Enermax Platimax DF 1200W PSU Review @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Enermax Platimax DF 1200W PSU Review

If you are looking for a powerhouse of a PSU that is shoehorned into what is a tiny ATX package for the wattage, the Platimax D.F. (Dust Free) PSU may be worthy of your short list. As the name suggests, this PSU sports excellent power efficiency and is fully modular and that could make your HEDT build a lot easier.
I'm really not a fan of modular cable designs that Y off right at the PSU itself instead of chaining connectors. It means if you don't need both CPU 12V cables, or an even number of PCIe power cables that you've got an entire full length cable to hide somewhere. Which completely defeats the point of modular cables as a way to keep your build looking clean.
Great read, thank you. I appreciated the mention of the form factor up top. :) I also appreciated the section on noise. The fan coming on early then going off is an issue for those who don't ordinarily operate at high consumption. That said, I wonder what the target market is for this device? Multi-GPU is going away in the personal and enthusiast markets, so where else will it sell? Render farms?

It's a pity about the tangling issue, but you did well to report it. ISTM that Enermax could easily and cheaply fix it by including a packet of cable combs.
My guess, yup, lol.

Back to the topic: Nice write-up Kyle! The sleeving on those cables add a nice touch too! Me likes today! :D
Paul is not a big fan, but I love it. To each his own.
If you had to buy/order a 1200w PSU today, would this one be on the short list or no? I'm in the market and it seems that none of the 1200w units really stand out.
I would have no problem putting this Enermax in my own rig.

I currently have this one and it has done well.

I have two of these Seasonic Platinum Prime on the test bench, but 1000w. And they make a 1200w.
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Oh man, now I look retarded after you've taken the list down. I assume I stumbled on something that wasn't supposed to be public yet?

The ones on the list that's no longer there.
Yeah, that was my bad...