Get your tweaked Jetway AGDMS & ECS RS480-M bioses here!


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 4, 2004
Thanks to Borg Number One, I finally snagged a version of modbin that works and thought I would share the wealth. These bioses optimize the defaults for most settings, hide a few utterly useless options (video mode=AGP or config for 2 serial ports??), and enable some of the hidden options.

Major changes

Jetway AGDMS Std & Pro: (Based on official A03 7/13 bios)
-Opened the 1x, 2x & 3x LDT multis!
-Enabled hidden, ultra-tight timings!
-Enabled dual-bank interleaving!
-Now 99% crap free!

Standard: GDMSA03.BIN | Pro: GDMSPA03.BIN | NAKED Pro* (aka 'Pornstar' edition :p): NAKEDA03.BIN & WINFLASH
*Every perky option bared

ECS RS480-M: (Based on final 1.0a 7/05 RX480-A bios)
-Onboard video is not working right now.
-Adjustable timings!
-VDIMM up to 2.9v!
-Enabled dual-bank Interleaving!
-Disabled that frigging splash screen!*
-Onboard VGA is selectable on this version
*If you do enable it, it will show the RS480-M one


Few important things to note:
1. Unfortunately, I have to use the RX480-A to get these enhanced features, because MODBIN only allows you to use existing or disabled bios options. Unless you know how to edit HEX, there is no way to add to those. I do not know if the multiple changes that went into the ECS RS480-M 1.0f bios, were already included in the 6/07 RX480-A bios. You might lose support for dual-core. :eek: On the bright side, the RS480-M bios looks like it was based on a lite version of the RX480A, so you aren't losing anything, unless they add something later on.
2. Naturally, there is the disclaimer that if these FUBAR your bios, I am not to blame. :) All of the bioses have now been confirmed to work, though.
3. Now if you need to enable anything else or modify the changes I have made, here is a link to a MODBIN that works with current AWARD bioses.
4. Printer port is disabled in bios so set it to "AUTO" if you need to use it.
5. Lastly, if you need anything else bios related or want to add your own logo, do a search for "Borg Number One's bios collection." He is the source for anything bios related. You can find him over on XS as well.
6. Jetway bios version A04 does not want to mod, so I have given up on it. Ditto on getting onboard video working on the ECS bios as there is unfortunately likely nothing that can be done via Modbin.
Hmm I guess... I just do not want to have to keep this updated.

If someone wants to make their own changes, the utilities are there. ;)
Question though.

As far as the official A210GDMS-Pro goes, the only real problem is that the Drawm dividers do not work.

The DRAM divider always sets to "Auto" for some reason. I expect this bug to be fixed in the next official release.

I will try this new bios if it gives working dividers. Its the only factor hindering my OC.
tuphdc said:
the latest official BIOS for the A210GDMS-Pro can be found here:
Did you try downloading it? Jetway has about 1*9600 baud modem worth of bandwidth to the US. The most I get is like 2% before it fails.

tuphdc said:
I will try this new bios if it gives working dividers. Its the only factor hindering my OC.
Doubtful, unless by some miracle the 150 & 183 dividers are the only ones that work. ;) I wonder if disabling the AUTO option in bios might fix it, although I highly doubt that would make a difference. Unfortunately, you will probably have to wait for the next release. At least it's good to know the board is no longer limited by the Hypertransport, so 250fsb+ should be possible.

It is also possible that the latest bios fixes the memory divider issue...
Sweet! Thank you, Jen.

Files have been updated. Now include a link to the Standard & Pro versions. Difference probably would not have made a difference unless you tried to use onboard video with the standard version and even then... but just to be on the safe side. Also, changed the default mem divider from Auto -> 200 to see if that will make a difference and since that what it defaults to anyway.

I'll shut up now and try my own bios. :cool:
I just got the ECS RS480-M mobo and was looking for something like this. As soon as I get my XFX 6800 Ultra RMA back, I will let you know how this goes!

Hope it works fine for you. ;) If I did not have so many mini-projects going, I would try it.

Anyway, I tried flashing the Jetway with the Award flasher off a boot CD and it would not let me flash the bios. Immediately after that, my PSU finally decided it did not like having it's PCB sliced in two or being grounded to itself so it died before I could try flashing the stock bios on a floppy.

