Facebook Teen’s Father Shows Some Tough Love

Are you for real? Seriously? THAT is your comment? THAT is what you have to say?

So if my dad cuts my left arm off then today's kids are doing fine because they have both arms hanging on their sides? Do you UNDERSTAND how extreme the things you describe that happened to you are?

Have you got any sense at all in order to understand just how low it is to ironically address today's kids the way you do because they are not spanked in public? or eat stale dog food (!!!!!!???) or have their hand placed on a warming stove? (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or drink their... piss???? (!) or.....

Your parents did all these? Who was your father, jigsaw? And now what, you applaud them for it?

People who, just because they went through some seriously bad and messed up shit in their lives, want to pass around the pain screaming "I had to take it, now YOU take it", are the absolute worst kind.
For some people, because their parents provided food, water and shelter, they view their parents as supreme beings who can do no wrong. To question them and their actions, at any point, would be a capital offense.
One thing I don't get about the "I had it this way as a kid, so it's fine for my kids" comments...

Don't you want your kids to have a better life and childhood than you had? That's not to say shrug off punishments or responsibility (which are absolutely crucial to instill in your children), but do you really believe your parents did it the best way? Just because you had it, it makes it the best way?
Its makes you wonder, doesn't it? Why would anyone want to teach their kid that if one approach doesn't work, then increase the intimidation factor. In this case, using a firearm to destroy your daughters toy.
What if the daughter has a problem at school with another student, tries to talk it out, fails, then decides the only other recourse is to fight this person, or perhaps use a firearm?
Just another small observation, I like how the guy's puffing on a cancer stick in the video. Way to set a good example for your kid.
Firstly, I don't have kids.

Secondly, I'm pretty sure I'd of reacted in a similar manner as him, though without a handgun. I wouldn't have shot the laptop. Though it would have been headed to goodwill or a local children's hospital.. or the lady that was a maid (or whatever he called it). She sounded like she could use it.

Either way, I'm glad he showed her that there are repercussions for things you've been warned about.
All you people whining about him shooting the laptop instead of donating it..

Where were you when Kyle put a 50 cal bullet through over a dozen hard drives?

I applaud the guys actions. I can tell a lot of people in this thread are going to raise spoiled brats.
I see a very shitty nursing home in his future. Pay him for the bullets he used to shoot the laptop too, what a douche bag.
The apple didn't fall far from that tree. What a douche of a father. Kids do that kind of crap all of the time, and there are better ways of dealing with it. I'm sure she garnered a lot of sympathy for that video. Social services probably already knocked on their door.
There's so much funny in this.

How is the daughter supposed to watch his idiotic crybaby daddy youtube video now, or read his facebook post? That guy doesn't think to much does he? :D
Classy... Teach em that violence is the solution to someone doing something you don't like. Doesn't matter if he smashed it with a sledgehammer instead of shooting it, it's still a violent punishment in response to someone merely venting their feelings. Her next move will surely be getting one of those locked diaries and writing all those complaints in it instead... plus the one about how he destroyed her laptop after snooping on it. Wow.
"Oh my Lord, cue the armchair psychiatrists. "

And the grammar Nazis

:pIs it too late for an abortion?:D

This is just a lesson that might get some adolescents to realise that a "retroactive abortion" is a very real outcome for acting out in life.
There seems to be a clear divide in these comments between children (i also consider young adults w/o children...children) and parents. The children poo pooing him for bad parenting, bad communication, not enough hugs, blah, etc...and the parents commending him for following through on his prior commitment to her.

Hopefully these hippy tree hugger parents will someday realize that their 70s and 80s style "hands on" parents made them successful individuals because of that parenting, not despite it, and they can start turning their semi retarded spoiled little brats into productive, competitive members of society.
All you people whining about him shooting the laptop instead of donating it..

Where were you when Kyle put a 50 cal bullet through over a dozen hard drives?

I applaud the guys actions. I can tell a lot of people in this thread are going to raise spoiled brats.

LOL, you can't be serious... Those hard drives weren't his kids.

So acting like a spoiled brat in response to teenage brattyness is a proper lesson? Shooting the laptop with a gun sent a worse signal then, I don't know, grounding her from it for a while. How is reacting with violence being defended by so many?

