Fortnite "X-Ray" Llamas Loot Boxes Display Contents Before Purchase


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Epic Games has announced that it is going to allow consumers to see what is inside the new "X-Ray" Llamas loot boxes before purchasing them. These were previously known as V-Buck Llamas. Also consumers will no longer get duplicate items from loot boxes unless they own all of the possible items. The new "X-Ray" Llamas loot boxes will rotate on the store every 24 hours. So if a consumer doesn't want the currently displayed item for purchase; they have to wait 24 hours for the store to refresh. Epic Games will disable the ability to purchase multiple V-Buck Llamas at once so that the consumer can see what they are getting one Llama at a time.

Starting in update v7.30, any Llama available in the V-bucks store will show it's contents without requiring a purchase. Mini Llamas and event Llamas are still normal Llamas, not X-Ray Llamas. By keeping them as normal Llamas, you can still bulk open these with resources earned through gameplay. All existing Save the World players will receive 5 free Llama Upgrade Tokens to try out the new system. Take a look in the Item Shop! Remember that your X-Ray Llamas refresh daily!
is what it is I guess

Loot boxes still blow my mind. I gave my nephew cash for his birthday and asked him what he was going to spend it on. His response was crap from Fortnite.

Sometimes It bugs me when my son asks for these things, but most of the time I remember it really is no different than the stupid shit we wanted as kids. I mean honestly reflect on some of the dumb crap you "Had to have or you were gonna die" as a kid. Do you have any of it to this day? does any of it have any collectible value (likely extremely little) and just how much of it is in a landfill? At least some of the stupid crap our kids want doesn't end up in a landfill when they are done with it and 20 years later is going to have the exact same value..Zero.
Sometimes It bugs me when my son asks for these things, but most of the time I remember it really is no different than the stupid shit we wanted as kids. I mean honestly reflect on some of the dumb crap you "Had to have or you were gonna die" as a kid. Do you have any of it to this day? does any of it have any collectible value (likely extremely little) and just how much of it is in a landfill? At least some of the stupid crap our kids want doesn't end up in a landfill when they are done with it and 20 years later is going to have the exact same value..Zero.
While I agree to a point, at least the stuff we wanted had some sort of tangible benefit, the only exception would be a quarter to play a video game in which you could argue that was 25 cents to keep me busy for a few minutes.

hell I remember our lootboxes they were little plastic eggs in a gumball machine at the grocery store :D
Why do people pay real money for this crap?

Bragging rights. All kids talk about in school is Fortnite and they share their screenshots and their character profiles like it's a fashion statement.
While I agree to a point, at least the stuff we wanted had some sort of tangible benefit, the only exception would be a quarter to play a video game in which you could argue that was 25 cents to keep me busy for a few minutes.

hell I remember our lootboxes they were little plastic eggs in a gumball machine at the grocery store :D

almost everything i wanted as a kid had no benefit what so ever, i just wanted it because i saw a commercial and it looked cool. now at my age i understand why my parents never bought that crap for me, lol. but i do agree with the final part of what Dekoth said.. if my option was to buy some useless toy or some useless lootbox in a game, i'd get them the lootbox just so i wouldn't have to A. kick it or step on it barefoot in the middle of the night and B. have to deal with throwing it away when it inevitably breaks.
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Sometimes It bugs me when my son asks for these things, but most of the time I remember it really is no different than the stupid shit we wanted as kids. I mean honestly reflect on some of the dumb crap you "Had to have or you were gonna die" as a kid. Do you have any of it to this day? does any of it have any collectible value (likely extremely little) and just how much of it is in a landfill? At least some of the stupid crap our kids want doesn't end up in a landfill when they are done with it and 20 years later is going to have the exact same value..Zero.

Largely agree but this more like paying for gifs and smileys. It's just vanity.
Sometimes It bugs me when my son asks for these things, but most of the time I remember it really is no different than the stupid shit we wanted as kids. I mean honestly reflect on some of the dumb crap you "Had to have or you were gonna die" as a kid. Do you have any of it to this day? does any of it have any collectible value (likely extremely little) and just how much of it is in a landfill? At least some of the stupid crap our kids want doesn't end up in a landfill when they are done with it and 20 years later is going to have the exact same value..Zero.

If I got the have to have stuff I wanted as a kid I wouldn't be periodicaly checking eBay for a Nintendo power glove or Sega CD... 20+ years from now nobody is gonna be 'God damnit, I wish my parents had bought me that loot box on forwhateverthefuck it was called'
I still have all my GI Joe's and Transformers from the mid-80's when I was a kid.

Good luck selling your loot crate garbage 30 years from now.
If I got the have to have stuff I wanted as a kid I wouldn't be periodicaly checking eBay for a Nintendo power glove or Sega CD... 20+ years from now nobody is gonna be 'God damnit, I wish my parents had bought me that loot box on forwhateverthefuck it was called'

Yep. Most all of the things i wanted as a kid are still quite valuable now due to being mostly pc and game console related.

I don't like lootboxes either. They aren't just gambling, they are a way of paying for social status. The kids have to have these things in order to fit in with their favorite youtube stars.

It's always been that way though. If you reflect on your schooling days from maybe the 70s-90s there was always kids who had excessive amounts of useless junk, the parents should be limiting the access.