Has anyone else been able to successfully update to the latest bios? Has anyone even updated to the latest bios? It may fix the divider issue.
for myself i will wait to flash till i know it does work ,

i am also have 4 x 512 mb pc2700 TCCC samsung memory modules to try out. if it does work then i may not need to flash the bios

most of everything is to be here today ,

Yeah No. I have already flashed my A210GDMS-Pro wit hthe latest official version. DRAM divider does not work, but at least it supports dual core though :eek:
I confirmed that the Jetway bioses do flash fine. :cool: Figured out that the problem I was having with flashing was because Jetway has enabled write protect in the bios! You need to disable it before you are able to flash (under the miscellaneous settings).

Made a few slight revisions, including allowing selectability of ultra-tight timings. Divider problem is still there, however.
sleepeeg3 said:
I confirmed that the Jetway bioses do flash fine. :cool: Figured out that the problem I was having with flashing was because Jetway has enabled write protect in the bios! You need to disable it before you are able to flash (under the miscellaneous settings).

Made a few slight revisions, including allowing selectability of ultra-tight timings. Divider problem is still there, however.

glad bios flash went well , i will go ahead and flash to pro version you modified. hopefully it can help with some things i am haveing problems with. have to test out my watercooling setup as well


flashed to Pro version of modded bios , no problems detected. still manual memory divider doesnt work but now have other options to play with

trying to beat this 3500+ in to submission , if i dont succeed soon i will kill it with a hammer

Just some props to you guys & gals...

I've got a 3500+ that needs a new home and I'm eyeing up the Jetway pro board...Keep up the good work because it looks to me that this board is the micro 939 best bang for the buck winner so far...

Your research here is very helpfull...


Glad it went well, Jen. :) If anyone uses a parallel port for printing, you might want to switch the mode to ECP+EPP. Might print faster. Currently it's set to SPP, which allows 100% compatability and does not use a DMA channel. This was the default on the ECS anyway. Keep in mind the bioses are tweaked for speed so I disabled as many options as was reasonable, as long as it did not conflict with the majority of users. Most people are not going to use the firewire, serial or parallel ports, but if you want to enable them, just turn them on in bios.

Okay, so the impact of freeing up some IRQs on performance or boot times is probably minimal at best, but every little bit counts, right? ;)
sleepeeg3 said:
Glad it went well, Jen. :) If anyone uses a parallel port for printing, you might want to switch the mode to ECP+EPP. Might print faster. Currently it's set to SPP, which allows 100% compatability and does not use a DMA channel. This was the default on the ECS anyway. Keep in mind the bioses are tweaked for speed so I disabled as many options as was reasonable, as long as it did not conflict with the majority of users. Most people are not going to use the firewire, serial or parallel ports, but if you want to enable them, just turn them on in bios.

Okay, so the impact of freeing up some IRQs on performance or boot times is probably minimal at best, but every little bit counts, right? ;)

my 15k scsi drive will help on boot up times :)

i am going to kill this 3500+ very soon , thinking HS isnt on right as temps are way to high

a small update to those with Jetway AGDMS Pro

i have a very beta bios that has working memory divider . it does have some issue still but it does work.

it needs to be modified with these options

Opened the 1x, 2x & 3x LDT multis!
-Enabled and displayed Dual Mode Interleaving!
-Enabled hidden, ultra-tight timings!

currently i have motherboard at 267 x 9 with memory set to 133 divider . with the 133 divider i almost didnt get it to post . the 166 divider seem to work fine for me

again i am missing the LDT 3x which i believe if i had that in bios i could definitly go alot higher than this.

so far i am prime 95 at 5 hrs for the cpu .

hopefully i can get some help modifying this beta bios so that all the options will be available.

I can't freakin wait for this to run through the gambit and get ironed out, because my Q-pack is really getting lonely and neglected. I wish Foxcon would modify their Nforce4 board (since I'm partial to Nvidia mobo chipsets) for voltage adjustments.

Thanks for the update, and thanks for being the Guinea pig. I'll be anxiously awaiting the final verdict on the Jetway BIOS maturation cycle.
Jen said:
i have a very beta bios that has working memory divider . it does have some issue still but it does work.
Hint, hint ;) No problem, Jen. I think the 133divider is hard on the memory controller - I have had problems with it in the past. Send that right over! Did Jetway send that to you? I dropped the hint about it, but they sort of ignored that question.. This should totally eliminate all of this board's problems. Except one...