I guess I'd rather raise a spoiled brat than somene who thinks its ok to get violent when they can't get their way. Terrible parent I'd be.
Some personal shit in here, but I wanted you all to know my background and why I support what he did.

Ten years ago, in my early twenties, I would have watched this video and thought her dad was an asshole and "acting out". I would have thought he is teaching her to be violent causing escalation. I would have called "fail". I hated how strict my parents were and swore I would never be that hard on my kids. I had no respect for my parents, left home at 17.


I now understand why my mother tracked me down if I didn't come home when I was supposed to, no matter how embarrasing it was. I understand now why she grounded me, put soap in my mouth and stuck me in corners to stare at the wall. I understand why my father took his belt to me at times. I now understand why my father held me to the ground and beat me with tears in his eyes when I called him out, completely lost it, swore at and attacked him in my early teens.

You see now I'm 32 and I have a daughter is almost 12. I have a daughter because after I left home I started heavily drinking/partying, dropped out of a university degree and knocked up my roommate. Pretty much fucked up my live and forever changed my future.

I see now what my parents were trying to keep me away from when I look at my daughter. I'll never be as rough as they were with me, as she is a girl, but I have been tough on her. I have taken her most favorite things and thrown them out when she wouldn't listen and back down.

I look at the kids in high school today, they are the children of the generation of parents who didn't want to be strict because they had it tough themselves as kids.

This new generation expect everything from nothing. The girls now start sleeping around at the age of 13 with boys for attention, competition, spending money, phones, gas money, etc. etc. Their mothers don't care where they are, even at 3 am.

15 year old guys, no matter how ugly, cool, rich, stupid, poor get laid all the time, because the girls are easy and not picky at all. Starting a new generation of very young, single moms. Many of them are high or drunk all the time, because there parents don't care where the are and don't bother tracking them down.

Trust me on this when I say girls are so easy now. When I was in high school, I couldn't even get a date. Grils were very picky and very few even put out in my high school. But when I was 28, I was 80 pounds overweight and worked in a bar after I left my daughter's mom. Was depressed and I easily ended up taking home lots of skinny, hot 18/19/20 year old bar stars.

I have had lots of threesomes with them too. It was SO easy. I don't do that anymore, I was ignoring my daughter too much. But if a fat older guy can do this, so can any guy. So as a parent its scares the living shit outta me.

It taken me years to see what my parents were trying to do. Yeah you could argue they totally failed and I did it all anyway, but it was my decision to leave home and it was all my fault.

Mad props to the dad in the video. Bravo.
Dear god, thats an AWESOME father (/me takes notes)

He was sooooo mad he was stuttering, Ive been there before.
Some personal shit in here, but I wanted you all to know my background and why I support what he did.

Ten years ago, in my early twenties, I would have watched this video and thought her dad was an asshole and "acting out". I would have thought he is teaching her to be violent causing escalation. I would have called "fail". I hated how strict my parents were and swore I would never be that hard on my kids. I had no respect for my parents, left home at 17.


I now understand why my mother tracked me down if I didn't come home when I was supposed to, no matter how embarrasing it was. I understand now why she grounded me, put soap in my mouth and stuck me in corners to stare at the wall. I understand why my father took his belt to me at times. I now understand why my father held me to the ground and beat me with tears in his eyes when I called him out, completely lost it, swore at and attacked him in my early teens.

You see now I'm 32 and I have a daughter is almost 12. I have a daughter because after I left home I started heavily drinking/partying, dropped out of a university degree and knocked up my roommate. Pretty much fucked up my live and forever changed my future.

I see now what my parents were trying to keep me away from when I look at my daughter. I'll never be as rough as they were with me, as she is a girl, but I have been tough on her. I have taken her most favorite things and thrown them out when she wouldn't listen and back down.

I look at the kids in high school today, they are the children of the generation of parents who didn't want to be strict because they had it tough themselves as kids.

This new generation expect everything from nothing. The girls now start sleeping around at the age of 13 with boys for attention, competition, spending money, phones, gas money, etc. etc. Their mothers don't care where they are, even at 3 am.

15 year old guys, no matter how ugly, cool, rich, stupid, poor get laid all the time, because the girls are easy and not picky at all. Starting a new generation of very young, single moms. Many of them are high or drunk all the time, because there parents don't care where the are and don't bother tracking them down.

