Girl, 9, in Rehab after Getting So Addicted to Fortnite She Wet Herself

The problem started when the parents put a tv and Xbox in the girls bedroom. A 9 year old does not have reason or impulse control. That is why children have parents - to make reasonable choices for them. However, when the parents are idiots you can’t expect the children not to be idiots too.
Problem wasn't the kid had an Xbox in her room, the problem is the parents didn't parent. Put controls in place, lay ground rules, and enforce a responsible parent.
I got your point loud and clear. Take away their shit and beat 'em up if they get rowdy. What you're missing is the fact that most of these kids who are obsessed with video games (and tech) don't have much else going for them. Physical discipline in response to a natural expression of anger is the wrong way of going about it in my opinion. You should be able to condition them prior to the fact.
So you don't actually have kids and have no idea what you're talking about, got it. I'll resume ignoring your useless opinion on the matter. Here is a clue for the future though. While I said it in a manner that was more tongue in cheek, the fact remains that sometimes spanking is necessary. It should be rare and only used if nothing else works or a response to extreme situations only. Further there is a monumental difference between spanking and beating. Spanking teaches a lesson, beating is abuse. Lastly, every child is different and responds to different teaching tools. I have one child I've never had to lay a hand on because they have responded to everything else. I have another who I've had to pop a few times because they are more like me and a little stubborn. I hope that advice serves you well in the future and we don't end up reading a parent or child horror story about you because you decided naively that spanking was never appropriate.
No wonder I'm still single and don't have kids. (sigh) If my child wet the couch while playing a game all night long, that game console and it's nice collection of games would be making it's journey from my home to Goodwill.

Hmmmm.... since we are technically inclined, why not just block the following:
  • All traffic to/from and * on ports 80 and 443
  • All UCP/TCP traffic on port 5222
If I'm reading this correctly, Fortnite Battle Royale is "free" in 100-player PvP mode. That explains its popularity.

Hey, didn't people do the same thing ten years ago with some Warcraft Blizzard World or something like that. I know that I intentionally did NOT play that game because I knew how much of a time sink that was, and getting my business degree was more important.
The parents are the ones that belong in rehab and need to be "fixed". Teach your kids to use bottles like all pro gamers.
Problem wasn't the kid had an Xbox in her room, the problem is the parents didn't parent. Put controls in place, lay ground rules, and enforce a responsible parent.

You have no idea how few people are interested in being a responsible parents (I shouldn't be so demonstrative...maybe you do). I was a high school teacher for a year, and parents somehow thought it was my responsibility to parent their kids while they just acted as their kids friends.
the parents are a piece of work, they waited until the problem got to the point they could get the medical professionals / state involved to handle the situation.
What happens with that much screen time you lose function or control of bodily fluids.
Your body or mind isn't open to processing what Nature Calls are going on.
Fortnite is pure shit.... my kid won't play it because it's total shit that will never get downloaded.
My favorite: my one daughter couldn't believe Disney sells the product. Her question: wasn't Disney supposed to make stuff kids liked?

that was cute

She will learn one day that Disney doesn't give a crap about kids they just want the parents to spend money on toys.
She even hit her father in the face when he tried to take her Xbox away.

LOL !!!

isnt she "precious"

EDIT: one thing me and the wife of 24 years now joke about when we see things like this.. or kids acting up in public is.. when we were growing up with our parents, we might have done such a thing.. ONCE

and then would be informed of the error of our ways.. privately

She's 9 just take the video game away. Headline should be nine year old girl has shitty incompetent parents who don't know how to set boundaries.
When my step kids and I with their mom were living in the same house (they are older now) during the school year (highschool) I would simply put a time lockout on their internet access on all of their devices. at 11pm lock down, at 7am it turns on again. It helped limit their device use. Somehow my youngest still managed to send over 10k text messages a month.
10 hr game secessions. I did those with the original Phantasy Star Online for the Sega Dreamcast. I remember playing at night while trying not to fall asleep. I never peed myself though :)
So you don't actually have kids and have no idea what you're talking about, got it. I'll resume ignoring your useless opinion on the matter. Here is a clue for the future though. While I said it in a manner that was more tongue in cheek, the fact remains that sometimes spanking is necessary. It should be rare and only used if nothing else works or a response to extreme situations only. Further there is a monumental difference between spanking and beating. Spanking teaches a lesson, beating is abuse. Lastly, every child is different and responds to different teaching tools. I have one child I've never had to lay a hand on because they have responded to everything else. I have another who I've had to pop a few times because they are more like me and a little stubborn. I hope that advice serves you well in the future and we don't end up reading a parent or child horror story about you because you decided naively that spanking was never appropriate.
Don’t take it personally. What I said was the tongue in cheek as well. At no point did I actually state that you were physically abusive. But you’re right, some folks just don’t understand anything but violence. It’s in the genes.
Were her parents simply not watching her? I was able to watch my nephew enough to know he was playing games too much without even living in the same house, long before it became this bad, and brought it up to his mother. What were they doing to actively avoid noticing this? Did they have her in a totally different house or something?

