Ender 3 GCode help


Limp Gawd
Jul 25, 2006
I am looking on where to go to get some help on tweaking my GCode before I being printing. I bought a used Ender 3 with some mods including a touch leveler. It all works pretty well except I have to nudge the bed back when it does the leveling process otherwise it misses the bed when it does the back 3 locations. Once I do that, it also sometimes hits the rear bed clip when moving back to center. I was thinking the easiest thing to do would be to simply move the bed back a ltitle bit (1/2") before the leveling procedure starts and then raise the head up before centering to start printing. There is probably some offset that I should be doing, but I feel just adding a few lines of code to the slicer would be easiest.

When I do print (after a little nudge), the prints have all turned out really well so i don't want to change too much.

The auto bed leveling sequence is defined in your firmware, you'll have to adjust the locations there. This is going to vary somewhat depending on the main board you have installed.