Trust me on this when I say girls are so easy now. When I was in high school, I couldn't even get a date. Grils were very picky and very few even put out in my high school. But when I was 28, I was 80 pounds overweight and worked in a bar after I left my daughter's mom. Was depressed and I easily ended up taking home lots of skinny, hot 18/19/20 year old bar stars.

I have had lots of threesomes with them too. It was SO easy. I don't do that anymore, I was ignoring my daughter too much. But if a fat older guy can do this, so can any guy. So as a parent its scares the living shit outta me.

It taken me years to see what my parents were trying to do. Yeah you could argue they totally failed and I did it all anyway, but it was my decision to leave home and it was all my fault.

Mad props to the dad in the video. Bravo.

Overreacting is better than not reacting at all then, eh?
Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation.

This guy didnt point or threaten anything living. Bro, he shot a POS laptop, an inanimate piece of hardware.
How in the fuck is that violence?
Fake. Why did he think it's cool to post a youtube video. Is he showing off how good a hacker he is?
Fake. Why did he think it's cool to post a youtube video. Is he showing off how good a hacker he is?
Where do you get the hacking thing from? He openly admitted on his FB page that there was no hacking involved. The daughter screwed up on the privacy settings and it allowed him to see her post by him logging into the family dogs FB account.
Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation.

This guy didnt point or threaten anything living. Bro, he shot a POS laptop, an inanimate piece of hardware.
How in the fuck is that violence?

Because people want to try and justify him going overboard.
Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation.

This guy didnt point or threaten anything living. Bro, he shot a POS laptop, an inanimate piece of hardware.
How in the fuck is that violence?

Physical destruction of property aint violence no matter what then eh?

I guess mobs of people tend to flip cars because they're just so happy...

I only see a spoiled brat of a man smashing a toy in response to his daughter not behaving how he wants.
Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation.

This guy didnt point or threaten anything living. Bro, he shot a POS laptop, an inanimate piece of hardware.
How in the fuck is that violence?
He used a firearm to destroy the laptop. If your dad wanted to punish you by removing your xbox from your posession, would you feel more or less threatened if he hid it, or shot it multiple times with a gun?
He used a firearm to destroy the laptop. If your dad wanted to punish you by removing your xbox from your posession, would you feel more or less threatened if he hid it, or shot it multiple times with a gun?


Let's not forget that the world HEALTH organization is PROBABLY talking about violence in the context of HUMAN on HUMAN... Just maybe. Unless you were talking about the World (computer and or inanimate object) Health Organization...
When a child is weighing the pros and cons of a particular behavior or action, one of the cons should NOT involve a gun. If you have to resort to discharging a firearm to make a point, you've failed as a parent.
Publicly shaming your child in this fashion will forever taint their relationship with you. She's never going to forget this, and when ever he gets mad she's going to picture him holding a "45", and that kind of fear and trauma is not conducive to a well adjusted human being.
There are a million BETTER ways this could have been handled. All this guy has proven is that he's a bigger child then his daughter.
For the sake of argument, imagine if the child had taken a pistol and shot her fathers prized possession (a car perhaps) in retaliation for something he did. We'd all think that child was a nutcase who should be locked up. This guy is no different...the fact he thinks that a Colt 45 is an acceptable parenting tool is proof enough for me that he shouldn't have children.

Even without knowing the girl or her side of the story, I can only imagine that living with this toolbox is not pleasant. The childish behavior he displayed in that video makes me think that her FB post wasn't all that far off the money.
I refuse to be part of the Pussification of America. When I was a teenager my dad kicked my ass whenever I was disrespectful, which only took one time. He was a Damn good father and kept my ass in line. I fully support
Killing laptop via firearm. End of story. Don't be a pussy, the spoiled brat probably watches more violent shit on tv.
This is past viral, you goto the youtube page and set the comments to update automatically and its update 4-6 comments every second....HOLY SHIT!
I refuse to be part of the Pussification of America. When I was a teenager my dad kicked my ass whenever I was disrespectful, which only took one time. He was a Damn good father and kept my ass in line. I fully support
Killing laptop via firearm. End of story. Don't be a pussy, the spoiled brat probably watches more violent shit on tv.

Then your father successfully instilled in you that violence is a viable solution to nonviolent problems. Congrats.

