Dragon Age™: The Veilguard

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Given its performance thus far, Dragon Age the Veilguard is a flop. It's not on Concords level or anything but its far from being successful.
I think this very well is a flop as bad as Concord. It probably won't lose as much money as Concord but in other ways it's worse. Concord is one of the worst if not the worst flop in gaming history when looking only at financials, but it was also an attempt at a new IP. Veilguard is part of the very well known and loved Dragon Age IP. The name alone should have sold millions of copies immediately. That a game with such a strong IP behind it has sold this abysmally makes me think it's an even worse flop than Concord.
I am finding that it is not really an RPG as the choices are near meaningless. You need to recruit all companions it seems and can’t piss anyone off or make them die (thus far) unlike other RPG games. The linear narrative helps keep a tight story but also means it is an action game.

If we take out all the noise it is a decent action game with limited optionality in how you progress similar to some shooters of late.

Still a 7/10 from me. I am finally doing the Taash mission. Yeah the character design on that thing is weird af lol.
I am finding that it is not really an RPG as the choices are near meaningless. You need to recruit all companions it seems and can’t piss anyone off or make them die (thus far) unlike other RPG games. The linear narrative helps keep a tight story but also means it is an action game.

If we take out all the noise it is a decent action game with limited optionality in how you progress similar to some shooters of late.

Still a 7/10 from me. I am finally doing the Taash mission. Yeah the character design on that thing is weird af lol.

It’s so true: you can’t piss anyone off! Your party members are way too happy with you telling them what to do. LOL.

My first playthrough was a 7.5, but I might step it up to an 8 because I’m actually enjoying my 2nd time as a mage much more.

It’s just a fun game before Stalker 2.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amUwsAZH-PQ

Love the intro description. 😆

Instead of being an epic fantasy RPG, like say Dragon Age, it plays more like a friend simulator mixed with a group therapy visual novel, mixed with a high production fantasy action game, none of which is an RPG.

A friend simulator? A group therapy visual novel?

Honestly, dude, I think it’s a game you need to play pronto.
A friend simulator? A group therapy visual novel?

Honestly, dude, I think it’s a game you need to play pronto.
He played the entire game and yet his very informed views (including that of his wife who is a Dragon Age fanatic) still are not valid enough for you? 🤔

Color me shocked, no one other than polonyc2 is going take you seriously in this forum going forward😆
He played the entire game and yet his very informed views (including that of his wife who is a Dragon Age fanatic) still are not valid enough for you? 🤔

Color me shocked, no one other than polonyc2 is going take you seriously in this forum going forward😆
I also thought he was very fair with his critique of the game. He mentioned what works and what doesn't about the game.
He played the entire game and yet his very informed views (including that of his wife who is a Dragon Age fanatic) still are not valid enough for you? 🤔

Color me shocked, no one other than polonyc2 is going take you seriously in this forum going forward😆

What a ridiculous thing to post. This is a new low, even for you.

Reviews are for people who haven’t played a game.

I’m on my second playthrough.

I don’t play a game and then decide if I like it or not because someone with ‘very informed views’ has posted a YouTube video. Are you actually being serious? You can’t possibly be this insecure?

The only review that matters to me is my own. I don’t like or dislike games because of what some YouTuber and his wife say. You used the word valid. I think the word you’re actually searching for here is validate. Because that’s exactly what you’re doing. You’re frantically searching for YouTube videos that validate your opinion.

Any videos that don’t validate your opinion are, according to you, trash - you understand that you’re doing this, right? Or are you completely lacking self-awareness?

Actually, don’t answer.

Honestly, this was the lamest comment I’ve ever read at this forum. I’m supposed to change my mind about a game… because some fucking guy on YouTube has an opinion that more or less harmonizes with yours, not mine? Fucking arrogant, dude. Like, times ten.

Yeah, right… and I’m the one who shouldn’t be taken seriously. You need someone in your life to read your own posts to you out loud before you post them.
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Actually, you know what, since you’re doing it, Blade Runner, I guess you’ll be happy for me to do the exact same thing.

Here, then… from a person who is extremely knowledgeable and informed about video games because he’s been reviewing them for nearly 30 years!

I’m certain that you’ll find his comments ‘valid’. This video should sway you.

And, yes, he too played ‘the entire game’… oh my god!… and has ‘very informed views’.

View: https://youtu.be/fo-BSn2BRmg?si=9Qk-r17hpuSAzLNc

But just for the record… this reviewer didn’t sway my view of the game.

I played the game for myself and formed my own opinion.

Thanks for posting, Blade Runner
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No one here gives a fuck about changing your mind, cry harder.
I played the game for myself and formed my own opinion.
Congrats on wasting your time and money on this turd. In case its not already evident, I don't give two shits about your opinion.
Thanks for posting, Blade Runner
You are welcome. Happy to keep doing so in the future, especially when it gets your panties in such a bunch.

