Forcing Chrome browser to cache (and keep the cache) for a site


May 5, 2017
Having an interesting situation with a browser based tool. In Edge, browsing around the tool/site will build up the cache, and pages will pull from the cache and load quickly when returning to them. In Chrome, it seems after clicking around to a few pages, Chrome is dropping old cache items (i.e. the page we were on 3 or 4 clicks ago), and does not pull from cache, resulting in slower loads. Not trying to troubleshoot the slower loads (those are a separate thread due to VDI and other variables outside of current scope), just find a way to force Chrome to keep all of those cache items and pull from them for longer. It was already communicated out that Chrome was the "preferred browser" for the tool, so trying to see if this is a hidden setting in Chrome that can change the behavior, or I just need to tell them to change to Edge (and thus retest all functionality, this time using that browser).
Are these pages 3 or 4 clicks back static or dynamic with the data shown?

Are the page under your domain of influence, or just any ol' random ones?
Static form.
Under single domain, hosted in Azure.
Things like the calendar will, once cached come up instantaneously in Edge, but on Chrome it is not getting cached/takes the same time every time you load