Flat-Earther Successfully Blasts Off in Homemade Rocket

I wonder if there is money to be made from these numnuts? Think I'll set up a travel agency and sell then expensive packaged tours to the edges of the Earth, I hear there is one in Somalia and the DR Congo (with any luck never hear from them again). And fancy copies of those old maps that showed sea monsters and ships falling over the edge (they don't explain how the water stays but the ship sails over).
You sir, have the constitution of a ox. I salute you.

I was waiting to see if the guy got to some kind of point, but it was "I'll get to that later" for the first half of the video.

At least I know that cameras used in the US mirror the moon differently than ones sold in South Africa... I think.
How the dinosaurs really became extinct.

Flat earthers just have an extreme version of the disease all conspiracy nuts suffer from, which include but is not limited to, Chem trails, the HARP project, "Truthers" "Birthers" Vacciphobers. Fluoridation Freaks and people that think Sasquatch is real. (ok, that last one is possibly legit, but we have to many rednecks in the woods, there would be a Sasquatch head on a wall somewhere if it was real.)

can't cure em' you just learn to accept that sometimes people that are broke in the head can function in society.
Everyone knows the earth is really a disc on the back of three elephants on top of a giant turtle moving through space. Jeez people..