

Limp Gawd
Oct 31, 2003
I want to format my computer fully and just re-install windows how do I do this?

Could I set my BIOS to boot from CD and then format it from the windows disk management and then restart with windows CD in the drive?
Originally posted by MoDsOuRcEdOtNeT

from that I assume you want to zero out the drive?

DBAN or Autoclave or your HDD manufacturer probably offers a utility to do that with the Diagnostic

"Fake Low-Level Format, Zero-Fill and Diagnostic Utilities

"As I have said (probably too often, sorry) modern drives do not need to be low-level formatted by the end user, and in fact cannot be LLFed outside the factory due to their precision and complexity. However, it seems that the need to LLF hard disks on the part of users has never gone away. Like some primordial instinct, many PC users seem to have a fundamental desire to LLF their modern disks. Maybe it is built into the genetic code in some way yet undiscovered. ;^) In fact, even if it were possible, the vast majority of the time that someone "needs" to LLF a hard disk today, it is not really necessary. Many users jump quickly to wanting to try an "LLF" whenever they have a problem with their hard disk, much the way many jump to re-installing their operating system whenever it gives them trouble

and Real Low level Formatting
yup but it can take awhile to zero out a HDD
especially if its large
why do you feel the need to do this?
you can just do a normal reformat from the CD
Basicly, I wanna reinstall windows and make it so that there is no files from my harddrive before. Start fresh.
what a "normal" format does is erase the location of any data, not the data itself, since there are no instructions for the OS to find that data, it isnt there for all intensive purposes, any data that IS written overwrites the previous data

by zeroing out a hard drive your turning all the bits that the OS couldnt read anyway into zeros instead of ones and zeros (since its a magnetic media, they are positive and negative bits)

you can do a clean install without zeroing the HDD
if on the otherhand you are concerned that the local federalies may seize your computer to uncover your plans for world domination and the blueprints of your deathray, zeroing out the drive might be worth it*. Or if your having some HDD issues, there has been members that say zeroing it out has helped clear them up.

* actually youd want to write various patterns several times inorder to destroy any residual differences in strength to the negitive bits, even then forensic analysis may recover the data, but it will cost ALOT

I have an ap that will overwrite data 32 times (they arent getting my deathray :p
Originally posted by MoDsOuRcEdOtNeT
Yea, but just to re-install win xp, i wanna delete all the old files too.

Read the stuff in that link. It tells you.
8. If you previously had an Operating System installed you will be given a choice of Format options . Select the Format option of your choice. When asked to start the format, press the "F" key. The formatting process may take quite a bit of time.
I have an ap that will overwrite data 32 times (they arent getting my deathray

In theory if they are checking for varying strengths on the magnetic drive, wouldn't a solid 32x's be something they could factor out? or should i give this some more brain time and guess the app doesn't do a blanket 32x's, it does something more complex?

Also... on a personal note, Ice Czar what the hell do you do for a living that you need to worry about the fuzz knocking down your door and snatching your death ray?

it's also nice to see someone else reading up on Fravia... good times.
searchlores is probably the most single useful site on the internet ;)

the overwrite patterns vary, all 0 all 1 and various patterns, the objective being to eradicate the previopus magnetic states past any hope of reasonable recovery (of course given enough money and the need its can probably be reassembled, but not with publicly available aps)

Im the Senior Associate in charge of weapons development for The Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion (SPECTRE) :p