E3 2014: Nintendo's "Digital Event" Press Conference


Jul 27, 2005
Nintendo is holding their "digital event" press conference at noon EST. I think they've done this the last few years now, but I've never followed it as it happened. I'm at work right now so I'll probably just check the recap later.
New Wii U Zelda... coming in 2015!

It looks beautiful honestly. I may get a Wii U now. It looks like it's going to be open-world like Skyrim/Oblivion in a Zelda setting.
Doing the show like this is way better than the retarded shows that Sony and Microsoft held. Who the fuck wants to see a bunch of ugly ass dudes on stage. At least this is entertaining. I am surprised that some of the games even look good.
Doing the show like this is way better than the retarded shows that Sony and Microsoft held. Who the fuck wants to see a bunch of ugly ass dudes on stage. At least this is entertaining. I am surprised that some of the games even look good.
I wholeheartedly agree.

This digital presentation is better.
Who would have thought they could come up with a game based on the squid from Mario Bros. with a crazy looking paint gun.
Smash Bros (wii U and 3ds)
Yoshi yarn (wii u)
Captain Toad (wii u)
Zelda (wii u 2015)
Pokemon Alpha and Omega (3ds)
Bayonetta 1 + 2 (wii u)
Hyrule Warriors
Kirby (wii u)
X (wii u)
Mario Maker (wii u 2015)
Star Fox
Nintendo wins E3 2014, but can the Wii U hang on until 2015 for these games to drop?

They really need another Metroid (hopefully in 2.5D) and F-Zero game.
Show was too damn short. They should have shown a new Metroid game, as well as the new Star Fox. Might as well milk the hell out of everything at this point. No shame.
Show was too damn short. They should have shown a new Metroid game, as well as the new Star Fox. Might as well milk the hell out of everything at this point. No shame.
Miyamoto teased a brief footage of Star Fox and the Wii U Gamepad being used for the camera.

I would have loved to see more footage.
Open world Zelda with gorgeous graphics? Hello, Wii U, I believe we got off on the wrong foot. Now, shut up and take my money.
Watching the recorded parts of the stream now since I missed most of it...Zelda looks cool, but I don't understand why they keep going for this cell shaded look.

Still, might be enough to get me to pick up a Wii-U eventually.
Nintendo wins E3 2014, but can the Wii U hang on until 2015 for these games to drop?

I'm excited, but it will be a lot of waiting. Possibly till end of 2015 for some of these to drop too. I'm looking forward to X and Zelda. Hopefully Nintendo has more to show the rest of E3.

Splatoon. Kid friendly action shooter. Not that I don't see kids playing all the shooters out today, but it looks like fun.
Watching the recorded parts of the stream now since I missed most of it...Zelda looks cool, but I don't understand why they keep going for this cell shaded look.

Still, might be enough to get me to pick up a Wii-U eventually.

I think that look helps mask some of their system's lack of horsepower.
Some of these games look really fun like splatoon and the giant robot game. I just hope they have good online
So Metroid is really dead isn't it?
At least tell us what Retro is working on before the end of the week....
Nintendo's upcoming titles look like they are going to be outstanding. Smash brothers looks amazing; zelda? come on now; that paintball type game looks fun as hell.. And of course the other awesome Nintendo exclusives.

Nintendo just blew the load they needed years ago. Fortunately it's coming at a time where a Wii U price drop will be inevitable and with some clever marketing they might really take charge this holiday season. The announcement today was actually humorous. Didn't they hire some new marketing folks to help with these Nintendo directs?
Dear god, could you imagine if the WiiU launched with these titles and a different name? Totally getting a WiiU next year @$150.
Nintendo all day stream of info and playable games plus the smash tournament they get a solid A from me!
Dear god, could you imagine if the WiiU launched with these titles and a different name? Totally getting a WiiU next year @$150.

You should be buying a refurb deluxe for 200 right now from Nintendo there is stuff worth playing now