GDC 2022 - Unity tech demo "Enemies"


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 26, 2004
For those who like to keep up with these things.

In terms of what is visibly displayed, I find this more impressive than the Matrix or Valley of the Ancients demo by Epic Games. This character looks damn near photo-real. Other than a few issues on the skin and lighting, I like this more than the one from Epic (not saying the demos from Epic were horrible, they were way impressive, just the direction of the main character).

Now it seems both of these engines are pushing harder into the real-time section for production. And in a capable studio both are excellent.

They still can't get the mouth animations right. There are other issues, too. Those hands are terrible. If the mouth didn't bother you, then seeing the hand holding up the chess piece would have. The hair is defying physics. I don't know what the deal is with those artifacts when the arm crosses her chest at the start. Could be Youtube compression. It really isn't much more impressive than any other tech we've seen in the past couple years.

Since Epic is just starting their movie venture I imagine Unity felt like they needed to get in on that, too.
This looks really good. It seems very limited based on the lighting and camera angles they were showing etc, but still very good looking and impressive.
The hair is really rigid and too shiny, otherwise it's good, I don't see anything else that would be jarring in an actual game.
For me it's the hands that bug me about the character (reminds me of Seinfeld Manhands :p). Hair, the cloth and look of the environment not at all. Mouth/tongue interactions will always look odd. Even in off-line rendered films.

Not sure if there is a game production that is going for this level of fidelity, but would like to see the pipeline if there is one. Impressive work.