Galaxy 5th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

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Quake - I
Quake - II

no other game has scared me as much as those two.
I would have to say Stalker (first one) and Half Life 2. Maybe not the iconic shooters, but love those games and still dust them off to play them.
CS 1.6
BF2 - the flight controls in BF2 were so amazing... i wish they'd go back to them and give up this auto-centering baby stuff
This is blasphemy but my two favorite shooters of all time are on the Playstation 1 due to the musical score and sound effects that aren't on the PC versions.

Final Doom
Ultimate Doom/Doom II
The original Doom game. We spent a lot of time figuring out how to LAN multiple computers together to make that work.... then we'd play for HOURS once it was all set up.
All time? :eek:

Well, it's hard to pick an absolute so I'm gonna go with the Half Life series (and mods) and the Battlefield series. No other game(s) have been me as much value and entertainment.
Tribes(the original)
Halflife(again the original)

But the new COD games are awesome.
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