Gamers have spoken


Nearly a TOTAL DISCONNECT. Game journalism, like the MSM, is completely corrupt.
forbes is trash like msm, if you have some other evidence my mind is open but this seems to line up with most yt reviewers.

Just being review bombed Metacritic doesn't have safeguards to protect themselves from non consumers. Steam kinda does but Steam is just trash for reviews.
Professional critics are trash and have been for years. In the case of movies and music professional critics have been trash for decades. They are not relevant. It's the reason places such as IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and other review sites exist. No one trusted or took professional critics seriously because no one outside the professional critic arena agreed with them. The number of successful movies and shows which low critic ratings and high user ratings is proof that professional critics have a complete disconnect with users.

Professional video games critics are owned by the people making the games. Without the "access" professional critics are given by the companies making the games, said critics would be out of a job because their platforms wouldn't make enough money to continue. When you depend on the maker of a product to sustain your job, the maker of the product owns you. That's why you never see bad reviews from professional critics for games from any major studio. It's also why they give exceptionally high ratings to games which are otherwise trash. They either do what they're told or they lose their access and their jobs.
He's the critic who give Starfield somehting like a 9.5 or 10 right when it came out then backtracked months later after player reactions were negative. I'm guessing he wants to have it both ways: be a shill for AAA games while also having journalistic integrity.
BTW is this game being called Failguard at this point, like Starfail and Redfail?

It's seems almost like a coded message that the names the studios give these games are so similar to the word "fail" - it's as if like they know they are releasing trash. Hahaha.
Here, then… from a person who is extremely knowledgeable and informed about video games because he’s been reviewing them for nearly 30 years!
I've been gaming for almost 40 years, I don't need someone to review a game for me. In most cases I can very easily tell if I'd enjoy a game or not based on a few gameplay videos, while taking into account genre and developer. When I do watch a review it's mainly to determine if I'm buying a game in the first few weeks or waiting for a sale. There are maybe like two or three critics out there who's opinion I trust, ACG being the primary. I'm willing to bet most people on this forum are in a similar boat. Reviews are for children, non gamers and people looking for validation.
2023 and 2024 will go down i gaming history as the era of failed triple A games infested by woke ideology. Not that mainstream journalists would ever admit that since they'd be biting the hand that feeds.
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Seems another thread is going to get slammed.
Anyways I hit about level 19 or something and got Taash and the Necro dude. Not sure what is next but it’s fine for now. She made one statement thus far on she is fine with how she wants to be or something to that effect. It was out of place as Rook asked a completely different question lol.

Still playing this as it is a fun game even though highly repetitive. Not enough powers are unlocked fast enough and getting a single point per level is bullshit given how extensive the upgrade tree looks.
Still playing this as it is a fun game even though highly repetitive.
That can work for me if it is the "right" kind of repetitive. I don't even know that I have a good way to define it, but there are some games that are really repetitive, and yet I still enjoy, whereas others just feel like a job. Star Valor is one that is repetitive but I enjoy. It is a loot-n-shoot Diablo in Space procedurally generated game. As such it is doing a lot of the same shit over and over. Yet I find it highly entertaining.
BTW is this game being called Failguard at this point, like Starfail and Redfail?

It's seems almost like a coded message that the names the studios give these games are so similar to the word "fail" - it's as if like they know they are releasing trash. Hahaha.

Starfield did not do good relative to what the studio is used to and I assume its budget, but it isn't comparable to Redfall at all which was a complete flop. Vailguard seems to fall somewhere between the two.
Game growing on me. I am even indulging in sides now. Good game overall. 7.5/10. +0.5. About 20 hours in.
Game growing on me. I am even indulging in sides now. Good game overall. 7.5/10. +0.5. About 20 hours in.
Yup, it gets better.

Some of the later chapters are just fantastic. Second time is proving to be way more enjoyable than the first.

In hindsight, I actually kind of did buy into the pre-release hate. My expectations for this game were zero, and of course I assumed that this game would be dripping with DEI… and it just isn’t.
In 20 hours I have had 3 statements where you could consider some DEI agenda if you are going around looking for it. Even the writing has improved later in the game. My only problem is that it is taking ages to unlock new powers and having a 3 power limit is too constraining compared to previous DA games that I remember. I liked having option to rain fireballs, throw lightning, have an ice storm and then also some poison damage in previous games all at the touch of a number key. Here the 3 power bullshit makes me do too much inventory management and crap.
What is max level? Can you unlock more than one skill tree I have my point divided by two trees but going for a Grey Warden shield warrior. I'm level 16
Wonder if I should Start Over it's I could save my warrior saves incase I didn't like it. The thing is I spent alot of time to get where I am. Update: No way am I going to start over =) 11 hours is 11 hours that would take me 1-2 weeks to catch up on.

Just got to Taash the new map I'm currently at is great looking.
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the new map I'm currently in is great looking.

Some of the maps just floored me.

The art direction, the lighting, the fluid combat, the set-pieces in which dragons fly overhead or dark spawn hurtle past… the magnificent hair (which sets a new standard in gaming). These are some of the highest production values of 2024.

