Fry's B&M LG 50PK250 50" 1080P plasma $650 + tax


Fully [H]
Sep 6, 2002
As the title states, this deal is in Fry's brick and mortar stores only as the website is sold out. Pretty sure you can check local stock via the website here:

Some Fry's supposedly sell it as a "bundle" for $768 and with that bundle comes a two year waranty. Now i don't know if that "bundle" means that it comes with an LG BD550 blu-ray player, which would be fantastic if so. The bundle may just mean that extra year of warranty. This is LG's new entry level 1080P model in North America, and in case anyone's curious, LG's 2010 1080P models in order from lowest to highest are: PK250, PK550, PK750, PK950. The PK950 is the only one with an effective anti-glare filter so keep that in mind if you have tons of light in your TV room.

Found out about the deal in this AVS forum thread:
Here's the I hate frys because I don't have one in my area post. :(
Man I want one. Price per inch is pretty good 50 inches for 650 not bad.
Darn nothing in stock in the frys is wilsonville oregon. Shipping is a good 100 bucks hmm..... I don't know if I want to get a tv that big shipped.
I had my 52" Philips shipped without issue from the Egg, almost put myself in the hospital unpacking it though.

Price is great for this TV if you can stand plasma (and can find one available during this sale).
Too bad it's sold out at everyone's local Fry's here, too tempting for TV shoppers to pass up i guess, either that or there were few in stock to begin with.

eeek power hungry plasmas......
It's a good thing they reduced plasma power consumption considerably back in 2008-2009 and a little further in 2010, whereas heat from the backside has been reduced tremendously.

It won't beat LCD in power consumption but it's been reduced to the point where it can almost be considered a non-factor by the average Joe.
I do not think the power consumption was a real issue it was just an ad ploy by LCD manufacturers to sell their inferior picture. Some times people make the biggest deal out of a couple bucks a month. The biggest problem with plasma is the chance even if it is remote that you will burn an image.

Still for a great plasma picture on 50" for $700 this is really a great deal. To bad there are no freaking frys anywhere.
Too bad there's no Fry's near me. I need another 50" for the living room in my soon to be new house. My Panny plasma is destined for the man cave.

Power hungry? My bill didn't go up when my 50" replaced my 34" Sony XBR. And that screen runs cooler than my 30" Gateway LCD, verified with one of them freebie thermometers I won from the [H] a while back.
Quick. Turn off the pc you're using. Better yet did u know the interwebs are on all day and night ... bet those machines are not energy star.

At least try posting from a cell phone
eeek power hungry plasmas......

Got any cites of power consumption between a 50" 1080p CCFL backlight LCD (or 52") and a 50" 1080p plasma that show that these are considerably more power "hungry"?


didnt think so.


Most LCDs when set on torch mode (way it comes from the factory and how 90% of people run their LCDs since they think SUPER DUPER BRIGHT = BETTER THAN) are actually more power hungry than this plasma. lol holy crap talk about point destroyed.

LG apparently 190w.. most CCFL backlight lcds = 200-250w. of course you can buy an edge lit LED lcd for $1000 and then save $30 per year on the electricity for a worse picture.. that sounds worth it.
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If model is anything like the 50PK550 that I have, this is a steal. I've had mine for about 2 months and the picture quality drops my jaw still every time I turn it on. The only thing missing is an anti-glare coating (which the Pannys plasmas have, I believe). It's not the best choice for bright rooms.

Can't speak on power, but I know my PK550 is noticably cooler than the Samsung 40" LCD it replaced.
Wish this deal was still alive! arg
The deal is still alive, this is a brick and mortar store deal, it looks like it's limited stock though.

It is sold out online but shipping costs would have been prohibitive so it would have been a wash.

It's also a brandy new model in NA, and other places will eventually stock it. Check Amazon and Google shopping every once in a while, a similar deal is bound to turn up sooner or later...
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