Four Weeks of Galaxy Give-Aways!

I need one for solitaire and minesweeper. And to say, I won something off of [H]!
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I (still) want a new Galaxy video card because I haven't won any of the previous 3 :p

And also my HD4890 is showing it's age in current titles @ 1920x1200 reso...and it would be a good reason for me to get another monitor.
I want this Galaxy card for myself. It would be a sweet step up from my current card, and allow me to share the love by bumping down video cards to give my wife a proxy upgrade :)
The Galaxy so huge and so powerful , and we are part from this Galaxy imagine if we take the Galaxy and make it small to but it in the computer case and take control of it by the beautiful GTX580 !!! oppsss the dream comes true now , thanx Galaxy that you make my dream comes true :)
So I can sell my Galaxy GTX 460 and introduce someone else to the brand :p
pick me because i didnt just create this accout to enter the [H] giveaways.
come on guys....members for 4 years and all your posts are for stuf the [H] is giving away...
I just want a new card so that I can crank up the setting ;)
Because while I'm unemployed I can't upgrade for the newer games I'll likely get as gifts for Christmas and my Birthday this month.