Galaxy 6 Weeks of Christmas GPU Giveaway! Week 2

nice cooling solutions and their factory oced cards come with great clocks right out of the box.
I like Galaxy because they don't have idiotic pictures of monsters and cartoon chicks on their boxes. I like their video cards because they don't have idiotic pictures of monsters and cartoon chicks on them.
i hear great things about them.... i would like the chance to see that first hand
I always did like the innovative coolers Galaxy uses, like the ones that open up to allow better cleaning.
Great company with good customer interaction, great cooling solutions and good reviews. I would love to get my hands on one to give them a testing and replace the card I just fried. Thanks in advance.
The great thing about the Galaxy is that you need to learn everything ONLY ONCE, and then you know all that you will ever need to know. And their video cards look good, too.
Galaxy=Great Video Products that actually fit into a case
Me=Poor, broke, sorry bastard. At least I'm honest! :D