Fresh install of WinXP Home; NT Authority/Shutdown; it's a fresh install! Why? Plz!


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002
I'm pulling my hair out!

I installed a fresh copy of WinXP Home on an IBM T22 laptop. As soon as I plug in my ethernet cable, I get an error saying NT Authority Shutdown. I know it's the Sasser/Blaster worm, but still... WTF?!?!?!?

It's a brand new install... I didn't go anywhere on the web with it yet. As soon as I go to, it comes up w/ that message. What... the... fuck?!?!?!?

I tried the Symantec tool... it said it couldn't find the worm; that my PC is NOT infected. I tried the MS patch, but it says it needs other patches prior to that. It's SP1 damn it! And if I try to download 19.1MB of patches from, then I get that error message within 2 minutes. I can't even freakin' download them.

Any ideas?!?!?!?

I've reformatted the HD 3 times already. I even tried reinstalling WinXP w/o having my ethernet cable plugged in. It worked, but as soon as I plug in the cable, it comes up w/ that message. I only have 1 other PC on my network, it's my main rig, and it's NOT infected.

Any ideas???

ALSO... when I tried to get patches from there, it gave me an error saying that my system time/date is incorrect. But, it IS correct. What's up with that? And, it won't let me download any more patches from

Damn it!!! Why is it so hard installing a fresh copy of WinXP Home w/ SP1 on the IBM T22?!?!?!?!?!?!? This sucks :( :( :(
It can get the worm within minutes of attaching to the internet. This is why you need a firewall of some sort. This is actually a pretty common occurence. Download the standalone blaster and sasser hotfixes to CD, for later use, or get a firewall.
Yeah, I just downloaded the Symantec removal tool and the Microsoft one.

BTW... is the following true?

Almost 1.5 Million Download Sasser Fix
According to an IDG News Service story in Network World Fusion today, The number of downloads of a cleanup tool for the Sasser Internet worm is one indication of the number of Windows computers infected, and it is bigger than most estimates from computer security companies. Almost 1.5 million users downloaded the fix in the first two days after Microsoft began offering the tool on Sunday, according to a Microsoft spokeswoman. Sasser spawned at least four variants (A, B, C and D) as of Tuesday. The worm is similar to an earlier worm, Blaster, because users need not receive an e-mail message or open a file to be infected. Instead, just having a vulnerable Windows machine connected to the Internet via communications port number 445 is enough to catch Sasser.

If so, can't we just block port 445 via the router?
Why are you not behind NAT? That would stop all of these network-aware worms coming in from the internet to begin with.
When you get the shutdown message go to run and type shutdown /a then go the update and update the system and then get the repair tools from symantic
Yes, this was actually a pain. One time, I didn't have any other computer to access, you know what's funny? It took me 6 tries with *luck* to even get by without getting infected for at least 10 minutes with Windows Update. Hilarious.

Just download SP1 and the likes onto a CD and install it offline. Start here:

The Windows Update Catalog allows you to save it to the hard drive (or CD) so take advantage of that. :)

Just turning on the native firewall in xp will stop the worm till you get it patched
download all the ms updates, and burn it on a cd, then after u installed xp install those updates including the update patch for the worm and then go online so the worm wont affect you
RavinDJ said:
I'm pulling my hair out!

I installed a fresh copy of WinXP Home on an IBM T22 laptop. As soon as I plug in my ethernet cable, I get an error saying NT Authority Shutdown. I know it's the Sasser/Blaster worm, but still... WTF?!?!?!?

It's a brand new install... I didn't go anywhere on the web with it yet. As soon as I go to, it comes up w/ that message. What... the... fuck?!?!?!?

I tried the Symantec tool... it said it couldn't find the worm; that my PC is NOT infected. I tried the MS patch, but it says it needs other patches prior to that. It's SP1 damn it! And if I try to download 19.1MB of patches from, then I get that error message within 2 minutes. I can't even freakin' download them.

Any ideas?!?!?!?

I've reformatted the HD 3 times already. I even tried reinstalling WinXP w/o having my ethernet cable plugged in. It worked, but as soon as I plug in the cable, it comes up w/ that message. I only have 1 other PC on my network, it's my main rig, and it's NOT infected.

Any ideas???

ALSO... when I tried to get patches from there, it gave me an error saying that my system time/date is incorrect. But, it IS correct. What's up with that? And, it won't let me download any more patches from

Damn it!!! Why is it so hard installing a fresh copy of WinXP Home w/ SP1 on the IBM T22?!?!?!?!?!?!? This sucks :( :( :(

I was just wondering how you made out? I endured that little horror at Easter. Or I should say a business friend. I ended up giving him my computer. He could not be without one at that very moment. Hey, I still have his old BX to play with and used it to get the Sasser Patch, cause I couldn't get his PC on line to save my life once I brought it home! It was there and it wasn't going until I formatted. But I needed to install Windows 98 to get on line to get the patch! Doesn't affect 98 or 95.

Pulled your hair out? I share your pain! That was an expensive little worm, and a royal pain! It wasn't your IBM at fault. But please take the advice here and use your firewall!! Then look around these forums for an additional free firewall. Use that too! Need we mention anti-virus software that is up to date?
If you still have trouble getting the patches you need, I'll be most happy to send them to you. Sasser, Blaster, SP1 and SP1a firewalls and Virus scanners if you'd like.

Should you ever hear some people say that firewalls and virus scanners slow your system and are not necessary........they are talking out thier.....fill in your own adjective.

Hope things worked out well for you.