Free COD MW3 Weekend on Steam

meh, I don't really see where all the hate comes from, it's just a game, I tried it during the free weekend and about 30% of the time, I like it every time, that said, there are obviously waaaay too many hackers running around with aimbots and wallhacks, that much is obvious, it's a shame, if they would just find a way to eliminate the cheating they would have twice the amount of players imo...

either way I still have fun because I play with my son, who he absolutely loves it despite its flaws...
I only play hardcore TD and kill confirmed but I wanted to level up a gun fast so I decided to play ground war. Not even playing in GW i ran into and reported 3 people using aimbot within a hour. That seems to be where all the cheaters are. Back to HC TD and KC for me