E8400: MSI P35 Platinum comes in 2 versions. DDR3 and DDR2 whats the diffference?

Sep 18, 2006
My processor is the E8400

The MSI P35 Platinum mobo comes in two flavors. One is offered to run ddr3 and the othe rin ddr2. Will performance be a big difference? Should I go with DDR3 to have better upgrading ability in the future?

If you guys had your favorite motherboard but offered in DDR3 and DDR2 which would you go with?
DDR3 is something like 4 times the price of DDR2 right now, for little to no performance gain.

2-4 gigs of DDR2 is going to give you better performance than say 512MB-1GB of DDR3, so the choice is very simple right now. If you have an unlimited budget then yes DDR3 would technically be better.

Plus if you ever find yourself in a position where you have to upgrade to a DDR3 board, its not like RAM is expensive, and by then DDR3 will be a lot cheaper.
DDR2-based motherboards would still be my choice. I am not fond of paying $200 for 2 GB RAM what with the low prices of DDR2 now.