This girl was playing at up to 5AM, and her parents weren't noticing that, and then they want to blame the game. That's just bad parenting.
So you don't actually have kids and have no idea what you're talking about, got it. I'll resume ignoring your useless opinion on the matter. Here is a clue for the future though. While I said it in a manner that was more tongue in cheek, the fact remains that sometimes spanking is necessary. It should be rare and only used if nothing else works or a response to extreme situations only. Further there is a monumental difference between spanking and beating. Spanking teaches a lesson, beating is abuse. Lastly, every child is different and responds to different teaching tools. I have one child I've never had to lay a hand on because they have responded to everything else. I have another who I've had to pop a few times because they are more like me and a little stubborn. I hope that advice serves you well in the future and we don't end up reading a parent or child horror story about you because you decided naively that spanking was never appropriate.

There are things that are unique to each kid, and then there are things that should be done for each and every kid, every day and night. At night in particular, I know my sisters have been doing it with their kids, and my parents did most of this with us, is to make sure the kids brush their teeth before bed, and then get them to go to bed, and finally check on them an hour afterward to make sure they're in bed. Every morning, they need to be woken up at a decent time, make sure they get breakfast, and get to school on time. Above all, my sisters always told their kids they loved them every morning and every night, and watch them closely.

My sisters did that for the now 5 kids that have graduated from high school. Of those, one graduated from UCCS in 3 years Magna Cum Laude, one graduated from college in 3 years in the top 10% while doing an internship with a hospital, one graduated from college after 4 years and got married, one got certification in massage therapy and runs his own business, and one just got done with his first year. They're all very well adjusted adults now, and doing very well in life. They still have 3 more kids to go, and things seem to be going very well for them as well, since two of them are top of their classes.

I certainly would take parenting advice from my sisters long before anyone else.
I was addicted to gaming when I was a kid. I spent several hours every night playing games on my NES, Genesis and then later my PC. But even then my mom would force me to go to bed.

I'm lucky I had a goal in all my gaming addiction: I wanted to understand how games worked, so I could make my own.

After I cranked otu a bunch of copycat games, realized I had no original ideas, and that I hate the matrix math required for game engine programming, I compromised on embedded development. You can turn a love for programming toward almost any field these days :D

Most kids lack any sort of direction, so it's on the parents here.
Glad somebody out there had the sense to point this out. Mommy and Daddy were probably busy peeing themselves instead of putting down their smart phones long enough to take interest in their daughters life.

I'm very thankful my mom chose to quit working until I was a teenager and that we were blessed enough for that to be possible. Today having a mother sacrifice employment to raise you is somehow a problem.

Unless you're living upper middle class or better and willing to suffer a setback financially having a parent quit to raise you can be financially devistating potentially eliminating college if that was even in the cards before hand.
so the idea now is to make diapers for children and make millions from it.......better get started i guess
How would it be possible for the kid to play for 10hrs/day without the parents knowing? When exactly were they interfacing with the child?
The problem started when the parents put a tv and Xbox in the girls bedroom. A 9 year old does not have reason or impulse control. That is why children have parents - to make reasonable choices for them. However, when the parents are idiots you can’t expect the children not to be idiots too.

Not to mention the fact that online interactions in fps games are EXTREMELY MATURE in nature (always someone screaming rape and mother sexing abound). My son is the only kid on his little league team that doesn't play fort night, and the oldest kid is like 11 years old. He sees enough adult themed content and commentary on youtube to make me cringe and step in on occassion despite his honest attempts to just watch content aimed at a young audience. I'm guessing the girl has full online access since she's hooked up on the net in her room and doesn't get proper guidance in that realm either. This shouldn't be any different than kids that get taken away from drug addicts due to neglect.
Eh, I have internet access that shuts off at 7:30pm to all of my daughter’s iPad. It’s kind of funny when I forget about it and I spent 30 minutes determining why she is getting no access. Automation is great.
It wasn't always this way. I grew up in the 80s very lower middle class and sacrifices were made for us to have one working parent. 60 years ago one job was enough to comfortably own a house no question. I'm not here to argue women's liberation, but it is safe to point out that it's now near impossible for one person to hold down the fort and children are the ones paying for it.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Back in the 50's the cultural norm was that Women stayed home and men went to work. Then things changed and Women wanted to go to work, Tha would have been fine if it was a role swap (dad stays home) but it wasn't instead Women entered the work force and men stayed in too. Labor is a commodity and like any other commodity if you double the supply the price go's down as supply outstrips demand. Now here we are several decades later and needing two incomes is the new normal. The women's liberation movement screwed us all economically, whatever social views you hold on it that's just pure economic fact. You can't double your available labor force and not cause the value of labor to drop. I am not saying there's anything wrong with women working, but we went about it the wrong way real equality would have been a world where women could chose to work and men could chose to stay home and no one would judge you either way. instead we get a fucked up world where two people working full time can't make ends meet and it's too late now to walk it back. Change and making the world more egalitarian and challenging social norms are all great but a lot of times norms are norms for a good reason so before you throw them out it's smart to look at why they exist and what the consequences might be.