Well I just found out that this 24-pin Neopower is going to give me yet another headache to deal with. Flat out - the booster will not work with it and dual channel. W/o the booster I can only run single channel with max volts, the worst timings and Jetway auto kicking in a 166 divider. CRAP! So I think what is happening is one 12V rails is giving the power to the first bank of RAM and the other 12V rail is going nowhere, because it is a 20-pin board. With the booster, it's able to externally feed one bank power, but the other one gets nothing. The TTGI I had in there before was 24-pin, but only had a single rail (ATX 1.3), so everything was perfect. Until it choked. CRAP! :(

So it looks like I am faced with two options: Ditch the Jetway & go back to the ECS or remold the Neopower into it's original housing, sell it for a loss, buy another (ATX 1.3) TTGI and spending half a day forcing it into my custom housing, cutting up the PCB and having to worry about it shorting out on me again. Argh! Man, I so wanted to use the Jetway, but it's just not worth it.

Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. I don't vent too often. Normally I just ramble alot. ;)
Would you still recommend the board for the few of us who are looking for a nice micro board with a bit of headroom for some mild overclocking?

I've been emailing the guys at Jetway about the board for several other things, like the amount of onboard memory supported etcetera, they say they can do 64MB instead of 32MB with a minumum request of 500 boards...and they've provided a list of compatible memory along with the latest (possibly latest) edition of the manual...

As posted above, thanks for being the guinea pigs..

just passed 25hrs prime stable at 267 x 9

my limit on fsb is 267 , any higher than this and it fails to boot. this is probably due to the hypertransport being to high. need 3x to go any higher than this.

on a good note i have found my chip likes 9 multiplier better than the stock 11. useing less v core at same speed. i may be able to find out max of this processor overclock soon. me waits patiently.

i have sent the beta bios over to sleepeeg3 to finish modifying for LDT and other options that i dont have available.

i am useing ocz 2 x 1 GB performance memory in this system , memtest error free up to 227 fsb.

my A200GDMS will be here on Tuesday with a Socket 754 2800+ 1.6GHz Sempron. Going to have to try these out but since I don't plan on taking the htt over 250 I may not need the 3x multiplier. Using the cheap PC3200 I got though, the deviders will be nice once those get to a final BIOS. :)
Do these BIOS's mean anything to me, the non-overclocker? Besides overclocking, what am I missing vs. the standard BIOS's?
The Jetway boards now have a bios with working memory dividers! Woot!!! See the first post.

Tiny said:
Do these BIOS's mean anything to me, the non-overclocker? Besides overclocking, what am I missing vs. the standard BIOS's?
Not much. You might get an infinitesimally faster system/bootup times, since I disabled a lot of crap that 99.9% of users will never even think about and set the optimal defaults for what was left. If there was even a slight chance someone might want to turn something back on, I disabled it, but still left it in the bios. At the least, it is significantly less cluttered.

There is a new ECS board on the horizon using the RS482 chipset. Should probably be very similar to the existing RS480 board, but the new chipset looks like it will ditch the ULi stand-in and include Dolby Digital Live.
highest front side bus i been able to obtain is 272 . at 275 fsb i loose video signal since i am useing onboard video i dont know if that has anything to do with it. may need active cooling on the north bridge to go higher .

also there is a option in misc control that has enable or disable for over volt . i need this back in bios so i can see if it helps any

well thats it from me for now , currently at 9 x 270 and prime testing. after end next week i will have it in my new frag box clone case i am building for this setup.


hmmm I can't seems to OC my A210JDMS-Pro too much before my onboard LAN craps out.

Right now im 9 x 250. I can get 270 as well on stock voltages, but the onboard lan craps out.

I am networked through the basement computer with has 2 nic cards. 1 for me and 1 for the cable.
tuphdc said:
hmmm I can't seems to OC my A210JDMS-Pro too much before my onboard LAN craps out.

Right now im 9 x 250. I can get 270 as well on stock voltages, but the onboard lan craps out.

I am networked through the basement computer with has 2 nic cards. 1 for me and 1 for the cable.

i will have to check that on this one to see if its same

dont have it connected at this time to anything.

Jen said:
also there is a option in misc control that has enable or disable for over volt . i need this back in bios so i can see if it helps any
This was put back in. Mistook this for over volt protection.

Jen using the onboard video may limit your overclock, but I think since you have dedicated RAM on that board, your system memory is not coming into play. Did you try bumping the board voltage to 1.9v?

tuphdc see if a $5 NIC card helps. Maybe your SB is overheating.

ECS bios has also been updated.

Anyone using an ATX 2.0 24-pin PSU on the Jetway?
sleepeeg3 said:
This was put back in. Mistook this for over volt protection.

