For those with families: How much game time do you get?

For me goes up and down. When my kids were young and I was in the military it would go 0-10 hours during the week. Then on the weekends I would get more in like 2-4 hours. Now that my kids are older and I'm out of the military I can usually average more depending on what shift I'm can usually average 12-15 hours during the week. For me it has alot to do with if the game is new. Because in the beginning I tend to put alot of hours in the beginning.

Also one thing I've done is I play games on easy mode if its a single player game. Playing it on easy helps me finish the game in less time but still enjoy it. I don't need a "Challenge" at my age anymore lol.
Actually I'm arounf 2 hours per days. But I'm young so I think it will decrease with years.
In order to stay sane in spite of severe family problems I typically spend around 4 hours/night gaming.

God I'm 42 and still a gamer.
You yongster! I'm closer to 50...

... As much as I like some of my other hobbies ... it's hard to do those things at 8 or 9 o'lock at night after they go to bed. I can't exactly pull out the saws and have at it at that hour. It's just too loud and there's just not enough time in the evenings.
Same goes for me. Leathercraft is often quite noisy, and since I pretty much only have spare time while the rest of the family is trying to sleep I can't do it nearly as much as I'd like to.

I was really big into sim racing before my daughter was born. I actually had finished building a new wheel/chair setup about 3 months before she was born. That is now sitting under a sheet in my basement and hasn't been powered up in almost 3 years. Basically, if I can't play a game on my iPhone or iPad quietly while laying in bed after 10PM, it can't be done.

Ironically, I just built a new gaming PC to not play games on. So I got that going for me. I envy all you men that can get away with ANY gaming.
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Whenever my dad is not working.. we are playing together for about half a day but only for 2 days in a week