fold-server development halted


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 6, 2002
as most of you know, my brother, unhappy_mage, is responsible for the development of the fold-server linux distribution. unfortunately, he isn't doing very well right now. i went downstairs to talk to him, and i found him slumped over his keyboard. we've rushed him to the hospital. we found out later from the doctors that he has a rare disease, known as Meloof suilirpa. it's not terribly serious but it can cause rampant paranoia. he had covered himself with a roll of tinfoil. i think that's what caused him to pass out.

we certainly hope he'll be okay, but right now he's going through tough times. please pray for him. they're keeping him in the hospital to treat his heat exhaustion.

i think the latest fold server was done, so i uploaded it. i called it 1.0, it was close if not finished.
i'm not sure he'll be able to maintain fold-server in the future. i talked to him by phone and he's mostly incoherent. not that that's unusual.
:( if you knew this is a joke, then put "that sucks" in the title of your post. i just want to keep track. happy march 32nd! if you quote this, please don't give it away - remove the invisible stuff.

Wenn sie ihn nicht glauben, werden sie vielliecht mir besser verstehen. Es gibt eine neue version von fold-server, das stimmt, aber es ist unmöglich für mich fold-server fortzufahren beizubehalten. Ich bin vollständig verrückt.

Ja ist es ein Witz. Aber mindestens wir erhielten einige Leute zuerst!
So who is gonna fix this dang thing I got 23 boxen running on? Well, some running, some walking, some crawling, some sleeping....
Babel Fish Translation:
In English:

If they do not believe it, them vielliecht me better to understand. There is a new version of fold server, which is correct, but it is not possibly for me fold servers to continue to maintain. I am completely moved. It is a joke. But we received some people at least first!

Spectre: yep, it sure does. Here's my english of it (it's been a couple years since I took german, so I'm a little rusty.)

If you won't believe him, maybe you'll understand me better. There's a new version of fold-server, that's true, but it is impossible for me to continue to maintain fold-server. I am completely crazy.
Yes, it's a joke. But at least we got a few people first!
unhappy_mage said:
Spectre: yep, it sure does. Here's my english of it (it's been a couple years since I took german, so I'm a little rusty.)

If you won't believe him, maybe you'll understand me better. There's a new version of fold-server, that's true, but it is impossible for me to continue to maintain fold-server. I am completely crazy.
Yes, it's a joke. But at least we got a few people first!

Yeah that is a lot closer to what it read like to me. If only I could synthesize well as read.......oh well at least I can read 2 other languages.
unhappy_mage said:
Wenn sie ihn nicht glauben, werden sie vielliecht mir besser verstehen. Es gibt eine neue version von fold-server, das stimmt, aber es ist unmöglich für mich fold-server fortzufahren beizubehalten. Ich bin vollständig verrückt.

Ja ist es ein Witz. Aber mindestens wir erhielten einige Leute zuerst!

Cum populos infatuaras quos semper aderent hoc forum fuit bonum, clare quidam sapientia tuum inceptum potest videre.

Itaque tuum operem laudo et gratulor quod nostrum factionem magnopere adiuvit. :cool:

Okay, since me = dumb, fold-server 1.0 is back off the site. There are 3 fairly major things that I though I'd fixed but hadn't.

Sorry everyone, I'll put up a new version sometime later *after* I test the heck out of it.
i guess the rush to get an april fools joke in there was a bit much... o well, at least it made some people laugh. maybe. or scared someone. both are good responses (for me anyways. either one is funny)

good luck fixing it (for good this time:p)
unhappy_mage said:

Aint that the truth. Here is the correct translation. Babelfish f@#&ed it up purdy bad.

"Although your attempt to fool the people who visit this forum was good, someone wise can clearly see through your plan. However, I praise and congratulate your work (no latin translation for fold server ;) ) which has greatly helped our team.