Jen using the onboard video may limit your overclock, but I think since you have dedicated RAM on that board, your system memory is not coming into play. Did you try bumping the board voltage to 1.9v?

tuphdc see if a $5 NIC card helps. Maybe your SB is overheating.

ECS bios has also been updated.

Anyone using an ATX 2.0 24-pin PSU on the Jetway?

for myself 1.9 didnt help achieve anymore front side bus
for onboard networking i havent tested this to see if i am haveing same problems
for powersupply i am useing fortron blue 500 without problems , even tried my pcpower and cooling 510 watt did not help achieve any better overclock with processor

for now i am tired , i have a aspire / frag box clone box to build this week . if anyone wants to see pictures i will post a link in this forum as i progress with build


sleepeeg3 said:
There is a new ECS board on the horizon using the RS482 chipset. Should probably be very similar to the existing RS480 board, but the new chipset looks like it will ditch the ULi stand-in and include Dolby Digital Live.
Does that mean real-time dolby digital encoding (or decoding perhaps)? I clicked the links but only noticed "enhanced audio" being mentioned.

Would make for a nice all-in-one htpc mobo if true, with some oc potential hopefully.
I just ordered the JetWay A210GDMS-Pro and have a couple quistions!

Does this board only support 166mhz for the memory when you use all 4 memory slots? I know most of the Nforce3 boards do but I haven't found anywhere if this is true for this board or not. I currently have 2 512 sticks of PC3200, was wondering if it would be ok to grab to more or if I should grab to 1gig sticks instead.

Also I dont plan on overclocking, will this Modded Bios still benifit me performance wise? I am getting a A64 3200 Winchester, If I want to overclock it what could I expect with Stock cooling and very little tweaking, It would be nice to hit 2.5 but I think that will take to much tweaking. I will be getting a Zalman CNPS7000CU-LED for cooling a little later. I also already have an Active cooler for the Northbridge. And I dont plan on upgradeing the PSU. I also will be getting a 6600GT.
MassiveOverkill said:
Why are you getting a winchester?!?
Getting it in a trade, If I were to buy a new one I wouldn't have gotten it, I would have gotten a differant core, but the deal was good.
And why you ask like that? I was looking at the CPU Faq and looking at the specs, the Winchester cores Thermal Power: 67W compared to the 89watts for the Venice core. shouldn't it run alot cooler? like I said I aint planning on overclocking! And if I do it will be just for a short time, I have never ran an overclocked CPU for an extended time, I like a quiet, stable system.
Hey, I love that first quote in your sig.

I'd go with 4*512MB, just because they would be easier to sell, but ironically, I think Venice's memory controller was supposed to solve that divider problem, so you might have issue with that chip. I know running with more slots full/double-sided mem gives you a small bandwidth boost, though.

If you don't overclock... well read my last post on that... You could probably do 2.5GHz stable with a Zalman 7000, but doubtful with the PSU. I agree: I think the new E4 revision runs hot, because under the same cooling, this 90nm San Diego runs 7-8° hotter than my old 130nm Clawhammer. I know people were getting some killer Winchester temps. You don't see that anymore.
Diablo2K said:
Getting it in a trade, If I were to buy a new one I wouldn't have gotten it, I would have gotten a differant core, but the deal was good.
And why you ask like that? I was looking at the CPU Faq and looking at the specs, the Winchester cores Thermal Power: 67W compared to the 89watts for the Venice core. shouldn't it run alot cooler? like I said I aint planning on overclocking! And if I do it will be just for a short time, I have never ran an overclocked CPU for an extended time, I like a quiet, stable system.

OK, if you're getting it in trade, that's fully understandable. I thought you were buying it outright. I think the Venice would run just as cool as a Winnie at the same clock speed and voltage.
MassiveOverkill said:
OK, if you're getting it in trade, that's fully understandable. I thought you were buying it outright. I think the Venice would run just as cool as a Winnie at the same clock speed and voltage.
I haven't been keeping up on the latest stuff, I feel really behind the class lately. I should know all these things, I use to know all the ins and outs on these things. it has really gotten complicated when you start looking into overclocking. use to be all you did to overclock was raise the core volts change the multi and FSB. not theres HTT, deviders, and lots of differant voltages, alot of the stuff people are talking about is beyond me at this time. As in memroy timmings, it use to be just on # to have to worry about, now theres like 5 or 6. Even tho I dont plan on doing any major overclocking I still want to know what everyone is talking about!