Gigabyte Graphics Card Shipments to Fall 20% in 2Q18


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Gigabyte is expecting their graphics card business to take a hit now that cryptocurrency mining demand has dropped. In 2Q they saw their shipments drop from 1.2M to 1M. Also, the average selling price of their cards dropped 10%. With that said, Gigabyte has decided that hitching their wagon to crypto mining isn't such a good idea and they plan to promote their cards as gaming cards in the future. I wonder how big the hit is going to be on the other AIB's?

At an investors conference held June 27, Gigabyte said its graphic card shipments for the second quarter are estimated at around one million units, down from 1.2 million of a quarter earlier.
IMO the "miners" generally are willing and do buy whatever model of card they are after (example RX 570580 or Ngreedia 1060-1080Ti) because they "know" what will be able to earn them a profit, whereas "gamers" generally are forced into the position of pay the much higher price via resellers (such as newegg or amazon) or sit on their wallet waiting for a better price.

Gigabyte is not someone I personally would ever buy from (no RMA center within Canada) but good on them for getting "hurt" by expecting to sell X at a bloated price point and instead will instead be at Y not so bloated price with much less units being sold.

it sucks for them, as it did/does for Ngreedia to have had x hundred of thousands of units be "shipped back" but I suppose you cannot always expect people (miners, gamers, business or whatever) to constantly overpay on a product that is being unfairly price gouge (more than expected amount) obviously they cannot control if the DRAM maker jumps price of memory by 10% they have no choice but to add this cost to the product, but places like newegg etc absolutely should be held accountable for "overcharging" to get that much more "profit"

who is to say that Nv "new found riches" were not part of this price gouging crap that has taken place over the last 2+ years, product released at say $220 morphs into $320, you cannot tell me they do not have some "backseat deals" going on ESPECIALLY Nvidia who are almost as greedy and want to control every aspect of where their product is being used, how it is being used, and what price it will be sold at (ahem founders edition)
I think this explains the weird one fan non-crap GPU solutions that have been advertised recently. The small PCB must have been a undervolt/underclocking mining targeted card originally.
I don't see the point in poo-poo'ing Gigabyte. I think every MFG is as "guilty" as the other. (Can't forget retailers either, I feel were worse.)

I feel video card pricing is still awful. Vega 56's in particular for me. Granted they I only see premium models, the Vega 56's are still 179.99 over the original AMD MSRP of $400. I would love to switch from my Maxwell Titan X and I would like similar or better performance. The 580's on the other hand are starting to show up for 279.99 (8GB models) for premium models which is good. Though that is a downgrade for me.
Remember when people were asking why GPU makers didn't expand production to make more cards to meet demand and lower prices on their top tier GPUs?

This is why.

I said this in a number of those threads, and was over all attacked for saying it. But building out new capacity, placing bigger material orders, new locations and new jobs to keep up with demand of a trend many in the market didn't think was going to last. ROI takes times, and had these companies done it, they would have lots of unused fabs and products they would not be able to move at a price high enough to recover that investment. People also forget that it was retailers that saw the biggest markup, NV etc often had cards on their website at or close to MSPR....They just sold out in seconds of becoming in stock, willing to bet large mining operations had scripts placing those orders to get them so fast.
like every boom, there's a bust shortly after. Every time.

i laugh at those who thought this shit would last forever.
I think every MFG is as "guilty" as the other. (Can't forget retailers either, I feel were worse.)

Well, as the MFG's and Retailers were saying during the mining craze period as they were raking in the dough, " the market dictates the pricing, not us."

And so, now the market will dictate the pricing, not them?

At Newegg EVGA GTX 1070 FTW is currently just $20 less than 1080 FTW ... go figure
I just threw up my hands this morning and ordered a Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 G1 Gaming 8G instead of waiting for the 1180s to be released whenever. The sale of my 980 should help offset some of that cost. Looking at the price tracking on CamelCamelCamel...


Since I'm on vacation next week, this should lead to some fine gaming.
Sorry Gigabyte I suppose but good! Prices need to correct ffs.

The cracks are forming. New cards are slowly coming down and 1070s are hitting eBay for 330 shipped now. Sure the are very likely retired mining cards but at or under 300 that’s a lot of gpu for the dough. Some nice deals in the FSFT thread here too.

Personally it’s used Nvidia only for me after all the shenanigans they have been pulling. I may never give them my cash directly again. However they have great cards so happy to buy used until we see a competitive AMD gpu that we can actually buy at list prices.
I just threw up my hands this morning and ordered a Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 G1 Gaming 8G instead of waiting for the 1180s to be released whenever. The sale of my 980 should help offset some of that cost. Looking at the price tracking on CamelCamelCamel...

View attachment 84953

Since I'm on vacation next week, this should lead to some fine gaming.

Congrats! I want to make the switch for AMD but it doesn't make sense to downgrade from a Titan X (Maxwell.) Even if I'm not gaming that much (I played Diablo III for my 2-hour break.) That and I have a 27UK600W LG Freesync monitor.
I just threw up my hands this morning and ordered a Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 G1 Gaming 8G instead of waiting for the 1180s to be released whenever. The sale of my 980 should help offset some of that cost. Looking at the price tracking on CamelCamelCamel...

View attachment 84953

Since I'm on vacation next week, this should lead to some fine gaming.
Holy sheet it still surprises me actually seeing those price highs. My word
they were actually shipping cards? could a fooled me...

In the chart, there are two lines.... Green for Amazon price, Blue for Third Party New. I think the broken green line means that no Amazon price was available for that product.
I don't see the point in poo-poo'ing Gigabyte. I think every MFG is as "guilty" as the other. (Can't forget retailers either, I feel were worse.)

I feel video card pricing is still awful. Vega 56's in particular for me. Granted they I only see premium models, the Vega 56's are still 179.99 over the original AMD MSRP of $400. I would love to switch from my Maxwell Titan X and I would like similar or better performance. The 580's on the other hand are starting to show up for 279.99 (8GB models) for premium models which is good. Though that is a downgrade for me.

I'm right there with you (980-Ti more or less the same thing). Tho, GB should have offered a direct to customer sale instead of getting the majority of their stock sent to retailers to overprice them and sell them to miners. Had I seen a 1070-Ti for $480 directly from GB I would have scooped it up months ago.