Email From Senior Facebook Exec Surfaces and it's an Ugly Look for the Company

That memo was cringy as all hell. I think our society needs to come to terms with the fact that we're transitioning from a service economy to a data economy. Sure companies like facbook make the news, but how much data do you think tesla has on you? What about that chevy with onstar? It's game over man... game over.
It's not so much data as it's *control*--whether it's control by direct manipulation (laws and directives and such) or indirect manipulation (Facebook memes, Google mis-searches, etc).

It's about taking our choices and ability to make said choices away from us, just because some hyper-rich trust-fund-baby *thinks* he's better than "god" just because he was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth and had his education bought for him at great expense. Those fuckers shit like we do, put their pants on one leg at a time like we do, and are at the end still nothing more than a bag of water and chemicals that happens to have some form of debatable sentience.
Facebook is but one part of this assault.
Google is one of the worst violators.
OnStar is another, as is Alexis (is that the Amazon thing?) Any of those listening devices are an affront. Imagine PAYING to have a bug placed in your house? There are former Stasi and KGB members who are incredulous over this stuff. People died to get rid of this crap...and the sheeple are lining up to PAY for it. Shrug.

Any data collected should require an explicit permission from the owner, for every use of that data with limits on where it goes, who gets it, and what it's used for. Big fines and jail time for violation. That's a role for government. Of course, it depends who owns the legislators.
When you have a direct assault on freedom by a particular group, going after education first is the best move--and they have, assaulting our educational systems to the point where most kids graduating are functional retards. Couple that with the rest of the assault (voting rights, ridiculous prison sentences, credit slavery, etc), and we have where we are now, ready for the reaping.
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Don't like messages from fringe nutbags with their own screwy axes to grind (Brannan and his ilk).

OT: I'm in favor of bringing out a guillotine...

Hey, sounds like Nations who support the Worker with a Democratic form of Socialism is what you support. That's cool. It's been done before, though.

National Socialist Workers Party. In German, the abbreviation is NSDAP. You're probably more familiar with their nickname: Nazi.

Guillotine? Perfect. That was the iconic tool used by the French Revolution (another socialist movement) during a period known as "The Terror". See? Socialism is fun!

You don't like the 1%? Fine. Socialism is a system which LOCKS IN the 1%. Or the .01%. Shrug. It doesn't matter. You're either a ruling elite or a slave. For life. Socialism isn't for the socialists. It's for the masses.

Back OT: Google is evil. ;)
When you have a direct assault on freedom by a particular group, going after education first is the best move--and they have, assaulting our educational systems to the point where most kids graduating are functional retards. Couple that with the rest of the assault (voting rights, ridiculous prison sentences, credit slavery, etc), and we have where we are now, ready for the reaping.

I totally agree that the education system has been corrupted. Totally agree. (Rational debate can be fun. Thanks for keeping it civil.)

We probably disagree on the solution. I'd allow the free market to allow parents to choose where their kids get primary education. I'd also completely change the college accreditation system.

Hey, sounds like Nations who support the Worker with a Democratic form of Socialism is what you support. That's cool. It's been done before, though.

National Socialist Workers Party. In German, the abbreviation is NSDAP. You're probably more familiar with their nickname: Nazi.

Guillotine? Perfect. That was the iconic tool used by the French Revolution (another socialist movement) during a period known as "The Terror". See? Socialism is fun!

You don't like the 1%? Fine. Socialism is a system which LOCKS IN the 1%. Or the .01%. Shrug. It doesn't matter. You're either a ruling elite or a slave. For life. Socialism isn't for the socialists. It's for the masses.

Back OT: Google is evil. ;)
Yeah, that Nazi party name was a distraction, part of the Orwellian method of mind control via doublespeak and plain propaganda--kinda like how the Republican party calls itself "conservative" when it patently is not; or how "draining the swamp" actually consists of dumping a metric fuckton of toxic waste into it.

The US was a Social Democracy for a very long time, beginning with FDR. I think the founding fathers intended for our system to be exactly that, despite initially calling it a "federal republic", building in a level of flexibility that allows the governed to move things in whatever direction was needed. Perhaps the only thing they overlooked was the power of money and how basically corruptible people are, for they never really out in anything to cope with that, perhaps hoping the people would be the ultimate control over that.

But, it seems you're perfectly willing to hand everything over to said ruling elite, and let them change this nation from a representative democracy to a theocratic autocracy, complete with religulous-based caste system.

BTW: the guillotine should just be used to scare the piss out of them uppity 1%ers and their whores the politicians they bought. Unless it comes to full revolution, then all rules change yet again. Hopefully I'm dead by then.

Back to OT: Microsoft is evil. ;)
I totally agree that the education system has been corrupted. Totally agree. (Rational debate can be fun. Thanks for keeping it civil.)

