Galaxy 5th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

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My top favorite FPS of all time have to be HL1 and HL2. easily the best of the best when released and have huge replay value.

Honorable mention to System Shock 2....seriously go play this game.
Half-Life 1. When I first played it, it was AWESOME!

Serious Sam. Just an awesome, all out shooting brawl fest.
Far Cry (sandbox environment and sniper shots from one island to another? Yes, please!)
System Shock 2 (RPG elements and techno-horror? Shifting alliances/enemies and heartbreaking diary entries? Brilliant!)
I lost the previous 4 weeks. This game is a croc and I refuse to ent......oh :D
I'm more into RPG/shooters than just plain I'll say Fallout 3 and Mass Effect!
Only two?

HL2 - including the expansions, I've played that game thru 4 times.

TF2 - It's just plain FUN
Call of Duty

Is hell gate london considered a first person shooter? That game would have been the best game if they would have finished it.
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