Exchange guru's needed. Working with group mailbox.


Fully Equipped
Mar 26, 2008
In our Call Center where I work, emails sent to our Support email address go to a shared mailbox that everyone can access and manipulate.

Workflow is that if you are dealing with a certain email, you mark it as read. Once its dealt with, the email is moved to its corresponding folder depending on the type of email it was.

As stupid as it sounds, the issue we are running into is people moving (sometimes critical) emails without dealing with them. This has been a long time coming as we've tried all the usual ways to get employees to do their jobs but something has to give...

What I'm asking is there any possible way either client side or server side to track what AD user touches what emails in a shared mailbox environment?

Any help would be appreciated.
I'd imagine there should be some kind of auditing you could turn on server side.
I'm working with our IT person to investigate that but he's useless... Problem is, he's the only one with access to the Exchange server. Hence why i'm asking here. ;)
Have person open the email, add phrase to subject line to "In Progress" and save.

Once complete, change subject to "Complete" save and move to folder