Great argument, too BTW. "Anyone who doesn't 'kick their kids ass' is a PUSSY! Everyone should be treated like I was when I was a kid because I turned out AWESOME!"
When a child is weighing the pros and cons of a particular behavior or action, one of the cons should NOT involve a gun. If you have to resort to discharging a firearm to make a point, you've failed as a parent.
Publicly shaming your child in this fashion will forever taint their relationship with you. She's never going to forget this, and when ever he gets mad she's going to picture him holding a "45", and that kind of fear and trauma is not conducive to a well adjusted human being.
There are a million BETTER ways this could have been handled. All this guy has proven is that he's a bigger child then his daughter.
For the sake of argument, imagine if the child had taken a pistol and shot her fathers prized possession (a car perhaps) in retaliation for something he did. We'd all think that child was a nutcase who should be locked up. This guy is no different...the fact he thinks that a Colt 45 is an acceptable parenting tool is proof enough for me that he shouldn't have children.

Even without knowing the girl or her side of the story, I can only imagine that living with this toolbox is not pleasant. The childish behavior he displayed in that video makes me think that her FB post wasn't all that far off the money.

One can only guess.

One thing is for certain. After the 15+million hits that video has gotten, whatever relationship gap was between the kid and her parents just got about 200X harder to try and resolve.
So, you either are a soft parent, someone your kids push around and become ungrateful stains in the social fabric, or you take out a mfckn GUN shoot stuff and then upload it on youtube?

Armchair psychologists, people who don't have children are children themselves, this father is a prime example of good parental behavior are only some of the things I read here and can't believe my eyes.

Let me get this straight. Not even one of you sees that the father clearly has other issues? What's with the "look I upload this cool video, I shoot a LAPTOP!!! woo hoo" act? It feels almost like he wanted an excuse to go play the super macho dad on the internet. No no no, let me put it in perspective a bit better, he seems like a fckn attention whore.

I am tempted to write a long long post, and that comes to a point from my work as a social worker, but I will try to keep it as short as I can. So, summarizing...

...massive public humiliation, destroying expensive stuff instead of say donating or just simply taking away, GUNS, smoking like marlboro cowboy?

so, once more... between all the above and being a soft parent who never says no and always gives in, you believe there is NOTHING? it is this damn stupid youtube celebrity wannabe way or raising spoiled brats?

Jesus... go tell him to write a book guide to raising children. I bet it will be a best seller. After all human stupidity knows no boundaries.
So, you either are a soft parent, someone your kids push around and become ungrateful stains in the social fabric, or you take out a mfckn GUN shoot stuff and then upload it on youtube?

Armchair psychologists, people who don't have children are children themselves, this father is a prime example of good parental behavior are only some of the things I read here and can't believe my eyes.

Let me get this straight. Not even one of you sees that the father clearly has other issues? What's with the "look I upload this cool video, I shoot a LAPTOP!!! woo hoo" act? It feels almost like he wanted an excuse to go play the super macho dad on the internet. No no no, let me put it in perspective a bit better, he seems like a fckn attention whore.

I am tempted to write a long long post, and that comes to a point from my work as a social worker, but I will try to keep it as short as I can. So, summarizing...

...massive public humiliation, destroying expensive stuff instead of say donating or just simply taking away, GUNS, smoking like marlboro cowboy?

so, once more... between all the above and being a soft parent who never says no and always gives in, you believe there is NOTHING? it is this damn stupid youtube celebrity wannabe way or raising spoiled brats?

Jesus... go tell him to write a book guide to raising children. I bet it will be a best seller. After all human stupidity knows no boundaries.


To far too many people, parent's way = best way, no matter what is actually happening or who may get hurt. "I was raised in the best possible way because my parents were my parents!" Zero logic. No one is perfect, not even *gasp* parents. Sorry to break it to you like this people.
After reading many of the comments here, many of you guys are soft ass shit. I can see how Americas future will decline and other nations start to lead. My parents were soft on me. Heck, I didn't become a straight A student until High school. I always saw how strict they were to my brother and lax on me. Now, I am an adult with 3 kids(one autistic), I know I have to teach my kids how to take care of themselves, understand discipline & compassion, compete, and survive in the world. Some of you only understand one culture and this can be a down fall. If the America continues as a " me me me" state I can see falling. The old fashion discipline is disappearing...:(

Discipline itself is not effective, but discipline with affection gets the message through. This father expressed his anger with passion to try to make his daughter understand. I give him 15 stars for that, as I see many parents lacking this.
I don't think he hacked it. I think he said he ran across it when updating her computer but I might be wrong..
Wonder if he'll do that to her car when she needs gas money.

