DST Fallout


Feb 17, 2005
Just wondering if any other SysAdmins had any problems with the DST change after they "supposedly" patched everything.

I keep running into problems with CallManager (we handle multiple customers). Mainly phone loads on Java based (7941/7961/7970) phones.

That being said, anyone else wanna storm Congress and beat them relentlessly with sharp sticks? :D
All of my server and client machines were fine. The Blackberries were a bitch and I have some PDAs that have no wireless connectivity that still need to be updated.
Being a middleware guy, I did not have many issues. As long as our underlying OSs were patched, I was ok. We did have some embedded JDK 1.3.1 and so on, but those were for non-critical functions.

Overall, it went well.

By the way, when you use a "sharp stick" ... it becomes poking or prodding, not beating :p
We were under the impression that the patch was a critical update, leading us to believe that our WSUS server would patch machines.

BUT, MS in their infinite wisdom decided to classify the Time Zone fix as an Update Rollup instead. So on Monday when we found that out I added Update Rollups to our WSUS synchronization and re-sync'ed. Now client PCs are getting the right patch installed.

But in the meantime we spent many many man hours fixing machines manually.

The lack of a real update patch for Windows 2000 meant that we had to manually run tzedit.exe on all Win2k boxes.
Ouch... and yea I am in the middle ware arena myself. So it was dependent on the OS's again except for a java runtime update that was needed but that really is pretty simple stuff.
As far as I am concerned with the servers, mine went smooth. I did have some problems with some applications that use proprietary databases that had some scheduling issues, which was solved by a server reboot. Luckily I don't handle those apps. Also, I don't manage our email system so I didn't have to worry about patching those