Also, for me, like Outlaws, this game is rear-loaded , and has a great ending. This game is my sleeper hit of the year.
Patch #3:


Quality of Life Changes:
  • Arrow keys can now be bound to input mappings.
  • Filters added to Photo Mode.
  • Screenshot file names from Photo Mode have been simplified, showing the date the photo was taken.
  • The File Path where screenshots are saved is now shown in game when a screenshot is taken through Photo Mode.
  • It is now easier to identify where an Enchantment has been applied to a companion’s equipment.
  • Adjusted the Glint option description in Settings.
  • New rings can now be compared against both equipped ring slots.
  • A notification now appears when the Crossroads’ Spirit Merchant is available.
  • Added new icons for some weapons.
Bug Fixes:
  • Eliminated the causes of a small number of crashes.
  • Rook's body shape no longer changes unexpectedly after a cutscene with Emmrich.
  • Adjusted an odd facial expression when Rook first meets Emmrich.
  • Fixed a rare issue where some of an existing Rook's settings got unintentionally reset after making and saving a new Rook. This fix is now also on consoles and retroactively affects saves on all platforms.
  • Adjusted the volume level of Spite's voice in some scenes.
  • Fixed some instances where music would incorrectly stop playing.
  • Fixed some instances where unintended music or sound effects would play.
  • Antaam Champions now correctly do slightly more damage.
  • Mage Rooks no longer shift to the right awkwardly after performing an extended dodge.
  • The Rogue Skill "Underdog's Bite" now correctly lists “Enhanced Damage” instead of “Empowered Damage.”
  • Fixed some instances where enemies could get stuck or were unreachable in some areas.
  • Fixed some instances where companions could get stuck on balance beams.
  • Bellara can no longer endlessly charge Rook’s Ultimate outside of combat.
  • Emmrich's attack stat is now displayed correctly at the start of the Where the Dead Must Go quest.
  • Fixed a bug where Emmrich was sometimes not available on the ability wheel during the Where the Dead Must Go quest.
  • Companions’ revives are now correctly refilled at the start of The Last Gambit quest.
  • The Kataranda now has its correct unique coloring.
  • Fixed an issue with the critical hit and penetration modifiers on the “Twin Edged Pick” Warrior weapon.
  • Taash's cape on the “Rivain’s Legacy” armor no longer stretches in cutscenes.
  • The Grey Warden “Recruit’s Simple Tunic” appearance no longer clips uncomfortably through Rook’s neck.
  • The “Mythals' Light” Mage weapon now does the intended amount of physical base damage (0).
  • The “Mythal's Light” Mage weapon now does physical damage to enemy health if a physical damage enchantment is applied.
  • Fixed instances where stat bonuses from some Treviso valuables were applied incorrectly.
  • Fixed instances where valuables with stat increases were not all visible in merchant stores.
  • Improved textures on various characters and environment objects.
  • Fixed an issue where VFX could become extremely bright.
  • Fixed several distance “pop-in” issues.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the camera to stutter when closing the eluvian interface.
  • Fixes several instances where quest objectives would not update correctly during some quests.
  • The On Deadly Wings quest can now be completed even if the A Slow Poison quest has not been fully completed.
  • The Mayor of D’Meta’s Crossing no longer appears in two places at once during the Lives Spared quest.
  • One of the Revenants will no longer fail to appear in the Crossroads.
  • Fixed an issue where a door would not open during the Heights of Athim memory in the Regrets of the Dreadwolf quest.
  • The intended 2D cinematic scene now plays after the Shadows Crossing quest.
  • Fixed an issue where the path forward could become blocked in the A Murder of Crows quest.
  • Fixed a blocking issue during the In Entropy’s Grasp quest.
  • Companions are now present when loading the first autosave made in the Isle of the Gods quest.
  • The HDR Calibration setting is now saved correctly between game sessions.
  • Prevented multiple instances where Rook could get stuck while exploring Thedas.
  • One of the "Watcher's Robe" appearance variations is now correctly granted after completing the Disrupt and Conquer memory.
  • Fixed a place in Arlathan Forest where Rook could get stuck in a drowning loop.
  • Fixed instances where Rook forgot they already had the lyrium dagger and could not interact with treasure chests and altars.
  • Codex entries that were already read will no longer be re-marked as unread.
  • Fixed an issue where the scrollbar could get stuck in the Codex screen.
  • Enchantments on abilities are now reset correctly when Skill Tree nodes are reset.
  • The Crossroads’ Spirit Merchant now shows the intended faction reputation gained for whichever city was blighted when selling valuables.
  • Fixed a rare issue where some Skill Tree nodes were sometimes unable to be unlocked.
  • Some adjustments to the game credits.
Still playing this as it is a fun game even though highly repetitive.
I mean, that's kind of the *point* of most RPGs. Throw in different enemies, give more combat options as time goes on, but overall combat is what it is.
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