Favorite games you've never actually beaten?

The game I spent the most enjoyable time with, but never actually completed is Gothic 3. I have started up many new games, mostly because of fixes and gameplay revisions, or graphic and performance improvements, but never actually finished the game. I have come real close, but no cigar. It is just too massive!
HL2: Episode 2.
I played XCOM 2 for 95 hours until I finished the campaign, but that's done now.
I wouldn't say favorite but games I enjoyed up until a point.

Deus Ex HR, got tired of getting beat by the 2nd to last boss no matter which tactics I employed.

Alan Wake, same thing, got to a point where I couldn't get past a certain level and gave up

Dishonored. need to beat this since I'm close.

Remember Me

Sleeping Dogs
Happens to me all the time. I just don't have time to game much anymore so It'll be a random hour here or two there and thats about it.
Witcher 1 and 2, as well as Dragon Age 1 and 2 were some of my favorite games, beat them multiple times. I still have Dragon Age: Inquisition and Witcher 3 in my backlog and I've never actually booted up either game (and I bought them both day 1, lol)
Witcher 1 and 2, as well as Dragon Age 1 and 2 were some of my favorite games, beat them multiple times. I still have Dragon Age: Inquisition and Witcher 3 in my backlog and I've never actually booted up either game (and I bought them both day 1, lol)
Ha! Same with me. Bought DA:I and Witcher 3 day one and I have yet to even install them. Dragon Age: Origins is definitely one of my favorite RPGs of all time.
Skyrim. Came very close. I'll be walking down a path or through the woods and "oh look, a cave". Three hours later I'm like "what the hell?!"
Still play it, just do more exploring than anything else.
Waiting for "Beyond Skyrim" :D
Dishonored (beat the main game and First story DLC) didn't play Brigmore Witches yet and the last time I played Dishonored was like 2-3 years ago. I'll play it eventually.
I generally beat every game I enjoy though so my list is narrow.
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Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode.

Never did beat that damn thing, but loved some of the sequences.
2 recent games that come to mind are Shadow of Mordor and Dying Light. Both really good games but I just haven't gotten around to finishing them with my Dota 2 addiction and all...
Skyrim for me. Batman, Arkham Asylum, Deus Ex, Borderlands, Half-Life 2, Trine, King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame, Assassin's Creed (Yes, the first one), Darkest Dungeon, Nethack. I tend to have gaming ADD. I will play the hell out of a game for a couple of weeks, then move on to something else. Sometimes I go back, but it's rare. I've only beaten a handful of games. Half-Life and Return to Castle Wolfenstein are the two that come to mind.
I've played through Xenogears about 3-4 times. Getting to the last boss on each playthrough (about 80+ hours) and never actually beat the final boss, Deus. There's a long history of save issues and Parasite Eve coupled in there that explain my lack of completion.
Half-Life (Fuck those Xen levels, seriously)
Final Fantasy VII - Got the gold chocobo, did most everything there was to do except fighting Emerald Weapon and Sepiroth

I'm sure there are tons of others especially on the consoles of my youth (Atari, NES, SNES, etc) but I can't think of any one off the top of my head...
System Shock 1 AND 2 never played last level. Half Life 1 and 2 never finished.
Secret of Evermore.

All other games - if I didn't finish it then it wasn't a favorite.
I don't complete many games. I have a habit of quitting when the end boss is 10x harder than anything else in the game. Which happens in a lot of games. I got better things to do than grind the same scene over and over. I just quit Resident Evil Revelations 1 after a few tries at the end boss. The end boss fight takes long enough that a few tries and it's old already. I consider games like this finished once I get to the end boss fight. Usually, if I like a game enough to even get to the end boss, it's a pretty good game.

I didn't finish Shadow of Mordor, and I thought that was a very good game. I actually finished RE6, and that game was shit. Leon's campaign was pretty hilarious with the end boss. You have to beat him like 10 times. I was laughing out loud at the characters still being surprised that he had come back, every time. I was like "WTF did you expect? He's come back the last 4 times you beat him, what makes #s 5-10 a surprise?"

I remember many years ago, I said I quit some Wolfenstein (might've been RtCW) game or other because the end boss turned into a grind, and some snot-nosed kid called me lazy. I couldn't think of a snarky enough put-down to put his values into context. I suppose he got a job at some point.
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Yeah, it's quicker to list the games that I have beaten. At least recent games - my memory isn't good enough that I can recall my playthroughs of old games with such detail.

Arkham Asylum
Arkham City
Arkham Origins
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
I Am Alive
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RE6 (though I haven't touched Ada's campaign, so I suppose that doesn't really count. Edit: I LIE! Still stuck on the stupid snake in Chris' campaign)
Half-Life 2

That's most of them right there.
I wouldn't say favorite but games I enjoyed up until a point.

Deus Ex HR, got tired of getting beat by the 2nd to last boss no matter which tactics I employed.

Sleeping Dogs
Sleeping dogs is awesome!


