Generate Image Text (memegenerator)


Oct 15, 2005
As a fun little project, I thought I would try to create a mini-site (offline) that mimics the functionality of MemeGenerator.

What I want to do is create some stock images with blank space, and allow users to use a web form to add overlay text. When they hit submit, the text gets added to the image and a new file is generated for the user to save.

I can build all of the functionality for the front end, and handle saving files with a new name based on the text given... but I can't figure out what they're using to add text into the image.

Any ideas? I thought the .NET platform might have what I needed to do this, but at a glance I couldn't find anything useful.
Imagemagick was my first though but I'm not sure if the library ties in with .NET, since it's a pretty *nix centric tool. I'd be surprised if there's not some equivalent (if inferior) functionality in the dotNET platform.
there are .net wrappers for imagemagick, and even if there weren't you can still open pipes to other programs on windows.