Factorio exits Early Access after eight years of work


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
"More than 2,000,000 people have bought the game to date. According to Steam Charts, since its official release on Friday, it has seen a 20-percent rise in interest, reaching a peak of 32,392 concurrent players. The demo for the game spiked over 240 percent. That is not enough to put it in the top ten of most played games (Warframe is number 10 with 65,608), but the demo is currently trending in the number 2 spot just behind The Surge 2. So we could see those numbers grow.

Not much has changed with Factorio 1.0. It is still all about building massive automated factories and defending them from the angry denizens as your facility destroys their environment. Version 1.0 did get a pretty impressive fresh coat of paint, though.

If you have not played Factorio, you can try the demo for free on Steam. If you want the full version, it'll cost you $30, which isn't bad considering the game is 100's of hours of fun. Some of our staffers have been playing it for years."

I really need to stop buying games on early access. I end up tired of them by the time it 'releases'.
They've been able to add enough to keep me coming back for more. As far as I'm concerned, it left EA like 4 years ago, it's felt more complete than most games that "release" straight away for as long as I've had it.
Totally irrelevant to the discussion. Take the trollbait elsewhere.


Mad because of a silly statement, that is indeed true?

Factorio is nothing more than SimCity 2000 that had a polishing and a focus change. It took 8 years to remake SimCity 2000. There... Relevant statements.