Dual AMD G34 Motherboards?


Jul 24, 2014
What dual-socket G34 motherboard would you recommend? Are there any with m.2 PCI-E?
I'm assuming that there is a reason for wanting G34, I would personally suggest looking at Intel, you can get better power consumption, better availability of boards and more performance.

As for a recommendation I've heard good things about the Asus KGPE D16 but they wont come with m.2
Stick with Supermicro as they have more experience with workstation/server motherboards, more models to choose from, better support and reviews. Check out the H8DG6 series for dual socket.


Have been perfectly happy with my pair of single socket Supermicros and much better experience than previous Xeons.
I second the choice for Supermicro. I had two H8DGUs that were both great.

Also, you can add m.2 with a PCIe adapter, it's like $30.
I second the choice for Supermicro. I had two H8DGUs that were both great.

Also, you can add m.2 with a PCIe adapter, it's like $30.

Could you show me a link for that M.2 adapter ? I've never seen those before and could come in handy. Are they as fast as straight M.2 ?

Also you guys say to stick with Supermicro, how are Asus' G34 boards. I've only ever built one server and it was using the KGPE-D16.