General Network Banter..... (ease the load on post pics of your network" thread.


Mar 20, 2006
I have noticed that the "Post pics of your network" is getting flooded with general chat. The chat is very constructive but maybe not what that thread is about. I would hate to see it locked.

Maybe we could use this to chat about the pictures that are posted in that thread?

Just link to the post with the pictures in the "post pics of your network" and we can chat and ask questions here.
The post pics of your network thread is getting out of hand, but after all it is network chat not really off topic, the post pics of your workstation is the same but a lot more pics then chat. I think the problem is that the regular 'Network & Security' posters have posted their pics in the thread allready, so all there is left to do is talk about networking itself.

We have had no warnings from a mod about it or anything so i think it has passed as ok.
The post pics of your network thread is getting out of hand, but after all it is network chat not really off topic, the post pics of your workstation is the same but a lot more pics then chat. I think the problem is that the regular 'Network & Security' posters have posted their pics in the thread allready, so all there is left to do is talk about networking itself.

We have had no warnings from a mod about it or anything so i think it has passed as ok.
One thing to add to ring.of.steel's post is that a lot of those comments in that thread are questions or comments about the poster's setup, not general chit chat.