HR.... uh.... have you tried using typhoon? I mean, For every boss, you can just go near or let them go near you, and just spam typhoon til the die.
If you are talking about the fiht in the room full of moving statues..... and you can't use augments... you can run away and wait for him to jump over the wall to you, then use melee to kill him.

i did like maybe 10% of the main quest
Metal Gear 3, 4 and now 5. I really liked them and all that but never had the motivation to finish them. Loved 1 and 2 though.
Same with Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. Was playing but got stuck when 3 bosses attack back to back after a very difficult elevator ride and burnt out on it. Also since parry was hard with a keyboard/mouse combo.

I think most DLC of games I loved I have not finished. Examples include Shadow of Mordor, Ass Creed games etc. Since then, stopped buying DLC crap.
Deus Ex HR - bloody boss fights, not sure anymore which one but got blocked by one and gave up.
for some reason I always stopped playing neverwinter nights.

There are tons more I never finished but would not consider those favourite or in some cases good :p
Its a game about music. More fan than don't touch blanks and the music is adorable
Amen to THAT.

Fallout 3 comes closest to me beating it, I think I have just Broken Steel left, finished all the other DLCs and major plot lines, might have missed a few in places like republic of dave or something.

Then comes New vegas, completed all of the DLCs and the major plotline once with Legion (ironically, I did it first because I hate them the most, wanted to get it out of the way).

Then Skyrim, Main quest I just stopped at the MAJOR catch in Dragonsreach, but no further. Didn't finish either of the rebellion plots either.

Fallout 4 was pretty much a failure of progression at this point, didn't get very far in quest (up to the point you went dumpster diving in someone else's memory, that was pretty cool I thought), but this was the first time I put BoS firmly in the 'hate' camp. Went from semi-noble power armor knights to Vertibird powered bigots.

I don't hate ANY of those games, but it's the modding syndrome kicking in, but Fallout 4 I am waiting for 1080ti so I can play it to the fullest and best experience.
I"ve dumped a ton of hours into Skyrim and have not beat it. The main quest was not very appealing.
Like quite a few users here, I have never completed Xenogears. I thought Xenogears was a brilliant game but I could not beat the last bosses at the very end, despite trying multiple times. A friend who had finished it earlier had a go at it for me but gave up in the end. He claimed I hadn't picked up the proper equipment in order to be properly prepared to take on the boss. I don't know how many bosses were left, but I think perhaps it was the final boss or the second from final.

I also regret not clearing Vagrant Story but I think that was more due to distraction rather than difficulty. Had I continued levelling up, I am sure I would have gotten further.

As I kid, I had troubles with Battletoads and Blaster Master. I owned them both but remembering struggling plenty. Perhaps now as an older, much more proficient gamer, I would take on this two titles with ease :)
Ocarina of Time.

Game is just hamstrung by the cartridge format (not enough space for a real 3D adventure game), so they fill it out with pointless walking and tons of tough timer-based mini games, and restarting dungeons over-and-over because you dropped some bratty princess, etc. Later pointless puzzles includes a sliding picture puzzle done at an odd angle (to show off that neato-bandito 3d). This odd angle makes it nearly impossible to finish in the time allowed, so you'll throw the controller at the wall in frustration.

This coming from a guy who beat Windwaker (yes, even slogged through the filler second half), and then beat Twilight Princess. I know what I'm doing in the 3D Zelda universe, but I think Ocarina is the most overrated POS ever.
Twilight was sooo boring compared to Ocarina. But who cares, Majora's the best.
Twilight was sooo boring compared to Ocarina. But who cares, Majora's the best.

After hating Ocarina over-and-over, I've avoided Majora's Mask purely out of principle. I always start strong, then throw the controller against the wall a week into things.

Twilight had a much more enjoyable sidekick than Navi's "hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey!" I don't know what you find so boring about a darker story line.

Yet-another bullshit limitation we had to deal with because Ocarina had to fit EVERYTHING on a 32MB cart. No real digital sound dialog, just "hey!" all fucking day. Imagine what they could have done with 20x that space on a CD? And their late arrival (1996) would have made a 4x-6x CDROM drive a reasonable proposition, which would have helped massively with load times.
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I gotta disagree. I just could not continue playing Twilight. I made it past the first ghost guy that you learn the first move and just went meh.

The hey thing never got to me, it's funny that people hate on it so much since I only really noticed it after I heard all the memes about it.
Metal Gear 3, 4 and now 5. I really liked them and all that but never had the motivation to finish them. Loved 1 and 2 though.
Same with Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. Was playing but got stuck when 3 bosses attack back to back after a very difficult elevator ride and burnt out on it. Also since parry was hard with a keyboard/mouse combo.

I think most DLC of games I loved I have not finished. Examples include Shadow of Mordor, Ass Creed games etc. Since then, stopped buying DLC crap.

The temptation to spoil them for you is too big to ignore:

Boss was the good guy the entire time, following orders from the US government. Eva was a Chinese spy, screws you both physically and professionally

Nanomachines. Everything was Nanomachines. Big boss is still alive, then he dies.

You aren't playing as Big Boss, The real Big Boss never went into a coma, and you play as a body double. Quiet kills herself because you get bit by a snake.


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