My mom actually did something similar to me growing up. Well, she had spent $7000 on a car for me in high school. I was disrespectful, didn't want to work, didn't even want to spend money for an oil change...and she wouldn't spend any money on "my" car. Since it was inevitably my responsibility I didn't understand the adverse effects, like most teens.

So eventually oil ran dry, I had no ride anywhere, she wouldn't give me a ride and I didn't even have money to take the city bus. It took me two years to finally save for a car.

I learned from that experience that parents give us the best advice as kids and it is up to us to figure out if we will accept it or not. I am now in my mid 20s and own 3 cars, an Acura, Infiniti and a Chevy truck...and I take care of those because I learned what happens when you don't take care of your priorities. I am hoping she will learn from this video and acknowledge later in life that her dad was actually doing a favor for her. Tough loved lessons are always necessary.
After reading many of the comments here, many of you guys are soft ass shit. I can see how Americas future will decline and other nations start to lead. My parents were soft on me. Heck, I didn't become a straight A student until High school. I always saw how strict they were to my brother and lax on me. Now, I am an adult with 3 kids(one autistic), I know I have to teach my kids how to take care of themselves, understand discipline & compassion, compete, and survive in the world. Some of you only understand one culture and this can be a down fall. If the America continues as a " me me me" state I can see falling. The old fashion discipline is disappearing...:(

Discipline itself is not effective, but discipline with affection gets the message through. This father expressed his anger with passion to try to make his daughter understand. I give him 15 stars for that, as I see many parents lacking this.

Yes. Teach children to shoot things if they get angry. That'll save the country.

Oh wait, they're already doing that and it's a bad thing... Or am I just a "pussy" for thinking so?
When I first watched the video I was rooting for the dad. I thought he was going to totally kick some ass, but after listening to the post I find it no different than a father getting pissed off after reading a diary. Yes, said diary was online, but the point remains he got pissed off at his daughters venting. No where in that Facebook post does she actually refuse to do something. She does what her parents say, and she bitches about it "privately", but in the end she gets shit done. The only thing she should feel bad about is "getting caught" about her true feelings.

Since we have only one side of the story it's really not fair to judge, but if what the daughter said was true, then I have no sympathy for the father. She has her right to bitch. Sure dad has his right to destroy his property, but there's no actual parenting going on here. He's just a douche.

The father is just being hard headed, as we all can pretty much assume she didn't actually expect to get paid for doing chores.

As for the destruction of the laptop... there are other ways he could have gone about that without having to actually shoot the laptop. I can see how there's a psychological message by taking that laptop out the way he did. "If you don't quit complaining, I will destroy the things you care about." is not the message he should send to his daughter.

As far as respect, theres no evidence the girl disrespected her parents to their faces. The only thing we know is that she vented on facebook.

Remember, she's doing what he parents say, but she's just bitching about it. That girl gets her schoolwork and chores done, theres no evidence she disrepects her parents to their face, and gets to sleep at a decent hour. The father is a little over the line for going public like that.
My mom actually did something similar to me growing up. Well, she had spent $7000 on a car for me in high school. I was disrespectful, didn't want to work, didn't even want to spend money for an oil change...and she wouldn't spend any money on "my" car. Since it was inevitably my responsibility I didn't understand the adverse effects, like most teens.

So eventually oil ran dry, I had no ride anywhere, she wouldn't give me a ride and I didn't even have money to take the city bus. It took me two years to finally save for a car.

I learned from that experience that parents give us the best advice as kids and it is up to us to figure out if we will accept it or not. I am now in my mid 20s and own 3 cars, an Acura, Infiniti and a Chevy truck...and I take care of those because I learned what happens when you don't take care of your priorities. I am hoping she will learn from this video and acknowledge later in life that her dad was actually doing a favor for her. Tough loved lessons are always necessary.

This is how it's done.

Hell, she didn't even have to torch it with gasoline or light it up with a minigun and STILL somehow managed to get her point across... Weird how that works...