Galaxy 5th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

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My fav FPS is probably the first one I ever played Delta Force published by NovaLogic. I worked for an ISP in Houston back then and we played the shit out of that game
My two favorite shooter games are UT2003 and Crysis.
Hmm... 2 shooter games

Counterstrike is one. Don't really do shooters so I'll pick Borderlands since that's the closest I can think of in my repertoire.
Stuff, n stuff.

ok, ok. Hmmm. Some top favorites are No One Lives Forever, Aliens vs Predator 2 for single player games.

Multiplayer would be Quake3 and Call of Duty 2/4
I did enjoy GoldenEye, or as a friend put it (MyFirstFPS).

Never really liked any others though. Perfect Dark/PDZ were ok. Not much of a shooter. Ask me about RPG's or RTS's.
During all the LANs I ran, I would say that we had the most fun with Unreal Tournament (and many many mods / mutators) and Sven Co-Op, the Half Life Mod...
Half-Life (I played multiplayer for YEARS and always had a blast!)
Halo 2 (the best FPS ever for a console!!)
My 2 all time favorite shooters are Unreal (the original) and Doom 3. I haven't played any of the recent ones, though. I pretty much stick with WoW these days because I'm getting too old to compete with the kids in today's games. As I get older, my reaction time gets slower, which isn't good for fps games.

However, that GTX 460 would be great for WoW.
Original CoD
CoD 4

Man I wish they didn't run my favorite series into the ground.

Close runners up would be ut2k4 and Desert combat (bf 1942 mod)
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