or other drugs. it was national problem. serious. nowadays its a national pastime here'

First of all, it was primarily opium. Secondly, it was predominantly the British who pushed the opium trade. Thirdly, you must be the world's worst history teacher. Go look up the Opium Wars. Finally, what the fuck does any of this have to do with .xxx?

"all im saying is if people want to do whatever they want to do, fine. sure. go ahead. but dont keep throwing it into my face"
I don't know what type of sites you visit where gay live in lover advertisements and rape and cannibalism adverts are commonplace, but again, you are likely just full of shit.
Nobody is throwing anything in your face. Nobody forces you to explore online pornography.

'anyone else who cares about any semblence of sexual purity can more easily block out that crap'

Sexual purity? What? What does that even mean?

Ya does not even matter. What sex is all about varies greatly from person to person. Maybe one day you will grow up enough to realize that your ideas about sex are not shared by everyone else on this Earth. More importantly, I hope you get off your high horse long enough to realize that sex and how one enjoys it or with whom one enjoys it with is a personal decision, and should not be judged by others (provided it is not harming an unwilling participant). Nobody has the right to judge others in this fashion. Certainly not people who pretend to be history teachers on technology forums.

TL:DR - PhatMhath you are completely full of shit.
I could almost see a lot of ISP's going for this. After all the porn sites use .xxx they can then stop allowing access to any site with the .xxx and say it's in 'the best interest of protecting children'

Cuts down on the bandwidth used AND is morally superior in their eyes.
I believe the discussion last time was something along the lines of how to decide what sites got to keep their name, since it would mean moving ALL porn sites to .xxx. For example, if there's a, a, a etc etc, who gets I vote leave it alone, imagine the millions of bookmarks that would no longer be valid around the world :D

There are a myriad of reasons for and against this, I'd say most are moot unless you can solve the quoted point in an equitable manner.

You mean this: "They could make it so every old porn site .com becomes a new porn site .xxx and the old .com remains as a forwarder..." - Me, page 1.


Did you even read arnemetis's point? I'll try to break it down for you:

1) I own
2) You own
3) Who gets
Giving porn its own domain would further legitimize and solidify pornography's place in society.
Being against porn totally, I can agree that it has a negative impact......but I can't agree on the whole "legitimize" argument. I heard the news story on the radio and at first was " yay!"......then that religious groups are against it.......and was like "WUT?".

The problem with .xxx, is there is very little global consensus on what is pornography vs art or educational materials or blasphemy or criminal.

You can't create a new category for names that nobody will agree what belongs and what doesn't.
This is true to an extent - although personally I could easily pick what needs to go..

The adult industry is against it because they wouldn't want to be forced to use it because so many people would just block it automatically anyway.
Man! That's exactly what I'd love about this. Lock out the whole pile of crap and be done with it.
As far as legitimizing porn; the adult industry is one of the oldest in the world - think prostitution.
by virtue of its lifespan it is "legitimate".