If the kid wants a loot crate, make him spend his saturday tending the lawn first so he recognizes the effort it takes to earn a throwaway game costume.
It took me a long time to accept spending money on digital games. I think this was largely due to the fact I was raised that if you can't put your hands on it, you don't own squat. I remember when TF2 went free to play and started selling hats, I told myself that nobody would ever spend money on vanity items.... I misjudged people on that one.
I aint purchasing squat in any game, and if that downgrade the gaming experience i wont even get the game.
Largely agree but this more like paying for gifs and smileys. It's just vanity.

I don't disagree that it's just vanity. I'm just saying that really at its core, this generations stupid shit is no different than our generations stupid shit. Stupid shit is and will always be stupid shit.

If I got the have to have stuff I wanted as a kid I wouldn't be periodicaly checking eBay for a Nintendo power glove or Sega CD... 20+ years from now nobody is gonna be 'God damnit, I wish my parents had bought me that loot box on forwhateverthefuck it was called'

You and I also both know those were rare exceptions and a very small minority of all the stupid crap you wanted as a kid. Also I had/have my original power glove and sega CD AND Virtual boy, so :p
Its all good... its not like society hasn't been using similar mantra's like "an engagement ring should cost two months pay" or other bullshit like that which has been purported by the surrounding industries for years. It only works when things are good, but it fails when your two months of salary gets you 50% less than the rock your dad got your mother 30 years ago and you make more than him... and people wonder why the diamond market is failing.

Hell, the "birth of Christ" is the biggest commercialized steaming heap that has ever been invented, and it keeps getting worse year after year. Its like there is this big "Christmas Profit Cabinet" which includes high level CEOs and they get together each year to decide when to start blasting Christmas jams on the radio each year... soon to be heard at the end of "summer". Except there is no "cabinet" and its just a mantra that has been pushed year, after year. Facebook is basically a physical manifestation of this type of mantra that preys on human emotions.

Keep up the good work Facebook, social media, politicians, and corporate media. In another 10-20 years when these kids have all grown up, they will be immune to all sorts of subliminal advertising, scams, and all sorts of underhanded BS. Our future generations of children will obtain knowledge of so much underhanded crap, that there will no longer be a place for it in this world, because it will be instantly recognized for the stink that it is. You think the diamond market failing is bad, just wait till all your gold, fancy properties and clothes, and invested stock means diddly because the coming generations of people will no longer care about such crap because you only hold it over their heads to make them desire it so you can profit from said desire.
I don't disagree that it's just vanity. I'm just saying that really at its core, this generations stupid shit is no different than our generations stupid shit. Stupid shit is and will always be stupid shit.

You and I also both know those were rare exceptions and a very small minority of all the stupid crap you wanted as a kid. Also I had/have my original power glove and sega CD AND Virtual boy, so :p

I still have R.O.B and Gyromite, but no NES. :)
Its all good... its not like society hasn't been using similar mantra's like "an engagement ring should cost two months pay" or other bullshit like that which has been purported by the surrounding industries for years. It only works when things are good, but it fails when your two months of salary gets you 50% less than the rock your dad got your mother 30 years ago and you make more than him... and people wonder why the diamond market is failing.

Hell, the "birth of Christ" is the biggest commercialized steaming heap that has ever been invented, and it keeps getting worse year after year. Its like there is this big "Christmas Profit Cabinet" which includes high level CEOs and they get together each year to decide when to start blasting Christmas jams on the radio each year... soon to be heard at the end of "summer". Except there is no "cabinet" and its just a mantra that has been pushed year, after year. Facebook is basically a physical manifestation of this type of mantra that preys on human emotions.

Keep up the good work Facebook, social media, politicians, and corporate media. In another 10-20 years when these kids have all grown up, they will be immune to all sorts of subliminal advertising, scams, and all sorts of underhanded BS. Our future generations of children will obtain knowledge of so much underhanded crap, that there will no longer be a place for it in this world, because it will be instantly recognized for the stink that it is. You think the diamond market failing is bad, just wait till all your gold, fancy properties and clothes, and invested stock means diddly because the coming generations of people will no longer care about such crap because you only hold it over their heads to make them desire it so you can profit from said desire.

ROFL... I posted this, and guess what newsfeeds I get spammed to me on firefox home page...


Yeah this system is totally not rigged against you...
Bragging rights. All kids talk about in school is Fortnite and they share their screenshots and their character profiles like it's a fashion statement.

Bragging rights that you bought some video game skins? I’m really glad I’m not a student in today’s world lol.
Bragging rights that you bought some video game skins? I’m really glad I’m not a student in today’s world lol.

whats the difference from when we were kids.. we used literally anything for bragging rights, the coolest bike, who had the best pokemon cards, who had the biggest GI Joe collection, or any other "cool" collection at the time.. ultimately it comes down to what you consider value and every generation has their own thing.
The return on 'digital items' must be insane.
Few hours of art and code, tons and tons of money.

I would buy into a few things it if the prices where much lower.
I seen the buy 'Gems' or whatever, but then the conversion for in-game stuff is terrible.
I mean 5 or 10 buck is not nothing, but if it gave me way more things, like tons that I know it would last me weeks or months, I would consider it, but its just too greedy.. so they don't get my money.
So a mystery box that has no mystery? How quaint!