Galaxy 7th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

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PLEASE!!! For the love of all thats good and 3D Accelerated.....Please let me win one thing for once in my life!
To justify the cost of my 1kw psu. Or, since CUDA accelerates the force calculations for a NAMD simulations and force calculations scale across two cards very well. Or, because two cards often times is the best overall value.
Video cards are like Chicks... with two cards you get more noise, more heat, less room to maneuver, and most importantly, bragging rights. :D
Two cards are better than one card because it will give you option to run single or dual card.
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as one
It's the loneliest number since the number one

No is the saddest experience you'll ever know
Yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know
`Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest number, worse than two

It's just no good anymore since she went away
Now I spend my time just making rhymes of yesterday

One is the loneliest, number one is the loneliest
Number one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest, one is the loneliest
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
It's just no good anymore since she went away
(Number) One is the loneliest
(Number) One is the loneliest
(Number) One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
(Number) One is the loneliest
(Number) One is the loneliest
(Number) One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
I'm married so having twin video card action is pretty close to the fantasy the wife will never agree to.
"I'll tell you what I'd do with a million dollars, two Galaxy GTX460 video cards at the same time man!"

"well you don't need a million dollars to do that"

"well I guess you're right man, but I could get them for free if Galaxy picks me!"
Because two is always better than one except for STD's and prison sentences.
Two is better than one, that's like 1 GPU per eye... sweet.
I'll give you one back should I lose either eye though ;p
I have a 30" Dell so two graphics cards helps me get towards 60 FPS on my favorite games.
Two cards are better than one because I need something to fill all the slots in my MB with.
two is always better than one...

Santa's broke I need some video card action.
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