We probably disagree on the solution. I'd allow the free market to allow parents to choose where their kids get primary education. I'd also completely change the college accreditation system.

"Free market" is another term for "anarchy", or "Caveat Emptor". Sorry, I don't ascribe to that, because (as we've seen time and again throughout our history) the abuses are too great, and it's always the consumer that suffers the most, often by death or dismemberment.

Humans absolutely cannot be trusted to do the right thing; therefore, regulation is absolutely necessary to protect the people from the abuses of those that would.

Right now, that "free market" push for "private schools" is nothing more than a money grab, because those schools are not held to the education standards that accredited schools are--hell, they don't even have to hire teachers with either a teaching degree or a state-issued teaching certification. They can hire YOU to teach calculus, and turn out functional idiots.

I'm glad we can be civil, too. Sometimes there's just too much GenMay in the world. :)

OT: Kock Industries is evil.
Oh please. The Obama campaign distributed an 'Obama for America' app for iOS (and eventually Android). When users installed the app they were directly asked if they wanted to share their contacts and other data. The campaign used that data along with traditional likely voter data from voting records to direct their volunteers.

Cambridge Analytics gave online personality tests and told users the info was being used by Cambridge University researchers. They actually took the user's facebook data, combined that with psychological profiles from the tests, and sold that information to the Trump campaign.

Slight difference. People are concerned because crooks stole their info and used it to help create the current hive of scum and villainy in Washington.


The campaign boasted that more than a million people downloaded the app, which, given an average friend-list size of 190, means that as many as 190 million had at least some of their Facebook data vacuumed up by the Obama campaign — without their knowledge or consent.

If anything, Facebook made it easy for Obama to do so. A former campaign director, Carol Davidsen, tweeted that "Facebook was surprised we were able to suck out the whole social graph, but they didn't stop us once they realized that was what we were doing."

"When Obama was exploiting Facebook users to help win re-election, it was an act of political genius. When Trump attempted something similar, with unclear results, it's a travesty of democracy and further evidence that somehow he stole the election."

seems you might be a little off in your statement.
Wondering if you read the article you posted or did you knowingly exclude the previous paragraph in your qoute where they quoted that app informed them the data to be accessed... exactly like the poster you were countering said.

Completely agree that both sides are more than happy to inflate or down play anything to make their side look rosey and the other evil.

The article you quoted repremands one side for doing it... rightfully so.. then proceeds to do the same thing. "Ripping" data , "could" send messages as friends (then mentioning they used elective prompts to do so). It is clearly biased the other way just with the tone and wording used.

Obama for sure was like those shady spammers and slideshow sites. Wrong but at least upfront to some degree. Trumps usage was different even admittadly so in that article.

Both should be rebuked by both sides. That is the true failure of our culture.

We are so angry at what "they" said and did we are blind or worse complacent when our own side does the same shit.


The campaign boasted that more than a million people downloaded the app, which, given an average friend-list size of 190, means that as many as 190 million had at least some of their Facebook data vacuumed up by the Obama campaign — without their knowledge or consent.

If anything, Facebook made it easy for Obama to do so. A former campaign director, Carol Davidsen, tweeted that "Facebook was surprised we were able to suck out the whole social graph, but they didn't stop us once they realized that was what we were doing."

"When Obama was exploiting Facebook users to help win re-election, it was an act of political genius. When Trump attempted something similar, with unclear results, it's a travesty of democracy and further evidence that somehow he stole the election."

seems you might be a little off in your statement.

The campaign boasted that more than a million people downloaded the app, which, given an average friend-list size of 190, means that as many as 190 million had at least some of their Facebook data vacuumed up by the Obama campaign — without their knowledge or consent.

If anything, Facebook made it easy for Obama to do so. A former campaign director, Carol Davidsen, tweeted that "Facebook was surprised we were able to suck out the whole social graph, but they didn't stop us once they realized that was what we were doing."

"When Obama was exploiting Facebook users to help win re-election, it was an act of political genius. When Trump attempted something similar, with unclear results, it's a travesty of democracy and further evidence that somehow he stole the election."

seems you might be a little off in your statement.
And yet Trump lost by over 3 million votes, despite the voter suppression in many states; and, the known bribery Trump engaged in with electors from swing states, who flipped after a "donation" from his organization.

So how far off are you?
And yet Trump lost by over 3 million votes, despite the voter suppression in many states; and, the known bribery Trump engaged in with electors from swing states, who flipped after a "donation" from his organization.

So how far off are you?

I read it as a stupidly simplistic utilitarian argument. Still vile and dumb, but this person seems to actually think this was some sort of pursuit of a net positive to the world. (Or more likely, spinning it what way to others to justify their rampant greed, so they can sleep at night.)