Dumb question - shutoff if a water pump fails?


Aug 2, 2004
So I added a 3900x to the mix and the old 1950x just does not crank out enough heat to tax the 480 cooler. Thinking to do 2 CPUs, one pump. Any recommendations on how to power down one box if the other shuts down?
So I added a 3900x to the mix and the old 1950x just does not crank out enough heat to tax the 480 cooler. Thinking to do 2 CPUs, one pump. Any recommendations on how to power down one box if the other shuts down?

What are the operating systems?

If *nix you could have scrip on one box that uses ssh to shut down the other.
Centos 8 on both. Had not thought of doing that. Figured someone must have some sort of kill switch if water flow stopped.
I'm not sure how much room you have but I'm thinking of adding a second PC to my current loop as it's way over built and I was actually going to do a stand-alone PSU for the fans and pumps. This will allow me to have any combination of machines on at the same time, reduce complexity, but marginally increase chance of failure by adding a secondary power supply to the mix that both machines depend on ...
Centos 8 on both. Had not thought of doing that. Figured someone must have some sort of kill switch if water flow stopped.

I believe Aquacomputers Aquaero has a feature you can hook up to short two wires (can connect to power button?) And set it to trigger on any number of different events. Unless you use some sort of relay I don't know how you'd make it work on more than one system.

That is, unless you have a script trigger on shutdown on one machine that shuts the other one down.
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Also worth noting.

As far as mechanical designs that have moving parts, D5 pumps are unusually reliable.

You may be worried about something that is pretty unlikely to happen.

Water cooling systems do fail, but things that would suddenly result in stopped flow (dead pump, hose popoff and catastrophic leak) are very rare, and might not be worth worrying a lot about.