favorite PC gaming review site?


Feb 26, 2008
As the title says, what are you favorite sites for gaming news and reviews, preferable one that will focus on PC gaming and include things like GeDoSaTo for FFXII, Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition or the iCEnhancer mod for GTA IV.
I'm not surprised there are no answers to this topic. You want a site, that reviews things you're interested in, including mods, but nothing else, you won't find it.

Also big sites are dangerous, they tend to try to appease the masses, while pleasing the publishers too. If you're looking for honesty you need to find less prominent sites, that have similar values as you have.

I'd rather write my own reviews. But most of the time I tend to agree with angryjoe, but that's a video review site.
I don't mind if it includes other games that I'm not interested but it should focus on Pc games and new releases. I would like a site that doesn't focus on political debates in the gaming community and not focus on console exclusives. I've used some of the bigger sites and I'm looking for recommendations for sites that won't show at the top from a Google search for gaming news.
I like watching TotalBiscuits' reviews on youtube
YouTube, mostly TotalBiscuit. I generally ignore most of the posts in the gaming section here when it comes to deciding whether I want to purchase a game or not. It's generally filled with a couple of trolls who bash on everything or rabid fanboys.
My favorites would be PC Gamer, DSO Gaming, True PC Gaming, Total Biscuit, Jim Sterling, Zero Punctuation and Inc Gamers.
I hardly ever read game reviews these days, most are paid off by the developers/publishers. Usually rely on user feedback, Total Biscuit, and Zero Punctuation.
Aggregate, Mods reviews are typically submitted and available on the sites theyre hosted on. Check MODDB for example. I usually flip through Youtube thoughts on games Totalbiscuit at worst has rose colored glasses for some games, but I like how clinical he tends to be. He doesn't wash back and forth he sees bullshit he typically calls it.

I have to sort of disagree as mean as it sounds, but Hardforums is hit and miss on what people defend on here. I'm through the first couple chapters of Evil Within and it's honesty kind of a shitty game and I'm huuuge residential evil fan. I actually like parts of RE5 &6. People were asides from technical details, gushing like fangirls over EW on here. Same for Alien Isolation which for me is just sort of "ok".

If I listen to anyone here on hardforums or elsewhere I tend to look for the people that absolutely hated a game because if I'm looking theres already reason for me to like a game, I'm looking for reasons I'd hate it.

The scary ones are like Destiny where I had no idea how terrible it was until I got like 15-20 hours in and realized the plot and gameplay just runs off a cliff at lv20. You wouldn't understand why util you got there. Instead of selling you the first charter in a series of games they sold us the first couple chapters of a single game.

Then there's games like Stalker and Metro2033 that are a slow burn and you don't know how engrossed you are until a couple hours in. I'm hoping EW and AI turn out like that but the reviews say otherwise.

Like pandoras said, user forum feedback, youtube players and then I flip through some escapist type large site reviews for a complete breakfast.

Gamespot for whatever reason has become more legit than IGN or giantbomb or RPS. No idea why. I think IGN has just become a commercial site the last couple years.
YouTube gameplay videos of the game are what I use to determine whether or not I might be interested in it.
I like Kotaku. Most of the Gawker stuff is good.

There aren't really any gaming review sites I trust any more. I read the forum here and watch videos on YouTube.
I would also suggest Twitch streams on/near release day for a better look at live gameplay.
I look for highly specific things out of many games so a review that gives a good overview on how it works mechanically and what faults or what it does well is better then quick summary and a score that most written reviews have.

Youtube.com is a good one for sure. But watching random video's of the game can be a bit spoilerific though as is browsing for feedback on forums, neither really give a good picture of the game in length but provides the best information on technical issues/fixes and mods the game has which can be more important then the reviews themselves. I like moddb, [H], or if the game itself has a forum itself (or just a steam forum/community stub) i'll visit that. For news i like dsogaming or twitter (sorry).

Angry Joe or TB are annoying as hell in their reviews but usually dead on when it comes down to describing the flaws and giving a accurate idea on how the game plays. There is usually enough information there for me to pick and choose what i deem important and just ignore the score at the end (if there is one) as it doesn't do anything for me.
I absolutely cannot stand watching video game youtube reviews. They take too damn long for me. I can read faster than they speak.

So for me, my favoraite PC gaming review site is RockPaperShotgun.com. They concentrate on PC games only and do cover quite a lot of indie games as well. It was their series of Men of War articles/reviews that convinced me to buy the game. And yes it was worth it.
IGN is my to go site.

Google search "Game name platform IGN review"

Boom, top searches right there.

IGN can be biased at times, but I find them more on a neutral side than anything else.

All the editors and writers play and review a game they like or have liked in the past. Which makes it more personal to the game you are reading a review on. Not to mention IGN keeps a pretty in depth list of "Why this or why that" in its game summary.

I'll glance at meta critic here and there .
But IGN is my number 1 and usually only one I need.
Zero punctuation is fun. If he likes it, i probably will.

My tastes dont match society's
Maybe Rock Paper Shotgun? Admittedly, they are a bit sporadic with their coverage though.
Twitch TV =)

Game Informer screw those Boy Men kids they wouldn't know a good series if they had a PHD in Gaming.
Not going to Renew my sub for that Ben Reeves thing..
I trust people on here. I used to like ign, but that was like 15 years ago. There is no "go to" review site.

Agreed. More and more, I only trust reviews from long-standing [H] members who have grown up with PC gaming like me and have similar wisdom and perspective.

Most of the big reviewers I used to read have become nothing but paid shills and promoters.

I'll still refer to some upstanding publications like PC Gamer and The Escapist for color.
Depends on the game really, I like Action Trip but I usually seek out 3-4 reviews...