Email Organizing - Group Based


[H]F Junkie
Jan 8, 2001
I have an assistant that I am training to do many of the repetitious things that I do on a daily basis. I have to be semi-aware that she isn't dropping the ball, but I don't want to be active in it either.

We work with vendors who usually email my direct email address for requests, etc. I have then been forwarding them to my assistant and she replies and CC's me on the email. I am then forever in the email chain as a CC, and although I can easily click on the email and glance at it, for the most part, I don't care what they do back and forth (but I do need access to the discussion incase I need to address something later and I can easily search it from my inbox).

I then figured I could start a group specific email address of which the vendors could email and myself or my assistant would attack it. We would simply add this inbox as IMAP into our Outlook. When myself or my assistant replies, we use the group inbox as the reply to email address.

We've been running this group email for about a week and it has been very inefficient. The group inbox includes many things that I need to attack but also many things I don't. We created sub folders in the IMAP group email address to drag certain things to the assistant or her to my folder but when we have many emails back and forth with vendors about the same subject (email chain) it is incredibly inefficient because then the replies go to the main inbox and not he sub folder that it was originally replied from.

I know that team/group email addresses in a business setting is nothing new. However, it is fairly new to me and I would love some feedback as to what you've seen people do so that everyone isn't tripping over each other on the same emails and that there isn't a lot of wasted time looking at emails that aren't yours, etc.

What have you seen done? What do you currently do? What would you suggest? I have even thought of building some type of scrubber that will run the subject title against our client base in our CRM and then simply forward the email to the appropriate person responsible for that client (although not sure if i want to go to that extent)