Four Weeks of Galaxy Give-Aways!

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
This week Galaxy is giving one lucky winner a 210 MDT multi-display video card. Enter drawing in the HardForum!

Week 1: Galaxy 210 MDT - Drawn on 11-26-11


Post ONCE in this thread to enter the drawing telling us why you want a new Galaxy Video card!
OOOOOoooooo, love free stuff!!!

need video card for my new [H] folding box!
Canada wants more money!

Woot for free stuff from the [H]!
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Free stuff ftw :D & I want's the free stuff!!! OK I lie i have no use for this card I'm just a greedy jerk.
I need a screen saver like the guy from Swordfish. Therefore, i need this video card.
I'd really like to try out some multi-display setups and all I need is a little 'push' in the right direction with a new video card :)
i want to get new components for my TV PC and this fits the build perfectly
I keep hearing great things about Galaxy cards. I'm interested to see how they are.
a 210? is that what passes as a good giveaway now a days? i guess i could put it in a pc for my kids.
I just built a new htpc, and I need a passive card exactly like this, being able to output to two displays will be great as my htpc plays on both my living room and bedroom tv
Thank you for hosting the contest! Who wouldn't want a brand spanking new video card? I could really use it to upgrade my slightly older PC and put some extra monitors to good use doing some 3d design work.
I want another Galaxy card becuase I love the one I have and I love Galaxy... the end...
I want to upgrade the crappy old quadro in my workstation in the office. This would let me setup eyefinity at work so I don't feel like I'm one monitor short of awesome all the time.
I need a new Galaxy video card, because I need a new Galaxy video card. It's like more cowbell.
I want a new Galaxy video card! I am still running an ATI4850 - needless to say I could use an upgrade. :)
On the first week of Chrismas, Galaxy gave to me.... probably nothing because there will be 10s of thousands of posts in this thread by tomorrow.
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