Favorite Video Game Music


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
I thought it would be cool to Link your favorite video game music now that we can post embed stuff from youtube.


Ellis from Thunder Force 3

Dark Age of Camelot Ambient stuff

Sonic CD

King's Field 2 PS1

Everquest 2

Dark Souls

Borderlands Moxxi DLC

Ultima Online Wind Mountain

Chakan the Forever man level 1

Actraiser 2 - Industen & Benefic

Act Raiser 2
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A lot of these are just my favorites from games that I think have several good tracks:

To Zanarkand from Final Fantasy X

Dancing Mad from Final Fantasy VI

Liberi Fatali from Final Fantasy VIII

Devils Never Cry from Devil May Cry 3

Mother, I'm Here from Bastion (I could make this entire post just the Bastion soundtrack)

Halo Theme from Halo

Radical Dreamers Jewel Which Cannot Be Stolen from Chrono Cross

Snake Eater from Metal Gear Solid 3

The Best Is Yet To Come from Metal Gear Solid

Midna's Lament from The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Cute choices but you can't top STALKER

When I was a kid I used to go to the Mystic ruins and leave it on while I hung out in my room

fuck it heres some nights into dreams

Never played the game before, but really like the soundtrack

one of my favorites:
more-oldie but goodie (note that this is the japanese version, better sound chip than USA):
The first track is so beautiful, amazing output from returning artists.

The classic original.

BASS (I could loop the first 4 tracks forever, amazing)

BA-BASS (I bought my PS4 for this, Epic theme and BASS)
Final Fantasy Music Rocks...

Pretty much all of Super Meat Boy...just a few examples...

Beatbuddy first song, Parov Stelar is the artist..

End Credit Song...
Resident Evil 3's Credits Theme

Gran Turismo 6, post race music
All the original score from the Mass Effect series is fantastic. It's hard to just pick one or two or twelve.

What the heck...

For classic game music, I'm a big fan of Ninja Gaiden (NES), Strider (NES), Phantasy Star 2 (Genesis), and Final Fantasy 2 & 3 (SNES).
For your listening pleasure, I present you the entire 7th Guest Soundtrack. Hats off to The Fat Man.

Stands well on it's own. Needs no game.

Morrowind. I don't think anything will ever come close to that for me personally.

This one specifically:

Yea Quake 2 is another favorite of mine... I didn't realize until now that he also worked on Borderlands 1/2 and Mass Effect 3, among some other big games...
I fell deep into Witcher 3 the past month. Very strange, and this game completely surprised me. I only bought it because it received so many good reviews and awards... but it has officially taken place as my all-time favorite game of all time. 29 years of gaming and this game has completely blown me away in every imaginable way. The soundtrack that came on disk with the game was a nice treat, and this is my favorite video game song now... (the rest of the soundtrack is amazing too).

Really good stuff in here! (Nice one on The Last Ninja!)

Here's a good one:



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Not a game, but...

Nice!!! It's always nice to run into someone that actually knows what demos are. :cool:

If this is gonna be THAT kinda party... :D

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I too love the music from Final Fantasy.

Street Fighter 2

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
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MGSV sortie prep song makes everything you do epic.

Making a sandwich to this song results in the most f***ing EPIC sandwich EVER.

Edit: The Peace Walker version is also quite epic, though I think not as much.

Also, for anyone who has beaten the game (MGSV): this song hits pretty hard

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When I was a kid I used to go to the Mystic ruins and leave it on while I hung out in my room

You do know there was a sound test deal in the options menu right?

And, I got your Sonic Adventure track beaten by a MILE -

Good call on Erana's Peace!! I used to sit there and just listen to that music, and watch the fruit on the tree sparkle. :D

(actually a couple of years ago, I got entirely too wasted, and was laying in the grass in my yard at night. I grabbed my phone and played that music) hehehehe

Some more favorites:

The Music of Ultima VIII: Pagan on a Roland Sound Canvas - YouTube

One Track:
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In my opinion Mirror's Edge has one of the best soundtracks ever. Mass Effect series has some good pieces too. Squadron 42 and Star Citizen will have awesome soundtrack no doubt about it.
Ive always loved fzero snes music. It seems uptempo and fits the "speed" of the game. I remember sitting up my stereo with the speakers behind my chair, so it would sound like cars were coming up on the left or right of me!

some other game music i loved :
Quake 1 - 3,
quake 3 main theme always got the blood flowing upon startup

Doom 1
Super mario world,
Zelda a link to the past,

Halo 1-3 and odst,
SW the old republic,
World of warcraft,
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